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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim and Introduction: The impact of organizations on the intention to repurchase consumers in today's highly competitive markets is one of the main issues and challenges for organizations that companies must recognize and personalize the needs of customers in order to survive and be active in investing in customer relations to act. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of multidisciplinary marketing strategy including relationship marketing and personalization on consumers' intention to repurchase through appreciation. Data were collected by distributing 390 questionnaires among customers of luxury restaurants in Mashhad. The relationship between the variables was investigated through structural equation modeling with the help of AMOS software. The results show that relationship marketing and personalization affect customers' repurchase intent; In addition, relationship marketing and personalization have a positive and significant effect on appreciation. Also, the role of appreciation mediation in the relationship between relationship marketing and personalization with the intention of repurchasing customers was confirmed. Competition in the restaurant industry is growing, especially among luxury restaurant owners, and restaurants that used to have a good market share are now worried about losing customers as a result of their market share. However, with increasing competition among restaurant owners, success in this area is no longer easily possible, because customers, as in the past, do not just go to restaurants to eat, but to have the best service to have a good time. As the number of restaurants increases, more options will be available to customers, and in these circumstances, expecting customer loyalty is a mistake. Restaurant owners expect to have an impact on customer reuse for the huge costs they incur in setting up stylish and luxurious restaurants to leave beautiful memories in the minds of their customers. So in today's era, in order to influence customer purchases, multifaceted attention and impressing customers using several marketing methods is a way to success. Among the issues mentioned influencing customers, we can mention relational marketing, personalization and appreciation, which have been widely considered by researchers in recent years. The city of Mashhad, as the largest guest city in Iran, receives about twenty million guests annually, while the population of the city as the second largest and most populous city in Iran makes it a place with high potential for the construction and operation of the hospitality industry. Therefore, the necessity of conducting research can be expressed as follows: The importance of designing practical solutions to influence consumers' intention to repurchase in the food industry is increasingly felt. 2. Losing customers entails huge costs for the organization, and in addition, customers who leave organizations turn to competing organizations. 3. Given that most studies on the use of several marketing methods simultaneously and its effect on repurchase intention Consumerism has taken place in developed countries and the food industry has been neglected. To better understand this phenomenon, research is needed according to the cultural conditions of Iranian society. Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose and survey-analytical in terms of method. Standard measures of previous studies were used to measure the variables. Questionnaire questions in relational marketing variable 3 questions from Mishra studies (2016), in the field of appreciation 3 questions from research conducted by (Hassan et al., 2015), 5 questions about personalization from studies (Hassan et al., 2014) and finally Three questions were selected to measure repurchase intention taken from studies (Palmiter et al., 2009). The validity of the questionnaire constructs was also evaluated using factor analysis technique. Customers of luxury restaurants in Mashhad who have used the services of these restaurants more than twice make up the statistical population of this study. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size for the unknown community (384 people). Since some of the questionnaires were not returned, 450 non-randomly available questionnaires were distributed among the customers of these restaurants, and at the end of the follow-up, 390 of these questionnaires were returned to the researchers for analysis. In order to analyze the data, various methods of statistical analysis, such as modeling structural equations to fit the pattern of these equations using the collected data, Pearson correlation analysis has been used to calculate zero-order correlation coefficients. In this study, the features of AMOS software such as torque structure analysis and social science statistical features of SPSS software were used. Findings: In this study, seven hypotheses were formulated that were confirmed. Therefore, based on the results of research in the statistical community, it can be said that: relational marketing and personalization affect the intention to repurchase customers; In addition, relationship marketing and personalization have a positive and significant effect on appreciation. The role of gratitude mediation in the relationship between relationship marketing and personalization with the intention of repurchasing customers was also confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion: Considering the results of the research, it can be claimed that the adoption of multifaceted marketing strategies in the organization has a significant effect on increasing the impact on the intention of customers to buy restaurants in Mashhad. And by having multifaceted marketing strategies, it is possible to meet the needs of customers in different ways and achieve a satisfied customer who will show his loyalty in future purchases from the organization. Therefore, managers in the service industry remained industry. Tourism and restaurant management should be diligent in adopting multiple marketing strategies at the same time and seek to improve customer relationships by adopting multidisciplinary marketing strategies. According to the obtained results, these suggestions are that restaurant managers with strategic planning in order to create long-term bilateral relationships to instill a sense of gratitude in their customers and by training a tasteful, creative and capable force in creating verbal communication in the direction of attention to Making connections in addition to the above is achieved according to the results, restaurant managers should seek to know their customers and by hiring and training skilled people, conducting thorough marketing research to obtain customer information and personalize services for them In this way, to prove the customer's sense of attention to him in practice. Another suggestion is to use customer relationship techniques and the science of consumer behavior to influence customer repurchase intent. The application of new methods of marketing research to identify the new needs of customers and the development of a variety of services in line with these needs, as well as the use of new methods of sales, promotions, special discounts, awards and lotteries should be considered. Use trained people in the sales department in such a way that these people communicate well with customers and in line with the organization's strategy to instill in them a sense of appreciation for the customer's purchase. Other suggestions include having a suitable strategic plan for marketer research to identify the tastes and needs of customers and having an integrated marketing plan for the organization. The above seeks to create a customer-oriented appreciation so that the consumer fully understands that the organization values the customer's trust and appreciates his behavior.

