Introduction: Using modern methods of education may effect on controlling the disease and reducing its complications. This study was conducted to examine the impact of nutritional education using blogs, group-collaborative blogs and SMS on glucose and lipids Profiles in patients with type II diabetes in 2012 in Kermanshah.Materials and Methods: The population consisted of patients with type II diabetes who were Referred to Kermanshah diabetic center using convenient sampling method, 60 patients were selected and divided into three groups of 20. Data are collected before and three months after educational intervention by biochemical test. Data was analyzed by using anova and paired t-test. The SPSS software version 16 was used.Results: The findings indicated that there was no significant difference in FBS and HbA1c in all three groups between before and after intervention. In the blogs, the levels of T-C (p<0.01) and LDL-C (p<0.01) were significantly reduced, but the levels of TG and HDL-C were not significantly different, In the group-collaborative blogs, the level of difference of T-C (p= 0.05) and LDL-C (p<0.01) were significant, but TG and HDL-C were not significant. Furthermore in SMS group, T-C (p=0.03), TG (p=0.05) and LDL-C (p<0.01), the differences were significant, but the difference was not statistical meaningful in HDL-C Level.Conclusion: Nutrition education using blogs, group-collaborative blogs and text messaging can be effective in reducing T-C, LDL-C and TG Level which may reduce the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Using these methods in training patients with type II diabetes is recommended.