SLA research in recent years has taken an interest in task, and different task conditions as a source of variability. Two sources of variability are gender and topic among other things. The present study examined monologic oral performance of 20 male vs. 20 female Iranian EFL learners on participant rated LCIT (the least culturally inhibiting topic), vs. MCIT (the most culturally inhibiting topic) addressed to male vs. female teacher regarding fluency, complexity, and accuracy. Data analysis revealed the following results: a) fluency varied significantly due to gender, and topic separately, b) complexity significantly varied due to topic, and c) accuracy demonstrated significant statistical differences regarding teacher gender, participant gender, and the interaction of the two. Topic influenced variability, and finally the interaction of all the three variables, i.e. teacher gender, participant gender, and topic significantly influenced accuracy of participants’ speech. Implications of the study are discussed.