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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The main mission of the hospital in the health system is to provide quality care to patients and to meet their needs and expectations. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of hospital services from the perspective of hospitalized patients in Jahrom University Hospitals. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the viewpoints of 193 hospitalized patients in Jahrom university hospitals were studied through a SERVQUAL questionnaire. T Study with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 89. It was confirmed. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 45. 19 ± 19. 80 years and 52. 8% were male. There was a significant difference in the mean score of quality in the six dimensions and overall quality dimension. Also, there was a significant difference between the mean score of quality in all dimensions in hospitals. Was. The highest mean score of quality was related to physical and tangible quality of service (20. 63 ± 3. 69) and the lowest mean score was empathy (14. 94 ± 3. 79). Also, among the dimensions of quality of hospital services, there was only a significant difference between having supplementary insurance and the assurance dimension (p-value = 0. 024). But there was no significant difference between other dimensions with demographic variables (P-value> 0. 05). Conclusion: Quality of services in Jahrom teaching hospitals was in good condition from patients 'point of view. However, a significant difference in quality score between different dimensions in each hospital indicates that managers should pay more attention to quality improvement programs rather than patients' satisfaction. Provided.

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Introduction: this study aimed to determine the diagnostic value of frozen tissue sections in comparison with definitive pathology in terms of its reliability in the diagnosis of breast and thyroid lesions in patients referring to educational hospitals of Babol University of Medical Sciences from 2011-2016. Materials and Methods: all patients who underwent thyroidectomy or breast surgery due to a mass that frozen sections was performed were included. Patients demographic characteristics, frozen section diagnosis and Permanent pathology diagnoses were collected and analized. Results: Of 137 cases(104 cases of thyroid and 33 cases of breast) who required frozen section, totally, 91 cases (66. 4%) were reported benign lesions and 46 cases (33. 6%) were reported malignant. Also, based on a permanent diagnosis, 52 cases (38. 0%) were malignant and 85 (62. 0%) were benign. The diagnostic value of the frozen section in detecting malignant thyroid lesions was 63% sensitivity, specificity was 99%, the positive predictive value was 92%, negative predictive value was 92%, and diagnostic accuracy was 92. 3%. In cases of breast, the result of frozen tissue sections is consistent with permanent pathology, therefore, the diagnostic value of frozen tissue sections in determining the malignant lesions of the breast can not be calculated. Conclusion: Considering the high rate of consistency of frozen sections with permanent pathology in breast and thyroid lesions, it can be concluded that the frozen tissue section is considered as a precise and valuable method.

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Introduction: regarding the increasing population of Iran and improved health indexes the medico-legal cases are increasing. Today, knowledge and awareness about forensic medicine are of utmost importance for medical students. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of emergency medicine students about different aspects of forensic medicine. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 36 emergency medicine students in governmental hospitals of Mashhad, Iran. Demographic data including age, sex, years of residency and years of experience as a general physician were recorded. Participants’ knowledge was assessed using a 30-item questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS. 16 Results: Our results showed that the mean of correct answers was 38± 11 percent. The topic with the highest knowledge among residents was Approach to alcohol and drug abuse (65± 48) and the lowest knowledge was about neglectance and death certificate (28± 22). We found a direct and significant correlation between the age and knowledge about the forensic medicine (p<0. 05, r=0. 54). However, no significant correlation was found between the experience and knowledge about the forensic medicine. Conclusion: the results suggest that emergency medicine residents’ knowledge about different topics of forensic medicine is relatively low. According to our research, it seems mandatory to educate fo r ens i c medi c ine t o Eme r genc y me di c ine r e s id ent s.

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Eslami Sepehr | Shakery Mina

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Introduction: Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases in the brain. Determination and comparison of changes in the electroencephalographic pattern in the ictal and intercetal phases of patients with epilepsy of the internal temporal lobe and epilepsy caused by other lesions outside the temporal lobe (neocortex). Materials and Methods: this cross-sectional study was conducted on 80 patients with internal and external temporal lobe epilepsy. Then, EEG monitoring was performed and EEG results were compared in two groups of internal and external temporal epilepsy. Results: There was no significant difference in the type of seizure, history of tumor or trauma or hypoxia, duration of seizure between two groups of patients (internal and external temporal lobe epilepsy) (P>0. 05). The location of the beginning of the ictal wave in 52. 5% of the patients was in the left temporal region and the beginning of the ictal wave in 58. 75% of the patients was Slow wave, and there was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the location and wave of the beginning of the ictal. Conclusion: According to the results, EEG is an appropriate method for the detection of temporal lobe epilepsy, but it does not help to differentiate the type of internal and external temporal epilepsy. To distinguish between these epilepsy, EEG alone is not helpful and requires other diagnostic methods.

