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Background: Neonatal mortality is accounted for significant percentage of under 5 year old mortality rate. In spite of decline in child mortality rate and with huge progress in the field of neonatal medicine, neonatal and specially early neonatal death are one of the important causes of infant mortality rate so evaluating the causes of neonatal death and specially early neonatal death is very important in every geographic area. Therefore we decided to evaluate the early neonatal mortality rate and find out their etiologies in one of the referral hospital in Tehran. Methods: This is a retrospective and descriptive study which had been done In neonatal ward and neonatal intensive care unit of Shariati hospital during 8 years. All neonates who were born in this time period and expired within first week of life were evaluated for causes and time of death. registered information were analyzed. Results: 2050 neonates were born and 189 early neonatal death were recorded. More than half of dead neonates were under 2500 gram weight at birth and the most prevalent cause of death were respiratory diseases and then congenital anomalies. Conclusion: Because the most important cause of early neonatal death was low birth weight, maternal support during pregnancy and appropriate monitoring of fetal weight and health play an important role in declining neonatal mortality. Proper intervention for treatment of neonatal respiratory diseases will decrease neonatal death.

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Introduction: ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a neuro-behavioral syndrome that is characterized by a lack of attention, irritability, high activity, distressed behaviors, especially in boys. Materials and Methods: A cohort study was conducted on 120 children aged 6 years. 60 children with low birth weight (less than 2500 g) as exposed group and 60 children with birth weight more than 3000 g as non-cohort Exposure to information collection was collected through a questionnaire distributed to families. At the end of the study, the relative frequency of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorders in low birth weight children was investigated Results: The relative frequency of composite ADHD in the exposed group was 26/7% and in the non-exposed group was 18/3% (P-value: 0/274). The mean ADHD of the compound type in the exposure group was 5/060 and in the non-exposed group was 3/400 (P value: 0/033). In this study, the relative frequency of composite ADHD in terms of sex, feeding during infancy and birth was considered. The results showed that the p value was not significantly different, but probably not due to the quantitative size of the sample. Conclusion: Relative frequency of composite ADHD in children with low birth weight was 26/7%, but this level was not statistically significant, ie, ADHD is not associated with low birth weight. But in terms of medicine, this relative frequency is almost 1/5 times higher than the non-exposed group.

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In this study we answer this main question: what extent genetic and environmental factors affect children obesity? Research methodology in this article is a survey method. For data collection, 384 children between 6-12 years old have been randomly selected from girl’ s and boy’ s primary schools in Qom city. Descriptive and inferential statistics are used for analysis. Findings show that 19% of children under study are overweight and 13. 2% are obese and remaining has normal weight. Overweight and obesity is observed more in boys than girls, also this study shows that there is a significant relationship between genders, physical activity, fast food consumption, sleep debt, parental BMI and rate of the prevalence of childhood obesity, but there is not a significant relationship between age, family income and mother education level. So some effective factors that can be controlled must be considered like food type, physical activity and quality and quantity of children’ s sleep and necessary actions must be taken under planning two main factors.

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Background: Adaptability to exercise training can increase the plasticity of the brain, and whether this can be due to a beneficial change in the neurometabolites, is uncertain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate basal metabolic concentrations of cerebellum, including N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and Cholin(Cho) in athletes and compare them with non-athlete subjects. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 10 young wrestlers (age, 21. 71± 2. 06 years; weight, 71. 31 ± 5. 59; BMI, 23. 9 ± 1. 04; VO2max, 56. 03 ± 2. 41) and a history of wrestling exercises of at least 4 years, from Available community as an athlete group and 9 people (age, 21. 16± 1. 94 years; BMI, 24. 02± 2. 38; VO2max, 41. 25 ± 2. 45)They did not have a history of regular exercise as non-athletic groups, After conducting baseline assessments in the field of body composition and aerobic fitness, both groups performed MRS test to determine the values of NAA and Cho. Data were analyzed using independent t-tests at significance level of p<0. 05. Findings: In this study, the NAA/Cr levels of the athletes cerebellum (wrestlers) increased compared to the non-athlete group, and the results showed a significant difference between the two groups (0. 047). However, the cerebellar Cho/ Cr levels of athletes and Non-athletes were not significantly different in spite of the increase (0. 777). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study cerebellar neuro-metabolites in athletes showed higher levels compared to non-athlete groups.