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Aim and introduction: This study aims to investigate the multilevel analysis of social media impact strategies on employees' job performance because organizations are multilevel systems. Today, with the development of information and communication technology, social media has been used as one of the most important tools by organizations. Social media is widely used within organizations and they are used as a tool to communicate between employees, and given that the use of social media facilitates the transfer of information resources within the organization and also creates close and dynamic relationships in among employees, the organization's social media is very important. The sharing of rich information by social media within the organization has raised the level of measures related to knowledge sharing within organizations, and on the other hand, these media have tremendous effects on socialization and entertainment of employees. In fact, technological innovations such as social media strengthen organizations. And have enhanced their capabilities in a variety of areas, from creating business models and marketing techniques to improving demand forecasting, the possibility of new management and training applications, and improving creativity, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and communication. But despite all this, so far few studies have been done on the effects of social media on employees' job performance and how this impact has been done. On the other hand, human resources of any organization is considered as the most important element in achieving sustainable and effective competitive advantage for the organization. In such a situation, the human capital within any organization, which indicates the amount of knowledge, technical skills, creativity and experience of any organization, is very important. In this regard, social media as one of the tools that promotes the human capital of the organization they count. In fact, people who make the most of social media gain information and knowledge that they can use to solve problems that colleagues and others face, thereby improving their job performance and organizational performance. Methodology: The present study is descriptive-correlation in terms of applied purpose and in terms of data collection method, which is based on structural equation modeling. Gathering the information needed to conduct this research includes two sections: library and field. The study population consisted of 300 employees of Qazvin Agricultural Jihad Organization. The number of samples was determined based on Morgan table 169 people, in which 250 questionnaires were distributed and finally 194 questionnaires were collected. Also, for multi-level analysis of the second level questionnaire (organization), 20 managers of this organization were measured. Which is a whole number and the whole community of managers were examined Findings: The total reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by calculating the number 0. 88 and its validity was confirmed by content validity, convergent and divergent validity methods. The significance coefficient of the path among all research variables is more than 1. 96, which indicates the significant effect of social media on human capital and social capital, as well as the significant effect of human and social capital on performance at the 95% confidence level and confirms this. It is hypothesized that social media has a significant effect on social capital, human capital and ultimately on performance. The standardized coefficient of path (β ) between the social media and human capital variables (0. 645) indicates that it explains 65% of the changes in human capital. While this coefficient is between human capital and performance (0. 560), the standardized coefficient is the path between the social media variable and social capital (0. 633), which means that social media determines 63% of the changes in the performance variable. And the standardized coefficient is the path between the social capital variable and job performance (0. 442), which means that social capital determines 44% of the changes in the performance variable. Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that social media has a positive and significant effect on human capital at the organizational level and finally on job performance at the individual level. Analysis and analysis of the impact of human capital (at the organizational level) on the individual level variable, ie job performance of employees Regression is impossible and therefore multi-level analysis was used to identify this effect at two different levels. The data are also analyzed using Hierarchical Linear Analysis (HLM) software. The output of the software confirms the multilevel relationships of the research variables. Also, the effect of mediating variables was measured using the Sobel test and its intensity was measured by the Waf test. The results show that human capital has a significant effect on job performance, also confirmed the results of the effect of mediating variables.

