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The study is to investigate the cultural and social barriers of old women participation in public sport, using the theoretical framework of the Parsons Model Variables of Variation of Participation Goals, Lifestyle, Social Base, Social Relationship Network, Gender, Socialization and Disability. Individual interests were extracted. The research was conducted through survey method and a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data. The statistical population consisted of the elderly women in Tehran. Using Cochran formula, the sample was 286 persons. After approving the validity of the questionnaire, the sampling was performed by multi-stage cluster sampling method and data were collected. The results showed that lifestyle that is based on low mobility and the consequence of urban life is one of the barriers to participation in public sport. Individuals with limited social relationships, due to a lack of social awareness, reduce participation in public sport. Disability in the two dimensions of aging and gender that emerges from a cultural perspective is seen as a root cause for sport participation. On the other hand, the more goals people have for participating in public sports, the more they participate and the lack of diversity in goals reduces the motivation for participation. Alongside these factors, individual interest in sport facilitates sport participation in the female elderly relation between social status of old women and public sport. However, there was no significant correlation between gender socialization with the dependent variable at 95% confidence level.

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The study is to identify the factors that influence on the sport international relations in Iran, in view of Good Governance principles. The data collection method in this research was descriptive which was conducted as a field work in major domain of the two main national sport governing system, namely the Ministry of Sport and Youth (as the public sector) and Iranian National Olympic Committee (as the non-governmental sector). In addition, the present study was an applied cross-sectional survey in terms of time and nature of research method. The research method was mixed, using Delphi technique and confirmatory factor analysis “ CFA” . The statistical population consisted of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, as the public governmental sector and Iranian National Olympic Committee as the non-governmental sector. Sampling was done in both sections in total, and finally 150 correct, full-completed questionnaires were analyzed. The research tools included review of documents, semi-structured interviews, and a researcher-made questionnaire based on the "Global Basic Principles of Good Governance in the Olympics and Sports Organizations" provided by the IOC (2008). The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed through the related tests (Lawshe method, Cronbach’ s Alpha) by experts. After data collection, they were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods by SPSS21 and PLS version 3 statistical packages. The results showed the model fit indices have acceptable and desirable value and the research model is confirmed (RMSEA=0/069 and CFI=0/918). The highest factor loadings were related to “ integrity and independency” (λ =0/866), then Transparency (λ =0/850), responsibility (λ =0/793), Discipline (λ =0/781), Accountability (λ =0/709), Rule of law (λ =0/651), and Participation and Democracy (λ = 0/613). The present results may help the national sport system to find the priorities of International Relations based upon the G. G factors to prevent the loss of tangible and intangible assets in this area.

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This study seeks to find how young people express barriers to their marriage by using the qualitative method. Information obtained from 25 semi-structured interviews. The outcome shows that an important issue in preventing young people from getting married is unemployment, which reduces the confidence in running a post-marriage life. Uncertain fate is another obstacle that arises due to the unpredictability of life trajectories. Meanwhile, the family's inability to support their young people's marriages is another obstacle that increases the severity of the problem. Another significant obstacle to marriage is the prolongation of the transitional period that we analyze as "the transitional trap". The rush hour of life is another factor that prevents young people from getting married. An essential issue that women suggest is the fear of not being elected. The anxiety of restricting young people's freedom is another issue that participants propose. These circumstances create a situation in which young people prefer making relationships outside the marriage. This matter in the marriage atmosphere arouses mistrust to opposite sexes and develops the fear of getting married. In some cases, participants suggested unfamiliarity with marriage and married life as another obstacle to marriage. Finally, some participants stated that marriage became an unreachable task.

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Widespread and increasing access to the internet among young people and their inevitable exposure to unconventional sexual content from an earlier age has raised great concerns because of its adverse cognitive, psychological, behavioral and social influences on youth. The study is to explore structural factors in viewpoint of adolescents which underlie pornography consumption in internet and cyberspace among youth. Hence, a qualitative study with interpretive approach and content analysis method was conducted and in-depth interviews was performed with 54 adolescent's males and females aged 15-18 years in Tehran in 2016 employing a purposeful sampling method. Emerging structural factors in the macro and medium level underlie pornography consumption among adolescents comprised of: 1. Paradoxical sexual values in the society, 2. Inconsistency between the soft cultural attack and the efforts of national mass media in enhancing media literacy, 3. A purposeful and smart structure of cyberspace and internet for absorbing audiences to access to sexually explicit materials in internet and cyberspace and finally, 4. Inefficiency of school system in enabling youth in media and media literacy particularly in the field of sexual vulnerability. Therefore, policymakers and authorities of youth affairs need to be aware of value changes and its role in youth vulnerability in exposure to sexually explicit material in internet and cyberspace and some appropriate intervention in media and schools needs to be introduced consistent with such changes, particularly against social and sexual harms in cyber space.

