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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the main concerns of Iran’ s educational system is identifying the best method to foster entrepreneurial spirit among the students. Regarding the major contribution of entrepreneurs in economic growth and sustainable development, it is suggested that what the appropriate pattern to form and develop entrepreneurial spirit among vocational and technical students is. In order to reach this pattern, a qualitative approach and grounded theory method were used. The data was collected during an in-depth interview with 21 entrepreneurs who graduated from the Technical-Vocational school. After analyzing the data, 195 initial codes were obtained, in which they were grouped in 85 conceptual codes, then in 31 subcategories, and finally in 19 categories. Deep analysis of experience and values of the participants led to the formation of a middle-range theories. The pattern obtained from this study shows that the main category leading to the creation of entrepreneurship is the individual’ s tendency to innovation, which makes creating entrepreneurial activity desirable. If a person is affected by intermediary conditions such as "opportunity diagnosis", "work experience" and "capital (human, social and economic)" and environmental conditions such as "market situation" and "support of social and cultural norms" and finds tendency to innovation possible, follows strategies of "the intent to create innovative work", "sociality", "supplying capital" and "pragmatism" which results in entrepreneurial activity.

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Cultural knowledge, like all value-creation assets, is tacit and more effective. The aim of this study was identify the components of humanities culture in Tehran city universities. To this end, different disciplines of the humanities: Law, Management, Education, Geography and Sociology were studied. The research method was qualitative and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Using intensity sampling, subjects were selected for interview and interviews data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings of this study, the cultural components of disciplines studying were categorized into 9 themes: Purpose of Education, Media of Education, Teaching Method, Evaluation Method, Research Method, Teacher-Student Relationships, Academic Ethics, Attitude to Students and Attitude to Students. These disciplines differ on two levels, intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary. The interdisciplinary level is influenced by external or meta discipline factors, university and society which are often overlooked in studies. Therefore, to improve these components is suggested that cultural change planning be on the agenda of educational policymakers.

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Every child experiences numerous exposures to illness in her life. In addition, about 20% of children have a chronic illness. Therefore, The purpose of this study was to analyze the critical discourse of education documents under the concept of illness in order to study the special aspects of the education of sick children. Since discourse analysis is a qualitative and interpretive method, the validity and reliability of the research are examined through rational discussions of the findings, the power of speech, and the author's expression. The results show that the dominant discourse regarding the education of sick children in Iran's current educational curriculum is a passive one that deals only with the Physical health of the child and prevention of her illness and neglects the quality of the child’ s living, Mental effects of the disease. The consequences of this negligence can be clearly seen in the outputs of the educational curriculum, including the content of elementary school textbooks, in which there is only a deteriorative and passive dealing with the disease to the extent that illness is compared with disability. As far as it can be said Illness and especially sick children, An null curriculum in the education of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Since the process of teaching-learning and how to act between a teacher and a student is one of the most fundamental issues in educational systems. Students' perceptions in this regard clarify the various issues of finding and concealing academic culture. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the factors influencing the selection of a supervisor from the point of view of postgraduate students. 39 qualitative interviews with graduate student, were discussed. 19 of the notification, the students of law and political science and 20 of the notification, the students of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and sampling were done purposefully. The data were analyzed according to choice theory Glacier and subjective coding. The results showed factors influencing the selection of a supervisor from the point of view of postgraduate students at the two schools, according to multiple sub-categories, fall into seven main categories: 1. the imagery of those conditions towards the end of training. 2. Cognitive perceptual channel business through them. 3. The idea that the capabilities and characteristics of their supervisor. 4. Imagine that compared to their field of study. 5. The idea of the economic, cultural, political country. 6. Perception that affect social behavior. 7. Idea about themselves and their future. Researchers analysis of these categories, there are systems thinking, is among the students in selecting a supervisor. For the perception of students in the academic advisors conceptual structure was designed, the different steps are: 1. Determine the required self-assessment 2. Route 3. Evaluation 4. Select.

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The present study was conducted to present the indigenous model of care for high school principals. The research method was descriptive-survey with emphasis on structural equations. The statistical population of the study included all principals, teachers of secondary schools in Sanandaj in the academic year 1396-97 (2477 people). To validate the model, 350 people were selected using Cochran's sampling formula by cluster random sampling method. The instrument used was the researcher-made scale scale based on the network of qualitative research topics. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 92. Formal validity and its content were confirmed by experts. Data analysis was performed by confirmatory factor analysis to determine the validity of the model using SPSS and AMOS software. The research results showed: The developed model of care for school principals has good fitness characteristics and all the components of the proposed model have structural validity.

