Background & Aim: Poisoning as an important problem in public health is one of outstanding causes of mortality in children. Whether occurring deliberately or accidentally, poisoning is fairly common in medical emergencies. Considering the high prevalence of poisoning, this study was carried out to evaluate epidemiology of poisoning in admitted children. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study to survey medical records on 729 children hospitalized due to poisoning over a 4-year period, from 2002 to 2006, at Urmia Imam hospital. Data including age, gender, discharging status, types and causes of poisoning, collected from documented hospital-based records and transferred to standardized check-lists. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics via SPSS software and presented as tables and charts. Findings: Poisoning rate was similar in males (50.1%) and females (49.9%), and the highest rate was seen among <5 year old children (46%). Drugs were the major cause of poisoning (17.5%), which happened accidentally in 22.5% of cases. Drug poisoning was more common in males (11%) than females (6.6%). In age group 12-16 years, poisoning rate was higher among females (28%) than males (11%), where drug poisoning was the major cause (22%) which commonly (30%) attempted for suicide. The most common causes of poisoning in decreasing order. include drugs (49.9%), petroleum (14.1%), foods (11.7%), washing chemicals(8.1%), insect and snake bites (6.7%), herbicides (6.1%), and opium (3.4%). Overall, 2.9% of poisoning result in death.Conclusion: Considering the high rate of drug poisoning in both age groups of <5 years and 12-16 years, which happened accidentally in the first group and for suicide attempt among girls, it is necessary to educate families for keeping drugs out of the reach of children and adolescents. Parents should be aware of the sensitiveness of their children especially their daughters.