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Social networks are the new media that are built based on public participation. Today, users especially young people spend a considerable amount of time in cyberspace daily. So, these networks have become an influential factor in many components of people's lives. The study is to identify the goals, extent and manner of use of virtual social networks by the youth in Hamedan province and also the effect of these networks on four variables of youth religious orientation, ethics, academic achievement and leisure. The statistical population consisted of all people aged 18 to 35 years in Hamedan province. The statistical sample size of the study included 412 people which was calculated using Cochran's formula. The research measurement tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with a Likert scale that its face and content validity was confirmed by experts. Also, 0/79 reliability using Cronbach's alpha value was acceptable. The findings indicated the negative effect of these networks on religious orientation and morals of young people, its positive effect on academic activities and academic achievement, and the lack of significance regarding the effect of social networks on youth leisure. The results showed that most young people spend 1-2 hours a day using social networks. Also, the social networks of Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, Eitaa, and Soroush Plus are at the top of the most popular foreign and domestic social networks, and chatting and searching on Instagram are the most frequent behaviors of young people in these networks.

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The study is to codify the effective strategies and consequences of sport for all sponsorship in Iran. Regarding the exploratory nature of the subject, qualitative research method was used. Theoretical saturation was achieved after 21 deep and semi-structured interviews with experts and managers of sport for all and sponsorship fields. Categories were identified after completing the process of coding and data abstraction. Purposive and snowball sampling was done until theoretical saturation. The data analysis was done in three steps: open, axial and selective coding by using MAXQDA software. The open coding results indicated that 45 codes could affect the financial support of Iran's public sport. Then, in axial coding, the codes classified in 6 concepts contains development of attracting sponsors, infrastructure to attract sponsors, improving rules for sponsors, benefit from Expert Persons, interacting with the media and granting funds to sponsors. Two concepts classified for consequences contain the benefits of financial support for federation and benefits of financial support for sponsoring companies. According to the results, effective steps can be taken using the proposed strategies for the development of Sport for all.

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The study is to identify the effect of leadership styles on job enthusiasm with the mediating role of their glass cliff phenomenon in female managers of sports organizations of Iran. The methodology of this research is applied in terms of purpose and data collection was descriptive-correlation that was done as a survey. The statistical population was all female managers working in sports organizations throughout the country. The statistical sample of this study was selected according to the unlimited population using the random cluster sampling method (n=400). The research tools were Chalushtari Transformational-Interactive Leadership Styles Questionnaire (2010), Lab Service Server Leadership (1999), Shaofli and Salanova's Job Enthusiasm (2007) and Nasiri Cliff Glass (2015). The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by sports experts. The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated through Cronbach's alpha of 0/87, 0/89, 0/90 and 0/87, respectively. Data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics and with the help of SPSS & PLS softwares occurred. The results showed that there is a negative and significant effect between the leadership styles of managers and the phenomenon of glass cliff and between the phenomenon of glass clif on women's job desire. Leadership styles also affect managers' job enthusiasm. Finally, the positive and significant effect of managers' leadership style on job enthusiasm was confirmed through the mediating role of glass cliff. Overall, based on the findings of the study, it can be stated that given today's changes, especially in the environment where women are managers, managers can be effective in increasing women's job aspirations by using leadership styles and dimensions.

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The research is to assess the influence of intellectual capital (human capital, structural capital, and communication capital) on the innovation of staffs in the Ministry of Sport and Youth of Iran. The research methodology is applied descriptively. The population included all of the staffs of Ministry of Sport and Youth (772 people). According to Morgan's table, 260 people were selected through method of stratified random sampling. The research tools included standard questionnaire of intellectual capital (Bontis et al., 2000) and questionnaire of organizational innovation (Sa'atchi et al., 1389). Their reliability was determined as 89/9 and 0/093, and the content validity was confirmed by the professors of sports management. To assess the relationship between variables, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and to evaluate the causal link between variables, the model of structural equations by Spss and Lisrel software was used. The results showed that human capital, structural capital and communication capital are of positive significant influence on organizational innovation in Ministry of Sport and Youth. According to values of factor loads, it has been observed that human capital is of largest influence on organizational innovation. Finally, it can be mentioned that the organizations which have high levels of intellectual capital accelerate organizational innovation through inspired new knowledge and ideas and increased cognition abilities and using them. This type of intellectual capital will create major innovations in new services and processes by creating new competitive opportunities, as well as the use of new knowledge and technologies.

