During the 2006-2007 growing seasons, several cultivated plants infected by powdery mildews were collected from Yazd Province, Central Iran. The following references were used for identification of fungal specimens (Branu 1987, A monograph of the Erysiphales; Braun & Takamatsu, Schlectendalia 4: 1-33). This report documents the following noteworthy species which are new findings for Iranian funga.- Golovinomyces orontii (Castagne) V.P. Heluta, on Helianthus annuus L., Ardakan, October 2006. The fungus formed the following anamorphic features on the host: hyphae were ectophytic on the whole parts of flower heads specially, lower part. Conidiophores were long, often curved in the basal part. Conidia formed short chains and measured 27.5-42.5x10-17.5 mm. The teleomorph was lacking. This is the first report of G. orontii on H. annuus in Iran.- Phyllactinia babayanii Simonyan, on Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Web., Taft, autumn of 2004 and Abrkuh, 19 November 2006. In the specimen collected from Taft, only the anamorph was present. Dense and persistent vegetative hyphae grew superficially on the lower surface of the infected leaves. Conidia were clavate and measured 55-80x17.5-22.5 mm. In the specimen collected from Abrkuh mature ascocarps were found. Chasmothecia 256-324 mm in diameter, with equatorial appendages up to 450 mm long, which were stiff and apically pointed and had bulbous base. Asci numerous, 82.5-97.5x35-42.5 mm, and each containing 2 acospores.Ascospores were ellipsoidal or ovoid and 30-42.5x17.5-25 mm.- Podosphaera xanthii (Castagne) U. Braun & Shishkoff, on Cucumis sativus, Agricultural Research campus of Yazd province, 13 November 2006. Disease symptom and signs included chlorotic and necrotic areas on both sides of affected leaves with conspicuous white to gray masses of conidia and mycelia. Conidia with fibrosin bodies, measured 25-35 x 12.5-17.5 mm and formed in chains. The teleomorph was absent. Fungal morphological features and the host matched the features characteristics of P. xanthii (Braun et al. 2001. Schlechtendalia 7: 50).- Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.) de Bary, on Eucalyptus sp., around the Yazd, spring of 2007; on Prunus dulcis, Taft, Aliabad, 16 February 2007. Diseased leaves of Eucalyptus displayed localized, chlorotic to violet regions with typical powdery mildew signs consisting of whitish masses of conidia and conidiophores. Conidiophores with conidial chains and ellipsoid-ovoid to doliiform conidia. Conidia had fibrosin bodies and measured 20-30x12-18 mm. Pannose mycelium was not observed on the Eucalyptus leaves however, other anamorphic features fitted well with those of P. pannosa (Branu 1987, A monograph of the Erysiphales). This is the first report of P. pannosa on Eucalyptus in Iran. In addition to Eucalyptus we also found P. pannosa on P. dulcis at investigated area. Primary and secondary mycelia were present on leaves and stems of infected plant. Mature ascocarps were found on plant stems. Chasmotecia were 80-94x60-72 mm in diameter. There was a single ascus per ascocarp with 8 ellipsoidal ascospore measured 20-27.5x12.5-15 mm. This is also the first report of P. pannosa on P. dulcis in Iran.- Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L. Junell, on Brassica napus L., Mohammad Abad and Sanij area, June 2007. Sign of the fungus included white mycelium consisting of hyphae and conidiophores bearing single conidia on both sides of the leaves, stems and on pods. Conidia were cylindrical to cylindric-doliiform, 25-45x10-17 mm. The teleomorph was absent. It seems this is the first report of E. cruciferarum on B. napus in Iran. Voucher specimens of all above mentioned fungi were deposited in the Fungus Collection of the Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture (IRAN).