Background: In Iran, general anaesthesia is more common than other anaesthetic methods in caesarean section and it is the first choice for pregnant mothers. So, we designed this study to compare the effect of isoflurane and propofol on mother’s awareness and APGAR score in the neonatal delivered by selective caesarean section.Methods: In this double blind clinical trial study, 90 pregnant women (18-35-years old) with American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) classification 1 or 2, who were condidate for selective caesarean, randomly assigned to two groups. Induction of anaesthesia was provided by propofol and succinylcholine in the same way, and maintenance of anaesthesia was provided by propofol in group 1 (100 mg/kg/min) and with isoflurane 1 MAC (Minimum alveolar concentration) in group 2 to maintain Bispectral index score (BIS) between 45 and 60. For statistical analysis t and chi-square tests were used.Findings: There was not a significant difference between the two groups in basic information, neonatal APGAR scores, and hemodynamic changes. 7 of 90 patients had dreams after being awakened (8.9 vs 6.7 percent in propofol and isoflurane groups, respectively) but no significant difference was detected.Conclusion: There was not a significant difference between two groups in Oncidence of awareness, neonatal APGAR scores, and hemodynamic changes which correlated with other studies. Although, more studies with larger sample size needed to compare the effect of these two drugs.