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The research is to identify the strategies and implications of the presence of women in sports complexes as spectators. The research method was descriptive-analytic with qualitative approach and Delphi method was used for this purpose. The participants were the academic elite of sport management across the country, clerics and law enforcement personnel. The first-round participants were 23, and the second and third round participants were 16. Three rounds of Delphi were used in this regard. The Delphi questionnaire in the third round consisted of 6 components in the strategies section and 4 components in the outcomes section. Based on an agreement among experts, removing political, security, cultural-social, infrastructure, economic, management and planning barriers beside providing infrastructures were some solutions to dispel doubts. These included important strategies for women to be present. The consequences of women's presence were political, security, economic, and socio-cultural. Promoting political and democratic status in the region and the world, reducing the gap between the government and the will of the people, reducing political pressure on human rights violations are important consequences of women's participation in sports complexes.

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Taghi Raeissadat Seyyed Mohammad | MOTTAGHI AFSHIN | Sadjadi Seyyed Nasrollah | RABIEI HOSSEIN

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Sport as a reality and social behavior can be a space for manifestation and representation of identity-seeking behaviors and actions. This is especially true in today's world of communication and information and the growing popularity of several sports. Identity-seeking is one of the mainstreams of nationalism. At present time, states indulge in globalization, and meantime nationalism and identity issues are still in favor of nations and states. The research is to study the role of sport in constructing identity orientations by surveying. A questionnaire was developed to evaluate the opinion of 120 faculty members and doctoral students in sport management and political geography about the impact of sport on the identity indicators (including national identity, nationality, and nationalism, and nation-state). The results showed that sport has an impact on the formation of identity orientations. Sport can be a place to express and strengthen national identity, such as winning 60 gold medals from Iranian athletes at the 2012 London Olympics. Nationality and nationalism can also manifest in sports competitions and exert their political and geopolitical influence, such as Qatar's 2019 Asian Cup win, which became a means of displaying Saudi Arabia's imposed geopolitics. Sport can also affect the nation-state building process. Therefore, it is recommended that the managers, authorities, and politicians pay attention to the role of sport in identity and nationalism issues as a principal strategy in Iran’ s national macro policies.

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Today, sport is of wide range. Sport is a symbol of peace and coexistence, tolerance and mutual acceptance, the basis and organizer of ethnic relations around the world, under the umbrella of peace and security. The study is a sociological analysis of new approaches to Olympic sports in the development of international peace and friendship. The method of the study within quantitative and qualitative formats and in terms of applied purpose and data collection, was descriptive. By reviewing the literature related to this field and conducting qualitative interviews (content analysis) with 12 experts in the field of Olympics, the elements and items of the development of international peace and friendship in Olympic sports were identified. The statistical population included 37 senior sports directors of the Olympic field, and the statistical sample of the interviewees ranged from snowball technique to theoretical saturation. After coding and analyzing the interviews, a questionnaire was then developed. In the quantitative part, descriptive statistics, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and t-test were used to analyze the data to determine the appropriateness of the model. The SPSS-22 and LISREL were the softwares used in the study. In exploratory factor analysis, the analysis of 41 items of the initial questionnaire used the method of analysis of the main elements with vertical rotation and Varimax technique and the value of the reliability index based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient was equal to 0/799. Also, four components were identified as key factors in the new Olympic approach to peace and friendship, with a total impact of 56/823%.

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The study is to assess the level of organizational strategic intelligence in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. The purpose was practical and based on the data collection method, it was a descriptive survey. The research population was the staff of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (about 800 people). Using the Morgan table, the sample size was 260. In addition, available or contingent non-probability sampling was used to collect the data. In this study, according to the approach and type of research variables, Hosseini et al (2012) questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire was designed by the authors based on previous research on the concept of strategic intelligence. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0/847 and its content and construct validity were confirmed. The findings showed that the level of strategic intelligence in the Ministry of Sport and Youth was above average. It was also found that the level of extracurricular and intra-organizational intelligence and their components in the Ministry of Sport and Youth were above average. Accordingly, it is suggested that the Ministry of Sports and Youth implement this program, i. e. Strategic Intelligence in other affiliated organizations, identify and strengthen its strengths and weaknesses in the field of strategic intelligence in order to analyze and improve its information analytics and increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

