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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 28)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پیاپی 28)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Generally every organization's success relies on its employees' efforts as well as their job satisfaction. Identifying the factors leading to job satisfaction among faculty members could be useful in increasing their satisfaction and motivation for efficient educational and research activities. This study was conducted to determine job satisfaction rate among faculty members of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences.Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study performed on 94 faculty members of Tehran University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in the year 2008. Data was gathered through a researcher-made questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software using mean, standard deviation, and Principal Component Analysis.Results: The mean and standard deviation of faculty members’ job satisfaction was 72.6 ± 16.91 out of 135. The mean and Standard deviation for the domains under investigation were as follows: Economy (7.00 ± 2.212) out of the total score of 15, education (9.31 ± 1.81) out of the total score of 15, research (11.47 ± 2.41) out of the total score of 20, administration (13.95 ± 3.29) out of the total score of 25, motivation (26.77 ± 5.81) out of the total score of 50, and welfare (4.11 ± 1.47) out of the total score of 10. As a result of Principal Component Analysis of all domains including motivation, research, economy, administration, education and welfare it was revealed that motivational domain with the score of .847 was the most effective and economic domain with the score of .657 had the least impact on the job satisfaction of faculty members.Conclusion: Faculty members were almost dissatisfied with their job considering different mentioned domains. This satisfaction was a little more desirable in the domains of education, research, and motivation compared to the domains of welfare, administration, and economy. Educational leaders and administrators need to ensure more job satisfaction and welfare for faculty members through strategic planning and defining appropriate goals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1268

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: In order to have a precise judgment on performance, a variety of data resources are needed. In this regard, experts emphasize on employing different assessment groups for determining achievement of learning objectives by students. This study was performed to compare self, peer, and teacher evaluation in the process of midwifery students' clinical skills evaluation at delivery room of Fatemieh and Imam Hossein Hospitals affiliated to Shahrood University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this descriptive cross sectional study, 85 senior midwifery students were selected and evaluated by 3 methods of self, peer, and clinical teacher evaluation. Their clinical competencies were assessed using a researcher made questionnaire including two parts of general and specific skills evaluation. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey.Results: The mean and standard deviation of the self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and clinical teacher’s evaluation of general clinical skills were 4.21±0.46, 4.21±0.28, and 3.97±0.47, respectively. Considering specific clinical skills, the mean and standard deviation of self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and evaluation by clinical teachers were 3.91±0.54, 3.87±0.27, and 3.66±0.41, respectively. Analysis of variance revealed a significant difference among three methods of evaluation considering general and specific clinical skills.Conclusion: With regard to scores dissimilarity in different assessment techniques, selfevaluation and peer evaluation could be considered as supplementary methods for other evaluation methods in the evaluation of students' clinical performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: Universities of medical sciences in Iran have recently employed different quality management approaches according to their own reasoning. They include accreditation, total quality management (TQM), suggestion system, ISO 9000, and productivity. This study aimed to identify chosen approaches in Iranian Medical universities and clarify the reasons of selection as well as practical measures made according to the selected approach.Methods: This was a survey study. Study population included the vice chancellors for education of all of the 41 universities of medical sciences affiliated to Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran. For data collection, a questionnaire including 27 questions was developed by the researcher.Results: 62% of the universities of medical sciences have selected Total Quality Managements approach, 46% Suggestion System, 41% Accreditation, 22% Productivity, and 16% ISO9000.The knowledge of the requirements of the approach has been most influential in the selection of the accreditation(69%) and least influential in the selection of the ISO 9000(62%). Vice chancellors’ awareness and belief has been most influential in the selection of the productivity (75%) and least influential in the selection of the suggestion system(69%). The support and push from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) has been most influential in the selection of the ISO9000(77%), and least influential in the selection of the suggestion system(68%). Regarding practical measueres, maximum training activities have been focused on accreditation (66%) and the least on the suggestion system (58%). ISO9000 has received the most support (66%) from the MOHME, and accreditation and total quality