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Aim and introduction: The field of life sciences is one of the most important fields related to issues and issues affecting life, including pharmacy, therapeutic, and related technologies with direct and indirect effects on human health due to their nature. The increasing complexity of communication between sciences affecting human health in Iran. Significant scientific advances in recent years, international developments, special social conditions in Iran, and the efforts of different countries in this field, make life sciences in Iran even more important key. Also, the need for this research is clear due to the need to provide effective strategies for the development of this field in Iran. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to identify strategies for the development of life sciences and technologies in Iran. The main question of this research is focused on identifying the position of Iran in the field of life sciences, analyzing the situation in the country, and determining effective strategies to improve the current situation in the country. Methodology: This research is categorized in terms of interpretive paradigm, type of applied goal, descriptive research method, combined or quantitative-qualitative approach, library, and field information collection. Policy-making and the presentation of strategic plans for the field of life sciences require an understanding of the current state of the country and its future needs. Therefore, in the first part of this study, the position of life sciences in Iran, the target population, and the factors affecting these sciences are determined based on field studies and the results of designed questionnaires. Then, by examining the strengths and weaknesses along with the threats and opportunities in the SWOT analysis, appropriate strategies are presented. In the following, the responsible institutions were determined and their roles for the implementation of these strategies were determined based on the principles of institutional mapping. It is also used to determine the priority of each strategy according to the experts' knowledge and the analytic network process (ANP). Findings: In the first stage of this study, the factors affecting the development of life sciences and technologies in Iran were examined by the target community, which included some experts and active researchers in this field. For this purpose, studies were conducted and questions were designed based on the SERVQUAL model. The focus of the main questions was determined based on the relevant specialties and current knowledge due to the statistical sample with different disciplines and specialties. After designing the main questions in the questionnaires, their validity was assessed with the content validity ratio index and their reliability was assessed by Cronbach's alpha method. After ensuring the validity and reliability of the questionnaires, they were analyzed based on the SWOT method. According to this analysis, the most important strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are coordination of the country's scientific services and products with international needs; becoming this field as a bridge to leave the country due to the knowledge frontier; Iran's richness in raw materials, organic and plant structures; focus on producing articles without considering their application, respectively. Other identified items were ranked according to their frequency and importance. Then, by dividing the strengths and weaknesses related to Iran in the field of life sciences and confronting them with identified opportunities and threats, solutions were extracted. These solutions are designed based on different aspects including managerial, political, technical, infrastructural, social, and communication perspectives. Also, the institutions related to the field of life sciences were identified and the proposed solutions were assigned to them using institutional maps according to the results obtained from the completed questionnaires. Based on the results of the questionnaires, the weight and importance of each solution were determined and their priority was determined based on the analytic network process (ANP). Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the most effective strategy to increase the relationship between science and industry is to hold international conferences and scientific meetings in the field of life sciences and the convergence of related sciences in this field to monitor developments in different countries. This strategy can attract domestic and foreign investment and flourish many research projects. The next strategy is to determine the regulating laws of capital between different fields of life sciences and technologies in Iran according to national and international needs and trends, which will lead to the balanced development of the country in this field. Also, the development of centers for organizing materials and logistics related to the field of life sciences in Iran is the next effective strategy that can stabilize the research processes of many companies active in this field. On the other hand, investment policies in the country should be organized in accordance with the needs of the country so that in addition to the country's self-sufficiency in this area, foreign markets should be targeted. The results of this research should be reviewed regularly to identify the most appropriate strategies in any situation and time because the dynamics of current scientific developments is one of the limitations of the present study.

