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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Satureja (F: Labiatea) species are present in the worldwide. 12 Satureja species grow in Iran that 8 species are endemic. These plants are famous due to use as a culinary and medicinal plant.Methodes: In this research the aerial parts of Satureja sahendica were collected from east Azarbayejan provinence, Osku at E: 46 10 3.6, N: 37 43 52.7 and 2048 m heigh.The air dried parts of plants were kept at 2oc up to used for GC analysis. The plant materials seprated to two different parts, inflorescence (S1), Leaf and stem (S2). 30 – 40 gr of each samples were subjected to hydro – distillation for 4 h using a clevenger- type apparatus to produce essential oil. Hydrodistillation was repeated thrice for each sample and average was calculated.Results: The essential oil was found to be yellow liquid and was obtained in yields of 1.66 ± 0.19 for S1 and 1.5 ± 0.12 for S2 based on v/w. 28 compounds were identified in the oil of S1 that thymol (32.5 %), g– terpinen (29.33 %) and p– cymene (23.48 %) are main constituents and 23 compounds were characterized in the oil of S2 that main constituents were p– cymene (44.88 % ), thymol (28.22%) and g– terpinen (10.07 %). The antioxidant activitities of S1 and S2 samples were assessed by DPPH assay and RC50 values were 7.38×10-2 and 7.15×10-2mg/ ml, respectively.Conclusion: Investigations showed that the essential oil of aerial parts of S. sahendica had a high antioxidant activity and due to high amount of thymol and Pcymene and other terpenoids in the oil, it can be used as a culinary and medicinal plant and perfume industries.

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View 1336

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Objectives: Sustaining propranolol hydrochloride (PLH) decreases its frequency of daily dosage, side effects and enhances patient compliance. In order to control the release of PLH the effect of Al3+ and type of anionic polymer on the drug release was studied.Methods: Matrices of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC), sodium alginate (NaAlg) and tragacant (Trag) containing drug as well as different amounts of Al3+ were prepared and the drug release was measured in distilled water using USP I dissolution tester. Concentration of dissolved drug was assayed spectrophotometrically. The release of different matrices was compared with the aid of some model independent parameters e.g. F360' (drug fraction released in 360') and model dependent parameters.Results: Various amounts of Al3+ had different effects. In the range of 0-0.125 milli equivalent (meq) Al3+ in NaCMC matrices the F360' was reduced from 0.63 to 0.21 via in situ crosslinking between Al3+ and polymer and in the higher ranges e.g. 0.5 meq the release increased to 0.79 probably through disintegrating effect of Al3+. A similar effect was seen for NaAlg matrices. Al3+ had very little influence on the release of Trag matrices. Analysis by kinetic models indicated complex mechanisms such as water penetration, diffusion, erosion, dissolution, cross linking and disintegration. Conclusion: With the choice of the most suitable anionic polymer (NaCMC) together with given amount of Al3+ the release of PLH from matrices can be controlled at any desired rate. Matrices of NaAlg were the next suitable formulations. However, Trag was not a suitable polymer because it did not produce appreciable cross linkage with Al3+.

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View 1068

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Objectives: Considering the importance of hyperlipidemia as one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the essential role of carnitine in lipid metabolism, the present study was conducted to determine the serum free carnitine level in hypertriglyceridemic comparing to normolipidemic men. In this descriptive- analytical study, the serum free carnitine and lipid levels, and the mean intakes of carnitine, animal protein and micronutrients participating in carnitine biosynthesis, were assessed in 31 hypertriglyceridemic, comparing to 31 normolipidemic men.Methods: Assessment of serum free carnitine was made by using enzymatic kit and uv/vis spectrophotometer, and dietary intake was evaluated by 24-hour-recall and record methods.Results: The mean serum free carnitine level in hypertriglyceridemic group was significantly higher than the normolipidemic one, 73/36 ± 2/65 & 44/30 ± 3/67 micro mole/ litre respectively (p < 0.001). No significant differences were seen in the mean intakes of carnitine and the nutrients participated in its biosynthesis between the two groups.Conclusion: On the basis of the results, it could be supposed that the significant elevation in serum free carnitine levels in the hypertriglyceridemic men, was not due to the difference in the carnitine or its precursors intake, but it might be the result of body adaptation via increased carnitine biosynthesis, its increased release from tissue stores or its decreased renal excretion, in response to elevated serum lipids. Further studies are suggested to elucidate the mechanism of carnitine elevation in hypertriglyceridemic patients, and the effects of carnitine supplementation in these patients.

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Objectives: Benzyl alcohol is frequently used as a co- solvent in formulation of sodium diclofenac injectable solution. Benzaldehyde is the main toxic oxidation product occurring as a result of oxidation on long-term storage or heat sterilization of parenteral dosage forms containing benzyl alcohol, which is responsible for paraplegia. The aim of this study was the determination of Na- diclofenac solubility in various solvent systems to obtain a suitable mixture for formulation of Nadiclofenac injection form without using benzyl alcohol as a co-solvent.Methods: For this mean the solubility of drug was determined in various commonly used solvents, binary and ternary mixtures. Triangle diagram was used for evaluation of solubility in ternary mixtures. The best systems in view point of having higher solubility values were selected and injection forms were prepared by adding an antioxidant and preservative. Obtained formulations were kept in different temperatures for days and evaluated for physical stability after this period. Finally the best formulation was chosen for determining of shelf- life.Results: The results showed that Na- diclofenac had the highest solubility in some binary (water-ethyl alcohol and water-PEG300) and ternary (water, ethyl alcohol and PEG300) systems. These systems were selected for stability tests. The most of them were stable in these conditions. Among the evaluated formulations, the best system having saturated solubility 344.4 mg/ml and containing 10, 35 and 55% (v/v) of ethyl alcohol, PEG300 and water respectively, evaluated for shelf- life test. The result indicated that this selected formulation had a shelf- life about 2.5 years. Conclusion: prepared formulation could be able to use as a stable and safe injectable dosage from.