managements have received the least support (60%). Productivity and suggestion system approaches have had maximum achievements (72%), and ISO 9000 and accreditation have had minimum achievement rates(62%).Conclusion: It seems that Universities were confused by successive official orders from MOHME. Since aware voluntary selection of quality approach could be more influential than official orders, TQM approach was more frequently implemented. Therefore it is recommended to inform managers about quality management and implement it by reform in organizational culture, so that institutions admit it as an essential element in their organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: Applying basic standards of anesthesia care is crucial. Patients’ status should be evaluated based on a standard checklist. In case of mismanagement, logical approaches must be conducted. The main objective of the present study is to develop a checklist for evaluation of implementing anesthesia care standards, and its application by observing the practice of anesthesiologists and their residents in Guilan Medical University hospitals.Methods: At first, different stages of anesthesia from patients’ arrival to the operating room till discharge from the recovery room were determined. In every stage, standard protocols were prepared. Then, the checklist items were developed based on anesthesia reference books and the modifications made according to Guilan anesthesiologists and conditions of university hospitals. After that, the adherence of twenty anesthesiologists and residents to these protocols were insensibly observed and scored for six months. Data were analyzed and frequency distribution was presented.Results: Rate of not-applied standards in descending orders was: 52.5% in preparation of operating room, 42.2% in pre-intubation, 40% in pre-extubation, 34.5% during maintenance of anesthesia,33.3% at discharge from the recovery room, 27.7% after intubation, 27.2% before arrival to the recovery room, 17.1% in recovery room, 13.8% at the time of intubation, 11.3% at arrival to the recovery room, 10% upon admission to the recovery room, 9% upon extubation, and 0% after extubation.Conclusion: This study revealed the necessity of using standard checklist for anesthesia care in operating room to protect the patient and to decrease the risk of anesthesia for them. Based on the results, educational and management interventions should be designed to promote adherence to standards.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: Nowadays, E-learning is one of the most advanced educational techniques. Considering the commencement of adopting such modern teaching techniques across the world as well as in the Iranian universities, one needs to apprehend the knowledge and attitude of students as one of the most important components in the education system. Thus, this study was designed to investigate the knowledge and attitude of students towards E- learning at MUMS.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 380 students who were studying in semester two or higher in 2009 in MUMS and were selected by stratified random sampling. Students' knowledge and technology information was measured using self-structured questionnaires whose validity and reliability had been confirmed. Mishra’s E-Learning Attitude Scale was used to measure attitude. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, One-way ANOVA, Student t-test and Spearman and Pearson correlation in SPSS software.Results: The mean score of attitude was 37.21±7.177 (minimum score: 11, maximum: 55) and the mean score of knowledge was 10.63±3.940 (minimum score: 0, maximum score: 20).There was a significant relationship between attitude and students' sex, study program and course of study. A significant relationship also was found between knowledge, the study program and duration of using computer and internet. Conclusion: Considering the poor knowledge and relatively positive attitude of students toward e-learning, it is recommended to implement training programs such as workshops to develop students’ awareness and ability to utilize e-learning as an effective learning tool.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: Blended-E-Learning system uses various methods and technologies to improve learning quality. We developed some courses based on Instructional System Design Processes (analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation) for blended-e-learning, then we evaluated the effectiveness of this system in Tehran University of medical Science.Methods: In this partnership-based action research study, carried out in 2008-2009, firstly viewpoints of faculty members and also nursing and midwifery students of Tehran University of Medical Science on the blended e-learning were assessed via a valid and reliable questionnaire. Then a platform of blended e-learning was designed and voluntary faculty members participated in a workshop held to develop an e-learning course. Finally a blended learning program covering 22 courses (45 credits) for BS, MS and PhD students of nursing and midwifery was designed . At the end of the semester, we used questionnaires and check-lists to assess students' & faculty members' feedback on the learning outcome of this program. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, Chi square and Wilcoxon tests in SPSS software version 16.Results: 181 students filled out and returned questionnaires (response rate=82.2%). 67.4% students were highly satisfied with this system. Similarly 88.2% of faculty members were completely satisfied with teaching in blended e-learning system. Both students and faculty members preferred the blended e-learning system to the conventional method (P=0.000). Mean scores of students' grades and participation were significantly higher in blended learning method than students’ in the previous semester with face-to-face method (P<0.001).Conclusion: Because the blended e-learning uses benefits of both e-learning & face to face learning and provides more flexibility and satisfaction for learner and teacher, it can be considered as an effective alternative method for education in universities of medical sciences in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2201