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Aim and Introduction: Rapid developments in organizational technologies and processes, advancement of knowledge and development of management science in the field of health services on the one hand and increasing the costs of providing and providing care on the other hand have caused strategists and policy makers in the sector. To make the planning, presentation and evaluation processes of health services more effective and efficient by using the various capabilities of e-commerce and information technology. In this regard, the present study has researched health tourism and trade of this type of services in Muslim member countries of the Islamic Conference. Methodology: This article is based on the comparative advantage of 50 Muslim countries in the period 1990 to 2017 using the panel data method, and using the dependent variable of health tourism and independent variables including economic size, population size, distance of countries, exchange rate, tax rate, Common language, regional arrangements, the Organization for Economic Co-operation, eight developing Islamic countries, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Western Maghreb have been examined. Findings: According to the acceptable value of F-Limer statistic and significant value that is less than 0. 05 and the results of Haussmann test, the model will fit the panel data using the fixed effects method. The results of the present study indicate that by increasing the effective economic size by one percent, the improvement of health tourism will increase by about 0. 1 percent. The obtained negative coefficient of the border distance variable shows the effect of 17% of this variable on the improvement of health tourism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Employee participation and expression in organizational decisions and activities has always been considered as a successful strategy in the competitiveness of organizations and requires a proper platform for employees. Therefore, the present study tries to design the organizational voice model and identify the factors of human resources affecting the organizational voice with descriptive nature and qualitative approach in order to create a suitable platform for employees to comment. The members of the Delphi Research Panel included academic experts and managers of government organizations who were surveyed using the non-probabilistic sampling method and through interviews and questionnaires. Data collection was done through library study (to identify human resource factors affecting organizational voice) and field study (to complete and validate research factors) and through SPSS software. They were analyzed and analyzed. The results showed that the variance results of the model evaluation criteria in the third round in the second phase decreased compared to the second round and the accuracy of the research model with a variance coefficient of 0. 48 was the highest and its expandability with a variance coefficient of 0. 19 had the least change. The ability to understand the model has also been unchanged. Finally, the results show that the most important components of organizational voice are altruistic voice, obedient voice and defensive voice, and these three components can predict organizational voice.

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Aim and introduction: The aim of this study is to explain the feasibility of the teacher-student approach for the transfer and sharing of tacit knowledge in teacher education, Shahid Beheshti University: Therefore, using dynamic modeling method, the status of knowledge sharing components with the teacher-student approach has been. The model consists of 3 rings; The first circle: knowledge production, dissemination, organization and application of knowledge; The second: culture-building, policy-making, structuring the teacher-student approach, resources (finance, software and hardware, ICT) and human resources; The third is trust, communication skills, goal setting, performance appraisal, emotional commitment, self-efficacy for knowledge-based educational and research system. Methodology: The sample consists of 265 faculty members and 248 doctoral students of who have been selected by classification Method: The type is descriptive survey. In the framework of the conceptual model of the research, 15 hypotheses have been tested. For the validity of the questionnaire, the opinions and suggestions of experts in the field of educational sciences were used. by calculating the reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the numerical value of 0. 899 professors and 0. 890 doctoral students was obtained, which showed the acceptable reliability of the questionnaire. The data analysis method was based on the use of statistical inferential tests such as Kolmograph-Smirnov test, one-sample t-test and exploratory analysis. Findings: The results showed that it is possible to implement a person-student approach to transfer and share knowledge in from the perspective of faculty members and doctoral students (p = 0. 001). The research findings also showed that the components were in good condition. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the analysis of hypotheses and their results, it can be said; The main hypothesis of the research is that the implementation of the teacher-student approach from the perspective of faculty members with a standard deviation of 0. 458, 32. 52 and students with a standard deviation of 0. 521, 11. 75 causes the sharing and transfer of teacher-student knowledge at a higher level. This finding is consistent with the findings of Susan (2016), Zeid al-Hamdan et al. (2014), Batina and Harm (2014), Moore et al. (2014), Patel et al. (2011), Vicki et al. (2008), Chao et al. (2011), Gholipour and Hashemi (2015), Mohammadi and Amini (2015), each of which is consistent with the impact of teacher-student programs. Also, the results of the tests of human resources components show that from the perspective of faculty members and students, all components are in a good position in feasibility and provide the conditions for implementing the teacher-student approach to Shahid Beheshti University. The results of this research are based on 4 components of the knowledge base, 5 components of the teacher-student approach and 6 sub-components of human resources. And then this possibility leads to the improvement of the professor-student relationship (professor-student relationship) and veteran and experienced faculty members can take a big step towards the needs and training of new faculty members because there is really formal and transparent training for faculty members. There is no new science, especially in the field of communication with students, class management style, etc. In addition, according to the findings of this study, because the faculty members themselves have a direct role of professor, it shows that the university has an informal structure in the implementation of the teacher-student method program, which is the largest Advantage to accept new methods such as mentoring and other new methods in the field of human resources and higher education. Finally, considering the results of the research, it seems that the possibility of implementing the teacher-student approach, which is currently being done in the form of an informal structure in the model university, has the potential to become a formal structure. A method that may lead to satisfactory results for both professors and students and a growth model, development for Shahid Beheshti University. The results showed that it is possible to implement a person-student approach to transfer and share knowledge in from the perspective of faculty members and doctoral students (p = 0. 001). The research findings also showed that the components were in good condition.