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Introduction: MS pathogenesis involves inflammation and the phase of nerve degeneration. MS begins with an autoimmune inflammation of the myelin sheath and often with a sudden attack. Then enter the recovery phase, which lasts a few months to several years. The present study was conducted to evaluate six weeks aerobic exercise and royal jelly consumption on inflammatory factors TNF-α , hs-CRP and neutrophil in MS patients. Materials and Methods: Overall 42 MS patients participated in this quasiexperimental study. The subjects were randomly selected and divided into 4 groups: 1-exercise + Royal Jelly (n=10), 2-exercise + placebo (n=10), 3-Royal Jelly (n=11) and 4-Placebo (n=11). The exercise was performed for 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week on the ergometer and intensity of 60% HRmax. Then, it gradually increased and sixth week reached 80% HRmax. The daily dose of Royal Jelly was 1000 mg. Plasma concentrations of inflammatory factors were measured before and after the study. Results: The results showed a significant decrease in TNF-α of exercise+Royal Jelly (P=0. 039), exercise+Placebo (P=0. 049) and Royal Jelly (P=0. 015) groups; However, there was no significant difference in Placebo group (P=0. 364). There was a significant difference between hs-CRP exercise+Royal Jelly (P=0. 002), exercise+placebo (P=0. 047) and royal jelly (P=0. 042). There was observed a significant decrease in neutrophil levels of exercise+Royal jelly (P=0. 028) and placebo (P=0. 1010). This was not significant in Royal jelly (P=0. 252) and placebo (P=0. 336) groups. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that aerobic exercise and royal jelly consumption improve TNF-α , hs-CRP, and neutrophil in MS patients.

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Introduction: The lack of evidence-based information and guidance hasprevented the development and authorization of traditional/ complementary/ alternative medicine methods and has not extend the development of its systems. The tendency to research in the field of traditional/ complementary / alternative medicine is the result of the desire of health professionals to create scientific evidence in this field and to transform the experiences into evidence from scientific experiments and research. On the other hand, there is a need for the community and the interest of researchers in this matter. The theses are registered and defended from valuable scientific documents in the university that can complement the course of the interest of students and professors of various specialized fields to the field of applied medicine. Materials and Methods: From The total of 7858 titles of the library theses of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 418 titles were related to traditional medicine/ complementary/ alternative medicine. That is, for each 19 theses titles one title was about traditional medicine/ complementary/ alternative medicine. Results: In this study, the growth of theses on the subject of traditional medicine is quite evident, as the total number of theses in 1380 with 458 titles increased by 23. 53% to 599 titles in 1395. In this comparison, the growth rate of the number of traditional / complementary / alternative theses has risen from 24 titles to 43 in the year 1395, ie, with the increase of 16. 69% between the first and the last year. Conclusion: Despite the good growth of theses in the field of traditional medicine/ complementary/ alternative medicine in recent years, it is still not favorable in comparison with the total number of dissertations. With the help of advocacy and information policies, the trend towards this subject can be promoted among theses of the University of Medical Sciences.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Identifying factors associated with working memory of the individual, is one of the topics of interest to cognitive psychology. Materials and Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate mind wandering and sleep quality in predicting working memory. The method of this study was descriptive-correlational. 120 medical students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences were selected using convenience sampling method. To collect data, Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and The PEBL corsi blocks test were used. The collected data was analyzed using software Spss21 and statistical tests such as Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multivariate regression and for survey validity of scales with AMOS, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used. Results: The results showed that there is relationship between mind wandering and sleep quality with working memory. The results of multivariate regression showed that 30 percent of the variance in working memory of the medical students is explained by mind wandering and sleep quality. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that reducing mind wandering and enhancing sleep quality can improve working memory of medical students.

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Introduction: Sarcocystis infection is one of the most common zoonotic protozoon diseases caused by different sarcocystis spp. Due to the importance of this infection in public health, the infection rate of macroscopic cysts in sheep of Mashhad slaughterhouse, was investigated in this study. (March2013 – Dec2014) Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 105 slaughtered sheep were selected randomly and their esophagus, diaphragm, heart, tongue and intercostal muscles were separated. In order to find cysts, the samples were examined by two methods: direct observation for macroscopic cysts and finding microscopic cysts by histopathology, hematoxilin staining and microscopic investigation for bradyzoites of parasite. SPSS version 18 (SPSS Inc., IL, USA) was used for all statistical analyses. The level of statistical significance was set at p<0. 05. Results: In macroscopic examination 34. 28% of samples had macroscopic cysts. In microscopic examination 81. 90% were positive. The results showed the significant difference between different muscles and microscopic cysts (Pvalu<0. 05). Macroscopy: diaphragm was the most infected. Microscopy: Heart was the most infective. Infections in males were more than females. Infection in sheep less than one-year-old was higher. Conclusion: It is suggested to avoid eating raw and undercooked meat and conduct preventive measures such as closer inspection of carcasses.

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Introduction: Several factors are involved in students' academic burnout and review of research has shown that there is a relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic burnout, but can academic motivation mediate the relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic self-regulation with academic burnout? Materials & Methods: The research method of this study was correlation based on structural equation modeling. Using cluster random sampling method, 350 students were selected from the statistical population of pre-school students in Tehran. Mitchell et al. (2000) answered Zimmermann & Martiz-Ponce selfregulation questionnaire and Waller et al. (1992) academic motivation questionnaire. Results: Structural model test results showed that academic selfefficacy was negatively correlated with all three components of academic burnout (academic fatigue, disinterest, and academic inefficiency) (p≤ 0. 001). Internal academic motivation was negatively correlated with academic motivation and extrinsic motivation was positively correlated with academic burnout components (p≤ 0. 001). Finally, academic self-regulation was correlated with the three components of academic burnout, and academic motivation dimensions significantly mediated the relationship between academic self-regulation and academic self-efficacy with academic burnout (p≤ 0. 001). Finally, the fit model obtained overall model with the data collected, has a good fit. Conclusion: Academic motivation is an important element in the educational process that can be enhanced and improved in students and can guarantee their academic success.

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