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: Final comprehensive exam is the most important examination for midwifery students to evaluate their professional ability. Since this is the main concern of the students in their educational period, this study was designed to investigate the attitude of undergraduate midwifery students about this exam in Mashhad Nursing and Midwifery school in 2008.Methods: In this descriptive study, 33 midwifery students who had passed their final exam in 2007 were selected by cross sectional sampling method. The data were collected by researcher made questionnaire, and were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation-test and ANOVA by SPSS software. Results: Based on the results, students’ attitude about final-exam was desirable (80.15%±12.10%). Obedience of ethical and professional principles was in the highest level (84.66%±18.68%) but adequate time for patients’ management was in the lowest level (71.02%±10.51). Students scored final exam in maternity unit, in gynecology clinic, prenatal care clinic and maternal care so that mean and standard deviations were 15.80±51.10, 81.38±11.78, 80.82±13.91, 74.54±16.92 out of 100 respectively. There was a significant relationship between students’ information about evaluation forms of final-exam and their attitude to that (p=0.001).Conclusion: Midwifery students’ attitude to final exam was in appropriate level. It is essential to promote exam condition and students preparation through making them more familiar with evaluation forms in addition to continuation of the present programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: During the recent two decades, practical medical skills’ training has experienced dramatic changes, which has led to establishment of CSLCs (Clinical Skills Learning Centers). Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the effects of these centers on students' learning of the relevant procedures. The main objective in this study was comparing the output of skills training processes in two groups of medical interns trained in conventional settings (training only on bedside) and conventional settings plus the use of CSLCs.Methods: This is a quasi experimental study conducted on two groups of medical interns introduced to Bahrami Hospital (affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences) for their pediatric course. Twenty five students were taught by the conventional method (control), and 19 students received training in Pediatrics CSLC (experiment). The sampling method was simple & non-randomized. The study used OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) for assessments of student’ learning, and SPSS15 software, Kolmogrov-Smirnov, paired and independent T – tests for analytical purposes.Results: There was a significant difference between the mean scores of the two groups of interns before and after training (P<0.001).Mean and SD of the scores in the experiment group after training were 120.69±14.84, while for the control group they were 102.87±11.20. Mean and SD of score changes (difference between before and after pediatrics ward rotation) for experiment and control groups were 29.6±12.32, and 16.45±7.97, respectively, which were significantly different (p<.001).Conclusion: Clinical skills training in Bahrami's CSLC was effective in promoting medical interns' pediatric practices. We suggest that training in CSLCs be included in traditional pediatric training courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (28)
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Introduction: Health services management and family health students require professional knowledge and skills to meet clients’ and health systems needs and expectations. In this area, clerkship has a fundamental role to achieve specific skills and competencies. This study aimed at exploring the root problems in clerkship from the viewpoint of students in order to suggest applicable recommendations to promote the quality of education and design an appropriate clerkship program.Methods: This is a qualitative research conducted to detect clerkship problems in health services management and family health programs in July2008. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a qualitative data collection method was used to determine clerkship problems from the perspective of health services management and family health students. Three FGDs were carried out with 22 students.Results: The results showed that themes of coordination, teaching and supervision in the fields, tutor attendance in the fields and final exam were as the most important problem roots. Themes of planning, lesson plan, educational resources, field report and orientation workshops were found as relatively important problems. Finally, themes of hands-on practice, checking students’ presence, field workers cooperation and their satisfaction were the least important problems.Conclusion: The findings revealed that most of the concerns expressed by the students rooted from themes of coordination with school and clerkship fields, teaching and supervision in the fields, attendance of tutor in the fields , final exam, planning, lesson plan, educational resources, field report and orientation workshops. Therefore, solving these problems will improve quality of clerkship education and consequently students’ knowledge and competencies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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