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Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)is agramnegative bacterium thatcolonizes stomach mucosa andcausesupper gastrointestinal diseases. Interleukin-13 is a preventive immune cytokine produced by many immune cells. IL-13 gene is located on chromosome 5 q 25 bp. It has polymorphisms at positions-1512 A/ C and +2044 G/A, which are associated with the expression rate of this cytokine. The aim of this study is to investigate the serum level and polymorphisms of IL-13 gene in patients with H. pylori infection. Methods: In this case control study, DNA was isolated by salting out method from peripheral blood of 150 patients with H. pylori infection diagnosed by an expert. PCRRFLP was used to examine polymorphisms of IL-13 gene. The results were compared with 150 healthy controls by SPSS software and Chi-square test. Tostudy, the serum levels of IL-13 cytokine, serum samples of 40 patients and 40 controls were prepared and examined using ELISA kit. Results: According to the findings, there is a significant difference in (CI: 06/1-09/0, OR 32. 0 MB) GA (P = 0/005) and (08/1-52/0: CI, OR: 45. 0) GG (P = 0/045) genotypes at A/2044 G +, position between patients and the control group. No significant differences were observed at the position of-1512 A/C. Also, no significant differences were seen between serum level of IL-13 cytokine and H. pylori disease (P >. 0. 05). Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, it seems that GA and GG genotypes of interleukin-13 gene at position 2044+ make people more susceptible to H. pylori infection.

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the Effect of Empowerment of Employees on Knowledge Management with the Mediating Role of Information Technology. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 93 Employees in Alborz University of Medical Sciences, by random sampling in 2018. Information technology, knowledge management, and empowerment data were carried out using check list and standard questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done using correlation, regression method and pathway analysis in SPSS and PLS software. Results: The results showed that university staffs have high scores in the information technology (107) and empowerment (55). However, poor knowledge management skills (2. 7) were obtained. There was a significant relationship between empowerment and knowledge management directly and indirectly. Conclusion: The results indicated that the empowerment of employees through information technology would improve the knowledge management; this will make the university progress.

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Introduction: Background and Aim: Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the central nervous system, which affects the physical and psychological complications of the disease and its associated stress all aspects of the patient's life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of ontological cognitive therapy on fatigue, morbidity and perceived stress symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis. Materials and Methods: The method of the present study was experimental design with pretest and post-test design with control group. The statistical population of this study included all people with illness who referred to Iran Society of Iran in the spring of 201617, with 24 patients MS patients were selected as sample based on objective sampling based on semi-structured interviews and randomly divided into two groups of intervention (12 subjects) and control (n = 12). The intervention group received 10 weekly sessions on the effectiveness of Cognitive-Existential Therapy. The instruments used were Kissane's demoralization Syndrome (2004), Fatigue Scale and Perception Stress Questionnaire (Coon et al., 1983). Multi-variable covariance analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The experimental and control groups were based on demographic characteristics of age (years) (P <0/65), duration of diagnosis (years) (P <0/87), marital status (P <0/56), level Education (P<0/57), job status (P<0/45) were homogenized. Cognitive-Existential Therapy was used to decrease the scores of physical Fatigue (P<0. 01, F=12. 45), cognitive fatigue (P<0. 01, F=14. 35) social Fatigue (P<0. 01, F= 8. 13), and demoralization Syndrome (P<0. 01, F= 41. 28) perceived stress (P <0. 01, F=25. 75) were effective. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that using Cognitive-Existential Therapy has been able to improve the status of fatigue, demoralization syndrome e and perceived stress in patients with multiple sclerosis and promote their general health. Therefore, it can be used as an effective interventional technique for improving fatigue, demoralization syndrome and stress symptoms in patients with MS.

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Background and Aim: multiple sclerosis is a degenerative disease of central nervous system that causes a lot of psychological problems. the aim of this study was to investigate the cognitive, emotional and social factors in the psychological problems of patients with multiple sclerosis and healthy people. Material and Methods: the method of this study was descriptive from its comparative casual types. Statistical population of this study was all of patients with multiple sclerosis were referred to M. S association in the urmia. Sample of this study was 40 patients with multiple sclerosis were referred to M. S association in the urmia and selected by available sampling method. Data were analyzed by Multivariate Analysis of Variance and one-way analysis of variance. Results: The results of this study showed that there is significant deference between two groups in the variables of looming maladaptive style (F=6/526, sig: 0/002), negative problem-orientation (F=4/26, sig: 0/04), interpersonal emotion regulation (F=3/195, sig: 0/02), emotional processing styles (F=2/503, sig: 0/04), social desirability (F=18/29, sig: 0/000) and rejection sensitivity (F=4/00, sig: 0/049) and patients with multiple sclerosis get the higher scores in these variables but there is no differences between two groups in meta-worry. Conclusion: Many psychological problems that these patients experience are in part as a result of cognitive, emotional and social factors that have been studied in current study. Then, paying attention to these factors in the etiology and treatment of psychological problems of these patients can be a useful step in the reducing of these problems and improving of mental health in the patients.

