Introduction: Prematurity remains the main cause of mortality and morbidity in infants and a problem in the care of pregnant women world-wide. This study describes the risk factors for having a live preterm delivery in Bandar Abbas Shariati Hospital. Methods: In this case-control study, we studied 300 neonates who were borned in Shariati hospital in 2011 and divided them into two groups: case group (100 mothers with premature neonates) and control group (200 mothers with term infants). Risk factors that were studied include maternal age and job, parent's knowledge, the history of preterm birth, uterine abnormality, maternal systemic and infectious disease, prenatal care, placental abnormality, trauma in pregnancy, maternal low weight gain in pregnancy, the number of previous pregnancy, inter pregnancies gap, maternal smoking, membrane abnormality, previous abortion, pregnancy with assisted reproductive therapy. Data collection and analysis were performed using SPSS 16 and t-test and Chi-Square were used to analyze the significance of the results. Results: The results show that in mothers with preterm birth, prolong premature rupture of membrane 27.92 times, uterine and cervical anomaly about 15 times, preeclamcia 5.26 times, the history of preterm birth 4.96 times, family dependency 2.67 times, urinary tract infection 2.24 times and diabetes 2.18 time more exposed to prematurity than mothers with term birth (P<0.05).Conclusion: According to this study prolong premature rupture of membrane, uterine and cervical anomaly, preeclamcia and history of preterm birth are the most important risk factors for preterm delivery.