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The research is to design a model for developing sports tourism with emphasis on natural factors in Lorestan Province. The research method was a descriptive-survey based on structural equation modeling and in terms of purpose was applied research that was conducted in the field. In this study, after determining the research model, all tourists in lorestan province were selected as the population and according to the Cochran formula and cluster sampling, method 384 people were selected as the research samples. Data collection tools in this study were based on experts ' opinions including 4 dimensions. The natural factors studied in this study include infrastructure, natural attractions, ecology and proper sport activity with the nature of lorestan province. In terms of formal validity and content validity, professors and experts approved the questionnaires. Using cronbach's alpha coefficient the reliability, the construction dimensions was 0/96, natural attractions were 0/95, ecology was 0/90 and sports activity was 0/95 To analyze the data, table of descriptive statistics, chart, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics, skewness and kurtosis, and Swara and structural equation model were used. The results obtained from T-test showed that the natural factors investigated in this study were respectively infrastructure (23/862), natural attractions (20/928), ecology (27/907), and appropriate sport activity with the nature of Lorestan Province (22/374) Which are of a significant effect on the development of sport tourism in lorestan province. In coclusion, authorities must draw their attention to all of the natural factors’ variables in order to desighn developing tourism model.

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Given the importance of private sector investment in the sports industry, the research is to develop a model of private sector investment factors with emphasis on national and international sporting events. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytical in terms of data collection. In the qualitative part of the research, 30 individuals were targeted and in the quantitative part based on the Cochran formula, 200 persons consisting of former and current heads of sport federations, managers of private and public sport clubs, managers of sponsored companies, former and current officials of Physical Education Organization and the Ministry of Sport and Youth, young people, some economists and lawyers familiar with the subject of sport economics, physical education professors and other experts, and all members of the Iranian Ministry of Sport and Youth' think tank were selected as the case study. To achieve the goals, a researcher-made questionnaire of 53 questions was used. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 15 experts and the construct validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha was higher than 0/07 for all constructs and the whole questionnaire. Delphi method in three stages was used for data analysis in qualitative part. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis were used in the quantitative section with SPSS 22 software. The results showed that economic factors as the most important and the first category (0/0325), management factors (0/0278) in the second place, cultural factors (0/0267) in the third rank, legal and legal factors (0/0213) in the rank Fourth, and structural factors (0/0193) affect private equity investment and participation in national and international sporting events. Providing economic, managerial, and cultural solutions as the most important components can stimulate private investment and participation in the Iranian sports industry.

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The study is to determine and explain the components of focal job competence of professional athletes. The study is an applied descriptive-survey. The research population was included aware people of the research subject, managers, professors, coaches and career counselors in the field of professional sports in the country. The sample estimate was determined in terms of sufficient number for analysis in Smart PLS software (35 people) and was sampled purposefully. To collect the data, a researcher-made questionnaire of focal job competence of professional athletes was used which consisted of 16 main components and 84 items after validation and reliability. Data analysis was performed using the third version of Smart PLS software. The results showed 16 focal job competencies identified for athletes were lifestyle, case competencies, job attainment, job selection, health, environment, job retention, strategic, business, psychology, impact, International, software, leadership, political and sports management. All of these dimensions were significantly explained the structure of the professional competencies of professional athletes. Based on the research results, it can be said that the focal job competencies of professional athletes have a wide variety of different competencies. Therefore, the career path of athletes is of a dynamic and complexity skill.

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Striving for social responsibility helps sports clubs have a positive impact on progress, work, and society. The study is to design a model of social responsibility for Tehran's Esteghlal sport club. This research was conducted with the aim of expanding the knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of responsibility of the Independence Club. This research is also of qualitative nature based on the data search. The statistical population of the study included experts (managers and practitioners of Esteghlal Sport and Cultural Club and faculty members). Purposeful sampling and snowball sampling techniques were used for in-depth interviews. A total of 11 interviews were conducted with experts. In fact, the sampling continued to the point (11 interviews) until the theoretical saturation was sufficient. After studying the theoretical foundations, the raw data were obtained from in-depth interviews with elites and experts and analyzed simultaneously with the interviews and based on the qualitative content analysis approach with the inductive approach. To determine the reliability of the data (which is equivalent to reliability and validity in quantitative research), two transcoding methods used by other researchers and members of the review. The results showed that the main areas of social responsibility of Esteghlal Club included economic, transparency, cultural, ethical, legal, benevolent, environmental and scientific responsibilities. The challenges of the Esteghlal Club in the area of social responsibility are structural, behavioral and contextual barriers. Social responsibility strategies for Esteghlal were in two basic strategies or with macro level and operational strategies. Eventually, the main implications for the role of the Independent Club's social responsibility include the business consequences and the behavioral consequences. On this basis, it can be said that sports clubs focusing on social responsibility can promote social benefits beyond the interests of the club and what the law requires.

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