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Soltani Edris | TORKMAN FARAH

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Background and Purpose: Sexual addiction includes actions, imaginations, and sexual attitudes It's very difficult to control it for a sex addict, and this leads to serious issues in their individual and social life. The present study, entitled Understanding Sexual Addiction in Connection with the Self-Concept of Sexual Addicts, seeks to examine the categories that have been formed in the experience of sex addicts. Materials and Methods: The method used in this research is qualitative and has been used in the research process from Grounded Theory. Data were collected using participatory observation method and deep interview technique. Finding: According to the purposeful sampling method and theoretical sampling and theoretical saturation criterion, 40 sex addicts participated in the research. According to the findings of this research, four categories including "fidelity and consolation, imposed isolation, self-reflection, and unstable trust" were developed. The results of the study showed that the sexual activity of addicted sex addicts is strongly influenced by their experiences and family-environmental interactions that this sexual activity has been exacerbated by the continuing illiteracy of the sex addicts due to the poor functioning of other social institutions such as educational and legal institutions. Discussion: Accordingly, four categories of research data were tied around the core of the "negative self-concept reinforcement sex addiction" core.

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Background: The most common work-related disorders are Musculoskeletal disorders. This disorder have a high incidenceamong dentists in the world. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of education in correction posture and reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: 60 dentists from Karaj city were examined In this Cross-sectional study in three groups(control، traning with pamphlet، training face to face ). Musculoskeletal disorders investigated with Nordic Questioner and REBA method. Data evaluated with paired t-test and ANOVA. Results: 60% of those who participated in this study have discomfort in your neck in the last 12 months. Neck pains have had a negative effect on 7/41% of dentist's activities. 40% of participants in the study suffered from shoulder disorders and 75% of participants suffered from back pain. 70. 4% of participate says the main cause of these disorders are their job. 50% of dentists suffering from wrist pain and the pain have been more common in the right wrist naturally. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between groups in the analysis of variance, As well Age and work experience of the three groups showed no significant difference. Training (face to face) and Education Pamphlet groups have been influential in face to face training and education with pamphlet and able to have a positive effect on the posture of Dentists a little.

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Background: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) lead to abnormalities in fetal central nervous system, till hippocampal and cortical cells became apoptotic. The goal of this research is investigating the effects of Gallic acid on improvement of cognitive impairments and nuclear factor kappa B (NFƙ B) in animal model of IUGR. Material and Methods: In this experimental study, 32 female rats from wistar race with weighing approximately 180± 25g were divided into 4 groups of 7. Control group: that did not receive any treatment. IUGR group: To induce IUGR of pregnant rats were under 50 % restricted diet from the 14 th day of pregnancy to childbirth. Experimental groups 1 and 2: pregnant rats subjected to a 50 % dietary restriction for induction IUGR from 14 th day of pregnancy to childbirth and from 12 th day of pregnancy to the birth of newborns, received 200 and 400 mg/kg gallic acid doses daily by gavage method. After the birth of pups, morphological evaluations were checked. Then, in 30 postnatal days working and passive avoidance tests and anxiety test were assessed. The serum level of NFƙ B was analyzed by ELISA. Results: The working memory and fear-based memory of IUGR rats was reduced significantly compared to the controls. In addition restricted diet leads to increase in NFƙ B and anxiety levels. Gallic acid was ameliorated working and fear-based memories and reduced serum level of NFƙ B and anxiety in treated rats. Conclusion: The findings suggest that restricted diet during pregnancy can cause behavioral cognitive disorders in rats. This is likely due to increased levels of pro-apoptic cytokine such as NFƙ B. The results also suggest that the neuroprotective effect of Gallic acid is likely to improve memory disorders in IUGR rat model.

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Falah Mohammad Ali

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Introduction: Traumatic injuries of the ureter constitute only 1% of the total traumatic injury of the genitourinary tract. Most penetrating ureter injuries occur during surgery. Ureteral injuries in cases of external trauma are often accompanied by the injury of the adjacent visceral bodies and may be disturbed by the prevalence of manifestations and signs of injury to other viscera. In cases where penetrating ureter trauma is neglected, the patient complaints of signs & symptoms of ureteral damage later. Among these complications, the formation of the fistula between the ureter and adjacent vessels, the vagina or skin rarely occurs. Patient presentation: The patient was a 56-year-old man who had come to our hospital with a history of falling on a rebar and entering the metal fractures in the right gluteal region about 20 days ago with a complaint of clear fluid leakage from the wound site. The patient was referred to another hospital at the time of the incident, and after discharge, he had no any symptoms. At that time, the result of the CT scan was normal. Several days after the initial accident, the patient went to our hospital with Transparent fluid leakage from wound site. An outflow fluid test showed urine. results of IVP and CT scan showed that there was a fistula between the ulcer site in the gluteal region and ureter. After completing the tests, the patient was transferred to the operating room and ureter was repaired and the fluid leak was completely discontinued. Conclusion: The ureteral trauma in more than one-third of all cases of multiple trauma are not considered. Because the complications of neglected trauma are numerous and sometimes very risky, the surgeon in each case of penetrating abdominal trauma should consider the possibility of ureteral damage. Presentation of ureterogluteal fistula in published articles are rare. The purpose of this article is to introduce this rare case.

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