The present study seeks to describe the acceptance rate of gender-related stereotypes (GRS) by young males and females. It also analyses the impact of socio-familial factors on acceptance rate. The study was conducted through a survey method. 425 young males and females (out of 10944) who were under training in the Vocational Training Centers in the Mazandaran province were selected randomly by means of multi stage random sampling method and completed a self-administered questionnaire. Gender-related stereotypes were considered as dependent variable and socio-familial factors as independent variables.The findings of the study showed that there were significant gender differences in the acceptance rate of GRS. However, instrumental traits such as; being active, full of energy, independent, aggression, management, being strong, and powerful have been attributed to men, whereas such expressive traits as emotional, being sensitive, attractive, peaceful, anxious, disturbed, dependent, forbearing and patient have been ascribed to women. Furthermore, there were significant associations between the acceptance rate of GRS with gender, place of residence, level of education, family income, and severity of parents. Finally, the multivariate regression analysis of data revealed that the acceptance rate of GRS was under influence of marital status, socio-economic status of family, traditional gender-related attitude, and traditional job-related attitude.