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Aim and introduction: The low productivity of Iranian government organizations is one of the issues that has been repeatedly emphasized by internal and sometimes external evaluation institutions. Given the vital importance of productivity and its major impact on the achievement of organizations to the desired goals, as well as its important role in the development of the country, it seems necessary to examine the various dimensions and, in other words, to find the reasons of this issue. Despite the efforts made so far, a comprehensive model that can be used to consider all matters related to employees and to act 100% fairly and only on the basis of the final and real results of performance to determine their salaries is not provided. In government organizations, due to the many problems and obstacles, the accurate implementation of academic methods is not possible and, in fact, requires a strong will to rebuild the inflexible structure of seemingly private organizations (originally governmental). The issue of conflict of interest of an organization and its employees, especially in government organizations, is always raised. What an organization wants from each of its employees is to perform all the assigned tasks with the highest level of productivity and with the lowest expectations regarding issues such as salaries, benefits and bonuses, leave, incentives and etc. On the other hand, employees try to perform their tasks in the shortest time and receive the highest level of salary and benefits (and of course, regardless of productivity). This contradiction depicts the environment of the organization as a playground with the senior management of the organization on one side and the employees on the other side, each side trying to get the most profit and points from the other side. In other words, this campaign consists of continuously playing n two-player games between senior management and n employees, and the final profit of the organization is optimized when each of the parties is at least satisfied with the results of the game. The aim of this study is to provide a mathematical model using a combination of data envelopment analysis (DEA) and game theory that can be helpful in improving the productivity of the organization while meeting the demands of employees and managers. In this study, using data envelopment analysis as one of the non-parametric methods of evaluating the performance of decision-making units (DMU), we have tried to simulate the organization environment as a game environment. Also, using game theory strategies and proposing a platform based on blockchain technology, while evaluating existing strategies, we tried to provide solutions to improve productivity and ensure the interests of players. Methodology: The subject of the present study is first to calculate the efficiency of DMUs and determine the efficient and inefficient DMUs by the senior management of the organization and using DEA, and then according to the objective observations and accurate rooting done by the authors of the research and based on the reward/punishment payment system of a state-owned company in the field of electricity (structurally similar to other government organizations), using the principles Game theory and determining new equilibrium points a practical model to improve the productivity of government organizations is proposed. The data used in this study have been prepared from the review of the annual rulings of official personnel and with the cooperation of experts working in the financial fields and job classification of the electricity distribution company. Also, the statistical population of this research is the official employees of the company. Findings: Determining a strategy solely for the purpose of gaining more financial resources can't put organizations on the path to excellence, and therefore it seems that determining new strategies and establishing new equilibrium points between senior managers and employees in new places can be effective. It is recommended that organizations stop overtime for employees, and employees perform their duties solely in the form of office time. On the other hand, considering that the main emphasis of this research is on government organizations that are funded by the government budget and therefore their performance is usually evaluated annually by higher institutions, obtaining high scores and obtaining top rankings in the results evaluations are key importance, and therefore one of the main strategies of organizations should be to save money while providing appropriate incentives to employees who seek to improve their efficiency to level one and keep the level of efficiency in this They are level and support the organization in achieving high scores. Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it was found that the main reason for the low productivity of Iranian government organizations is the lack of mutual understanding of senior managers and employees of each other's demands and, in fact, the lack of a model to simultaneously ensure the satisfaction of the interests of both parties when promoting productivity is the organization. In this study, it is suggested that the current equilibrium point of organizations is changed and in a new environment by adding a strategy to improve efficiency to level 1 instead of the strategy of doing overtime for employees and the strategy of increasing special encouragement instead of reducing The input for the new equilibrium point organization is determined by simultaneously selecting these two strategies. On the other hand, senior managers of organizations should avoid the view that generally views employees as a tool that has no claims and is completely obedient to the policies of managers and instead of exerting destructive discrimination in the organization, provide conditions for worthy employees to others set them as a valuable role model for themselves.