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View 2214

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Objective: Erythromycin acts by inhibition of protein synthesis in susceptible organisms by reversibly binding to 50S ribosomal subunits, thereby inhibiting translocation of aminoacyl transfer-RNA and inhibiting polypeptide synthesis. Erythromycin was chosen as the model drug. Erythromycin topical preparations are used for acne treatment. The aim of this work was to identify a gel with suitable rheological properties (spreadability texture and viscosity) for topical administration.Method: First the solubility of erythromycin in different solvents was evaluated, then formulations were prepared using gelling agent (HPC), pH of the formulations was adjusted to pH 7. The stability of gels was evaluated in three different temperatures, refrigerator, room temperature and 40oC oven. The in vitro release of drug was assessed using static diffusion cell with dialysis membrane. The concentration of drug was analyzed by means of UV spectrophotometer at 208.6 nm.Results: Our findings showed that increasing the amount of gelling agent, induced decreasing the drug release mean while decreasing the amount of ethanol and increasing the amount of glycerin increased the release of drug. The results showed that release of drug follows first order release mechanism.Conclusion: These findings show that suitable spreadability and viscosity, that permitted the most rapid release of the active principle (and hence the shortest delay in transdermal absorption).

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View 1175

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Objectives: Saponins are high molecular weight glycosides, consisting of a sugar moiety linked to a triterpene or steroid aglycone. Many saponins have detergency properties and give stable foam in water. The recent researches have shown that oral administration of some saponins can prevent hypercholesterolemia, the phenomenon which is the result of complex formation with cholesterol. Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) is a grassy plant which has a height of 50-100 cm or more. The medicinal organ of the plant is constituted of its roots, containing 3-15% triterpene saponins that have many indications such as expectorant, antiinflammatory, flavoring and foaming agent. Because of existing a high percentage of saponin in the roots of the plant, the aim of the present study was to determine some of its physicochemical properties, such as foaming, emulsifying and surface activity, and also the effect of complex formation between total saponin and cholesterol.Methods: For this reason, the collected roots of the plant were identified, dried, powdered and deffatted with petroleum ether in a soxhlet apparatus. The air-dried powder was successively extracted with methanol, n-butanol and diethyl ether. Then Foaming power of the extracted Glycyrrhiza glabra total saponin (GTS) was measured using the Ross-Miles foam column method and the index of emulsification (E24) of extracted saponin was also determined. The results were compared to data from Quillaja saponaria total saponin (QTS), and tween 80 as a potent synthetic surfactant. Using a Du-Nouy tensiometer, critical micelle concentrations (CMC) of the saponins and tween 80 were determined by measuring surface tension as a function of surfactant concentration. In the next step, the effect of complex formation with cholesterol was determined by measuring the changes in surface tension and critical micelle concentrations due to addition of cholesterol in saponin solutions.Results: The results showed that QTS had a good ability to produce stable foam. In the case of reduction of surface tension and emulsification, the extracted total saponin had less power than QTS and tween 80.The results also showed that the saponins have the ability to form complex with cholesterol. Conclusion: It can be cancluded that oral administration of total saponins of Glycyrrhiza glabra and Quillaja saponaria may cause a reduction in cholesterol absorption by gastrointestinal system and finally a reduction in blood cholesterol. Also due to its excellent surface activity, it can be suggested that the total saponin from licorice roots is a suitable substitute for synthetic surfactants in food, drug and cosmetic industries.

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View 12835

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Objectives: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. High incidence of some impairment in cognitive tasks and memory formation in diabetics has resulted in many studies on the effect of insulin on central nervous system in recent years. There are evidences that indicate presence of numerous insulin receptors in some areas of central nervous system including cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, hippocampus, cerebellum, and hypothalamus. Nevertheless, reports on the effects of insulin on memory formation are inconsistent and require more investigation to be clarified. Because, hippocampus is an important area for memory formation, the present study is scheduled to investigate the effect of insulin injection in CA1region of hippocampus on memory formation. Methods: Fifty male Wistar rats were divided into 5 equal groups. 1. Control 2. Sham operation 3. Insulin 4. diabetic/ saline 5. diabetic/ insulin. Groups 4 and 5 were made diabetic by treatment with streptozotocine (STZ) (50 mg/kg) intrapritoneally. In all but the control group, two canulae were stereotaxically implanted in CA1 region of hippocampus. Learning was tested and compared between groups through passive avoidance test.Results: Results showed that in the insulin group the latency increased and the time for staying in the dark compartment decreased as compared to control and sham groups (p< 0.05). Compared to diabetic/ insulin group no significant difference was found with diabetic/saline group.Conclusion: In conclusion, according to the results obtained in this study, insulin facilitates memory in intact rats but not in diabetic animals. Increased latency in diabetic rats shows that probably their reaction to new environment or their sensitivity to pain has exaggerated.

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