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The Olympic Games have a variety of historical and social aspects that one of the most appealing and important areas are gastronomy of Games. This study aims were an analysis on gastronomy issues of the modern Olympic Games from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century. Methodology is Documentary and library. The required information is obtained by collecting, categorizing and analyzing books, articles, reports, sources of Persian and Latin published on the Olympic Games. The research findings showed that the gastronomy issue of the Games from the beginning has undergone many changes in various aspects, including planning, organizing, co-ordination, leading and control and in terms of management, each Olympics has made many progress, and overall research findings are somehow a reflection of the evolution of gastronomy issue in the era of the Olympic Games. The findings also represent innovations in the gastronomy issue of each round of the Olympic Games that hosts in each era make their best efforts to give their culture their culinary dimension to the whole world. According to the findings of the research, it can be concluded that the discussion of gastronomy major sporting events, including the Olympic Games, has a lot of managerial dimensions and by knowing these aspects, we can manage these events in a desirable manner.

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The purpose of this study was to Results model design Outsourcing of sports venue management of Youth and Sports General Directorate of Khorasan Razav by ISM model. The present research is qualitative research with a descriptive-analytical nature and in type of applied research that has been carried out through interpretive structural method. The statistical population of the study consisted of 15 faculty members and sport management and sports experts in sports federations selected by selective sampling according to their education and experience and their previous acquaintance with the subject of research. Firstly, through the Delphi process, interviews with experts and library research, research items were identified as 39 items. Subsequently, the components were compiled by the experts and finally, 8 components were identified for the items. At this stage, interpretive structural process was implemented and the relationship between the components was determined and identified at the first, and in the next step, also the indirect communication of the components was included in the table. At the end, the leveling of the components was done and the final model of the research was obtained and the MICMAC analysis of the power of influence and dependence of components of the structural-interpretative model was determined. The findings showed that the components have 5 levels as the better management and maintenance at the end and the base of model, and Comply with the requirements of law and political at the first and top of the model. According to the findings, it is recommended by outsourcing the possibility of sports, sports organizations can help make these places more productive and more profitable for the sports and youth organization.

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The purpose of the present study is to develop a model of the effects of organizational futurism on policy making in the Iranian sports industry. The method of this research is descriptive and survey type and in terms of purpose is applied research. The statistical population of the study consists of managers and specialists in the field of research. In the first stage, the documentary technique was used to develop the framework that requires discovery and interpretation, and in the next step, structural equation modeling was used to design the model more precisely and to complement the details of the model and the effective factor relationships. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution with partial least squares (PLS) approach were used for data analysis. The results showed that organizational foresight had an impact on sport structure and system with a coefficient of 0. 59. Organizational foresight has a significant effect on sport participation with a coefficient of 0. 460. Organizational foresight has significant effect on financing with a coefficient of 0. 454. Sport structure and system have a significant effect on sport policy making with a coefficient of 0. 287. Sport participation has a significant effect on sport policy making process with a coefficient of 0. 555. Financing has no significant effect on sport policy making process with coefficient of 0. 013. The GOF value for the research model has an acceptable coefficient (0. 326) indicating that the model has a good overall fit.

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The efficiency and success of organizations largely depends on their human resources. Therefore, organizations should also pay attention to the factors that affect the employees and the progress of their organization. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between organizational justice, organizational citizenship behavior, job stress and work-family conflict in the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs and the National Olympic Committee of Iran. 230 staff of these organizations completed the research measurement scales. In order to investigate the relationships between research variables, structural equation modeling was used using LISREL software. The findings of confirmatory factor analysis showed that organizational justice had a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior and there was a significant inverse relationship between organizational justice and job stress. An increase in organizational citizenship behavior reduces job stress and the effect of job stress on work-family conflict is significant. And in general, the model has a good fit. In general, it can be concluded that, having a correct and accurate view of the organization and recognizing its influential components by managers and applying the right approach to guide employees can lead the organization to success, and the results of this research can help managers and organizations to achieve this. Therefore, it is suggested that managers of organizations take steps towards the excellence and success of their organization by strengthening justice and organizational citizenship behavior and reducing job stress and work-family conflict.

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The aim of this study is to compare the effect of corrective exercises with and without vibration on range of motion in the frontal plate in female Badminton players. The subjects of this quasi-experimental study included 36 female badminton players with neck and shoulder deformities in Karaj city who participated in this study in a purposeful manner and were randomly divided into three identical groups of 12 corrective exercises, corrective exercises with vibration and control. Preliminary evaluation of shoulder deformity was performed using a manual inclinometer. To evaluate the range of motion of the shoulder and neck joints, a clinometer application that can be installed on iPhones was used. The correction training protocol included an 8-week neck and shoulder correction training program according to the NASM approach using (myofascial release, lengthening, activation, cohesion and integration). The second experimental group, in addition to corrective exercises, also had vibration intervention. Correction exercises (supplementation) were performed with vibration in two parts: flexibility and strength. Flexibility exercises were performed at the beginning of the session with a frequency of five to 18 Hz and a range of two to four millimeters. In contrast, strength training had a frequency (eventually) of 50 Hz, and the person trained on the machine for a maximum of two minutes. Complementary vibration exercises were performed in three to four sets of two minutes (maximum), with a rest of 60 to 90 seconds. Hypotheses were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey post-hoc test. The results showed that corrective exercises with and without vibration increased the range of motion of the neck and shoulder joints of female badminton players in the frontal plate, but there was a significant difference between the effects of corrective exercises with and without vibration on the range of motion of the frontal plate in female badminton players.

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Football is the most popular and attractive sport, which has interactions with various institutions and structures of society and sports infrastructure. Due to the unique characteristics of football compared to other sports, including many fans and spectators, and influencing it in areas such as politics, media and national and regional identities, and most importantly, its many positive functions as any phenomenon Social also has negative functions such as violence, aggression and vandalism. Spectator hooliganism is one of the negative consequences of spectators in sports, and the sport of football, due to the large number of spectators, provides a favorable environment for its occurrence. Although spectator mobs are sometimes associated with criminal offenses such as litigation, intentional assault, and destruction of property, for criminal law reasons they cannot use their full potential in the face of spectator mobs, often with the development of criminal liability. Legal (clubs) and excessive recourse to fines are trying to counter this phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to identify the most important theories presented in the field of vandalism and aggression. In the present study, while explaining the generalities of how to deal with criminal law with spectator mobs, in particular, the specific characteristics of football spectators and the problems of dealing with the collective behavior of spectators as the most important challenges that caused criminal law to not exceed its maximum capacity to deal with this phenomenon. Use, checked.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management processes and human resource empowerment in the members of the martial arts federation (Muay Thai-Savateh). The research method is a survey-correlation. The statistical population of this research is composed of all employees of Muay Thai and Savate associations (100 people) in the martial arts federation. Sample size is set to 100. To collect the data, Hemmati Knowledge Management Questionnaire (2010) and Van's Empowerment Questionnaire (2005), the statistical analysis of the research data is based on Pearson correlation test and using SPSS software. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between knowledge management processes in employees with the amount of empowerment in them in Muay Thu style. This correlation is 0. 83, and with the knowledge management processes in the staff, the level of ability is also elevated. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge management processes in the staff with the amount of empowerment in them in the Savate style. This correlation is about 0. 71, and with the knowledge management processes in the staff, the level of ability is also rising. Overall, the results of the analysis showed that knowledge management processes are in a desirable situation in the field of employee empowerment.

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