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Hosseini bamakan Seyyed mojtaba | Malekinejad Pooria | Ziaeian Mehran | Ziaeian Milad

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Aim and introduction: Growth centers are always considered as one of the sectors contributing to the production leap. University growth centers can use the economic and political recession situation as a launching pad for different provinces by having more contact with future students and researchers. On the other hand, the strategy in each organization and institution as clear paths helps organizations to be able to achieve their goals while advancing within the framework. This roadmap, if finalized, will be able to guarantee the organizational achievement of its strategic goals and plans. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the strategies of growth centers in the southern coastal provinces, in order to provide appropriate programs through effective communication between the strategies of university growth centers. Methodology: In terms of purpose, method and method of data collection, this research is among the applied, descriptive and survey research. In this study, SWOT technique was used to identify the strategies of university growth centers in the southern maritime provinces. Initially, various interviews were conducted with experts to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then the current situation of the southern maritime provinces was examined. For this purpose, using the opinions of 13 experts in this field, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified. These experts have been established in the university growth centers of the southern provinces of the country in the provinces of Sistan and Baluchestan, Hormozgan, Bushehr and Khuzestan, which have had executive and presidential experience. In the following, the relationship between strategies is investigated using structural-interpretive modeling technique. Respondents to the pairwise comparison questionnaire to examine how the strategies relate to the same 13 experts in the previous step. In order to analyze the behavior of each of the strategies in the structure of this research, MICMAC technique was used. Findings: The findings of the study indicate the identification of 13 strategies for leapfrogging the production of university growth centers so that it can be used to improve these growth centers and quickly upgrade their capabilities. These strategies include using the capacities of the people and institutional assistance to establish a growth center, using the capacity of young educated people to follow the process, supporting quick-return projects to build trust for funding, and forming themes to support projects. Technological and innovative, facilitating access to the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, utilizing the influence of indigenous people living in major decision-making centers, creating the necessary platform for advertising, employing strong and experienced managers, creating a suitable platform to attract elite youth and prevent exit They have been from the city, increasing the potential forces, creating the necessary platform to receive support, employing creative and creative people, and finally employing small industrial units. These strategies were identified through the SWOT matrix with 8 opportunity points, 5 threat points, 5 weaknesses and 8 strengths. The current situation of university growth centers in the southern provinces of the country shows that these provinces are in the position of conservative strategies. Also, other research results indicate the placement of three strategies: "Support of quick-return projects", "Utilization of public capacities and institutional assistance" and "Employment of small industrial units" from the 13 strategies identified as the basis of the model. Also, the research findings in the Micmac analysis section show the placement of 13 strategies in all dimensions of the matrix. Also, the linking part of the MICMAC matrix has the largest number of strategies, which indicates a high correlation between the strategies developed. Discussion and Results: The results of this study can be used by managers of growth centers in the southern maritime provinces as a macro decision-making roadmap to achieve a leap in production, the possibility of employment of educated people in the relevant provinces. Due to the Swat matrix of these provinces in a conservative situation, the best approach is to improve the weaknesses within the organization in order to take advantage of environmental opportunities. The placement of three specific strategies, "Support for High-Efficiency Plans", "Utilization of People's Capacities and Institutional Assistance" and "Employment of Small Industrial Units" at the first level of interpretive structural modeling structure, shows the growing importance of the employment debate through support. High-yield enterprises and institutions are based on knowledge in order to accelerate the production leap in the provinces in question. On the other hand, the results of this research can be used to provide suggestions to other researchers to use the results of this research to prepare a coherent schedule to advance organizational goals. This program can be a special guide for decision makers in this area.