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The purpose of this research project was to determine the effects of incorporating concept mapping on the achievement of sixth grade students in science class. The study was conducted with 23 students on Elementary School in Khoy. The students were tested with teacher-constructed pre-and post-tests containing 20 multiple-choice questions. The pupils in the experimental and control groups were exposed to the same teaching techniques covering a unit on Force. They were given the same pretest after the initial lessons. However, after the pretest, the control group was given a traditional oral review of the material and the experimental group was exposed to the review by the use of Inspiration, which is computer based concept mapping tool. After these reviews, the students on both groups were given the posttest. Test scores were analyzed for any statistically significantly difference in the scores on the test. The results from present study indicate that concept mapping has a noticeable impact on student achievement in science classes.

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The present quasi-experimental study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of attentional bias correction software on optimism in a pretest-posttest design with control group. The software was designed and built by the researchers. The statistical population consisted of all students of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences of Iran University of Medical Sciences in the academic year of 1996-97. Randomized to four experimental groups, each consisting of 15 subjects and a control group of 15 individuals. The experimental groups were divided into four groups: the first group played a positive face selection game among other facial emotions. The second group played the game of choosing positive images from other images in the field of animated and inanimate nature. The third group had to choose a word with a positive meaning from neutral words. The fourth group played a combination of all three groups above. Scheier et al. 's (1994) optimism questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analyzed by SPSS software using mixed analysis of variance. The results showed that the designed software had sufficient content and differential validity and the results suggest that the use of facial expressions, words, combined group and animated and inanimate images on optimism was more than the control group. This difference was also significant at the follow-up stage. Also, the largest increase in optimism was related to the use of facial expression images.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the Antecedents and organizational consequences of the professional learning of teachers. The statistical population of the study was teachers in Tabriz. The sampling method was cluster sampling, which selected between three districts of 1, 3, 4 from Tabriz's five educational districts and considered as the statistical sample among all selected schools in all of their schools, except for the schools of Tizhhoshan. Data were collected by using standard questionnaires of the Hui school Enabling School Structures, Collective Hui and Copper Smith, Scientific emphasis of Schnannoruran et al., Baron and Kenny's professional learning, the Oliver, Hip, and Lake Professional Learning Cummunity will be compiled. Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the highest significant correlation was related to the relationship between academic emphasis and professional learning community and the least significant correlation was related to the relationship between enabling school structures and professional learning. The mediating role of professional learning in relation to variables was confirmed. According to the research results, attention to the antecedents and organizational consequence of professional learning will lead to improvement of teachers' professional learning community.

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The era of modernism is one of the most significant and current in human history, especially in the field of radical scientism and natural theology. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of scientism on the spiritual levels of human life, with an emphasis on the anthropology of modernism. Therefore, the context and mechanism of science are studied first, and then its effects, considerations, and educational interventions in the field of spirituality are examined. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the results show that because of the transformative movements in the modern era, meaning in scientific systems is being revised, so that the weakening of spirituality is inevitable; this is due to anthropology It is the non-monopoly that is created during this period. In this period, because of the prevailing quantitative attitude in science, the change of the philosophical definition of causality to the scientific definition and the biomechanical effects, the scientific approach became fully authority and led to a weakening of spirituality.

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Keykha Batul

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This research deals with the analysis of the necessity of moral training in cyberspace and its obstacles by qualitative phenomenology method from the visions of women. The purpose of this research is determining the position of moral training in cyberspace with emphasizing the religious ethics. For this purpose, the visions of the research community were gathered together by Semi-structured exploratory interviews with open-ended questions. Then the data was analyzed byColaizzi'smethod. According to the findings, the most important challenges that have turned the cyberspace moral training into an important necessity are: disagreement in the principles of moral training, from the users’ vision and lack of it in real space, the users attempt for attracting more audiences by each possible way, weakness and unawareness of users of usage culture of cyberspace capacities. The results indicated that it is useful to achieve the goal and removing barriers by utilization of educational guidelines and Islamic moral teachings such as belief in the eternal presence of God, highlighting human identity of users, recommend to moral behavior and utilization of preventive methods from ethics, global cooperation, family effort of training the young generation according to Iranian-Islamic models and using the studies and visions of interdisciplinary thinkers.

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