Plantation Located in a Semiarid Climate We estimated the rainfall interception loss (I), canopy storage capacity (S), the ratio of mean evaporation rate from the wet canopy (E-) over the mean rainfall intensity (R-) (mm h-1) (E- / R-), and free throughfall coefficient (p) in a Fraxinus rotundifolia Mill. stand located in an afforested Park land in a semiarid region of Iran. For each storm event, I was calculated as the gross rainfall (GR) minus throughfall (TF). S was estimated by indirect methods: the minimum, the mean, and the Gash and Morton. Fifty-five rainfall events were recorded (cumulative GR 197.2 mm), with 31 events occurring during the growing season (total GR 88.0 mm) and 24 events measured during the non-growing season (total GR 109.2 mm). The mean ratio of I to GR equalled 39.2% during the growing season vs.23.9% during the non-growing season. For the growing season, S was estimated to be 0.27, 0.21, and 0.23 mm using the minimum, mean, and Gash and Morton methods, respectively. For the non-growing season, these values were estimated to be 0.17, 0.13, and 0.15 mm, respectively. During the growing and non-growing seasons, E- / R- were estimated to be 0.13 and 0.11, respectively, with the corresponding p values of 0.39 and 0.52. The loss of the leaves resulted in decline in I, S, and E- / R-, and increase in p. For semiarid regions, these values are useful for solving some water management problems.