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In economic and commercial interactions, commercial instruments play a strategic and facilitating role between the parties to the transaction. The purpose of this article is to review, explain and analyze the legal nature of guaranty in terms of "transfer of obligation to obligation" and "add obligation to obligation" in jurisprudence, Geneva Convention and the Law of Other Countries, Civil Law and Commercial Law of Iran. The terms of the guarantee and the manner of intervention of the guarantor and the effects of the guarantee should known according to its status in the commercial documents. However, the interference and guarantee of the guarantor in commercial documents is not limited to the guarantee in the subject of Articles 237 and 238 of the Iranian Commercial Code. The research is of a qualitative type of content analysis, interpretiveness and hermeneutics, which guided by two research questions. The statistical population of the research formed by first-hand library resources. According to the findings of the survey, the legal intervention of the guarantor in you, which provided only in the mentioned articles in the promissory note and check according to Articles 309 and 314 of the Commercial Code, which refer to the rules governing you. They are not applicable by legal interference and guarantee of the guarantor, as a result of Articles 237 and 238 of the Commercial Code can not be enforced in promissory notes and cheques, and in this regard intervention and guarantee with origin. The law is different from the guarantor contract guarantee in commercial documents.

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ZARE JAVAD | Mokhtari Hamed

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The customer experience encompasses all aspects of a company's partnership: excellence in support services, promotion, packaging, product and service features, ease of use and adaptability. Customer Experience the consumer's internal and personal reaction to any direct or indirect interaction when using a business. The purpose of this study was to measure customer experience in Khorasan Razavi Telecommunication Company. In this study 384 customers of Telecommunication Company in Mashhad city participated, which was done during the first 3 months of year 1398. The research tool was a questionnaire and partial least squares analysis was used to analyze and test the research hypotheses. The results of the research hypotheses showed that brand image, service, network and customer support, billing, shop and self-service influenced the customer experience.

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Aim and introduction: Ease of doing business (DB) is one of the well-known indices to determine whether or not the business environment of countries is optimal. The index has been published by the World Bank since 2003. The main purpose behind the DB is to develop economic activities, especially in the private sector, as well as to create a transparent and coherent legal environment for businesses to protect property rights and facilitate dispute resolution. When policymakers bind themselves to provide proposals for reform, laws, and regulations are then developed that make economic interactions more predictable, and provide merchants and traders with essential principles and information on arbitration and abuse. Such regulations will have a huge impact on stimulating people's tendencies towards economic growth and development. In Iran, the idea of improving the business environment has always been one of the principal solutions to address the country's economic problems over the past few years, provided by economists and experts. On the other hand, in recent years, many efforts have been made to improve Iran's DB rankings, but have often failed so that in recent years Iran's rank has steadily declined. Methodology: Ease of DB is one of the well-known indices of the business environment in the countries; therefore, this study aimed to present and analyze scenarios to improve Iran's overall score and ranking in the ease of the DB index. For the analysis, the DB 2019 index data obtained from all countries. Then, the data were re-formulated according to the DB methodology to determine the scores of each of the sub-indices and their criteria; and, finally, using operational research, three different scenarios were tested in excel via the Solver Command. In these scenarios, the DTF score of the ease of DB index was targeted; then the best possible outcome was achieved through the evolutionary method by modifying the specified variables and considering the constraints imposed on them. Findings: According to the analyses, if policymakers want to improve Iran's ranking in the ease of DB index by setting a specific goal of achieving a specific ranking, then the model constraints must first be restated and/or the extent of the change in the sub-indices to be achieved for model estimation. The scenario of changing and improving rank requires applying constraints for changing criteria so that the change is made at the lowest possible cost even with the most changes in the criteria. In other words, the change in time will be less costly than a change in the number of procedures and changes in the costs themselves. However, scenarios to improve the ease of the DB index have been formulated to facilitate the possibility of modifying any of the criteria and sub-indices. As this research focuses on sub-indices starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting to electricity, registering property, and trading across borders, only political recommendations are offered to improve the country's performance in these sub-indices. Discussion and Conclusion: Accordingly, targeting the 100th rank for the country, policymakers should take the following steps to improve the overall country’ s rank to the targeted number: In sub-index starting a business, the number of procedures should be decreased from 10. 5 days to 6. 5 days. And the time should be decreased from 72. 5 days to 58. 5 days. In sub-index dealing with construction permits, the number of procedures and time should be decreased by 6 cases and 45 days, respectively, and reached to 6 procedures and 85 days. In sub-index getting electricity, the number of procedures and time should be decreased by 1 case and 49 days, respectively, and reached to 5 procedures and 28 days. In sub-index registering property, the number of procedures and time decreased by 3 cases and 14 days, respectively, and reached to 3 procedures and 17 days. In sub-index trading across borders, the time to accept documents and border acceptance of exports should be decreased by 7 and 37 hours, and reached 26 and 64 hours, respectively. In general, the scenario shows that in order to reach the 100nd rank in overall index, the rankings of sub-indices starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, and trading across borders need to be improved by 20, 63, 38, 33 and 34 positions, respectively. The above changes will also be needed for this purpose.

