Acetaminophen is an effective antipyretic and analgesic with rare and usually mild side effects. Over dosage with acetaminophen can result in severe liver damage and sometimes-acute renal tubular necrosis. In order to assess the risk of liver damage it is very important to measure the plasma acetaminophen concentration. In this study a new and simple visible spectrophotometric method for analysis of acetaminophen in plasma is introduced. There are several different methods using various instrumental analyses for measurement of acetaminophen in plasma e.g. visible spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. Since visible spectroscopy is a simple, cheap, and available method in nearly every laboratory, in this study a new and simple visible spectrophotometric method for analysis of acetaminophen in plasma is introduced. In this method only 200 µl of plasma is needed. After quick hydrolysis, and formation of a complex, the absorption is measured at 635 nm: The possible interference of 84 different drugs was studied. In order to compare it with HPLC method 23 standard plasma samples with known amount of acetaminophen and 12 plasma samples from different subjects, after acetaminophen tablet administration, were analyzed by these two methods. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the two methods. Considering these results and their comparison, it can be suggested that the purposed visible spectrophotometric method is simple, cheap, quick and a suitable method for analysis of acetaminophen in plasma. It is comparable with the tested HPLC method. Therefore it is recommended for die analysis of acetaminophen in plasma, in overdose patient and in TDM where more sensitive methods are not available