Introduction In the Constitutional Revolution, Iranian women were politically and socially active alongside the men. They were involved in many events, including secret societies, demonstrations, freedom-loving groups. More importantly, the Iranian women were at the focal point of suffering amid the time of the Revolution, fighting against Mohammad Ali Shah’ s autocracy, until the Shah was forced to step down and there was a transition to the Constitution. Since then, the Iranian women contributed to political, cultural, and social developments, including developing women’ s journalism. Consequently, periodicals such as: Danesh, Shokoufeh, Zabane Zanan, Nameye Banovan, Alame Neswan, Jahane Neswan, Neswane watan khah and Neswane Sharq, joined other magazines. In this study, we are going to review one of the above magazines, Danesh (Knowledge), which was the first Journal to examine women’ s Journalism, i. e. first woman Journalist and first woman doctor in Iran. Conclusion The first women’ s Iranian journal was published in 1907 by a physician who was woman, while there are not any samples had been seen in middle-east region and in the Islam’ s world, the period when women in Iran were among the most modern women in the world. On 31st of August 1910, the permission to publish “ Danesh” by the name of Dr. Sommayeh Kahal was granted, which as was cited in the magazine, educating women & girls, promoting women’ s morality & house-keeping, bringing up kids, and healthcare, hygienic principles for women & kids were focused.