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An important issue for organizations in today's world is the change of a sustainable and predictable environment to a complex and dynamic one. Therefore, what has become an important concern for managers of high levels of organizations in such a complex and dynamic environment is the selection of appropriate strategies and its application in the organization in order to achieve major goals. Due to limited resources, it is very important for the organization to prioritize strategies to identify the most effective ones in achieving macro goals. One of the decision-making methods used to analyze decision making in such complex environments is the network analysis process. Although the network analysis process has been introduced as a more accurate method than the serial analysis process, it is difficult to model complex decision environments, but problems such as the high volume of couple comparisons and the ambiguity of some of these comparisons have reduced the efficiency of this method. . In this paper, using the new BWANP approach, it is shown that this approach reduces the problems of the ANP method as much as possible and leads to more stable comparisons while requiring less comparative data. In other words, more reliable answers are obtained and the efficiency of decision-making is improved. This research has been conducted with the aim of using this method to prioritize the strategies of Fars Power Distribution Company.

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Knowledge management is also one of the most important issues in the field of organization and media management and the main question of this paper that knowledge management strategy looking to the future is close to what model and components. Therefore, in the present study, we conducted in-depth interviews with key informants (faculty members and senior media managers). In this study, snowball approach was used to select the samples and the themes saturation method was used as the standard for the end of sampling. Since the themes selected are summarized by experts, the validity of the interviews has been confirmed and a retesting method has been used to confirm the reliability of the interviews. According to the views presented in this study, knowledge management orientation, the complexities of human behavior and human cognition barriers have been identified as the most important considerations affecting knowledge management in the future research process. And on the other hand, the realization of predictions, the achievement of the intended future and the promotion of future research knowledge are the most important achievements of the two-way interaction of future research and knowledge management. Also predicting the future, making desirable changes in the future, and identifying the causes of change are the most important effects of the futures research process on the management of knowledge in ICT, so that the application of future knowledge management to the national media (IRIB) enhances organizational learning, in the organization.

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In the current economic situation, all organizations are trying to use their strategic capabilities to explain their role and position among stakeholders and customers. In this regard, every organization strives to provide a suitable place for the environment and society in formulating its plans. Banks have a very close relationship and significant impact on the economy and society and play a vital role in the realization of large-scale community plans, so they need to adopt an appropriate approach to addressing stakeholders and customers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of social capital in explaining corporate social responsibility strategy by mediating the role of organizational ethics in MELLI and MELLAT banks. The mixed research method was used. A Meta-Synthesis qualitative approach was used to construct a corporate social responsibility model and a phenomenological qualitative approach was used to construct a social capital model. The organizational ethics model of Svenson and Wood (2004) was introduced as a mediating variable and a quantitative approach with emphasis on regression was used for the final analysis. The final results indicated that social capital had a direct and positive impact on corporate social responsibility, which increased as organizational ethics increased. It is suggested that the development of strategic plans related to corporate social responsibility of banks use ethical indicators and managers' experiences in interacting with the environment, society and government in order to utilize the capacity of banks to achieve community goals.

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