Introduction: Regional anesthesia today is the method of choice for the disease in a surgery. In keeping with this type of anesthesia, appropriate sedation reduced patient fear and anxiety and raises the quality of Regional anesthesia. For several years, various methods of Sedation have been used that the substantial progress has made over time. In this study, we have tried to satisfy surgeons and patients during surgery in patients who had received sedation with the Patient Control Sedation (PCS) method.Materials and Methods: In this study, seventy-two patients with ASA class I and II selected who were volunteers for surgery with cataract (feco). Patients were divided into 2 groups of 36 people randomly. First, for each patient, an IV was inserted and 500 cc of normal saline was injected. Propofol at doses of 20 mg/kg/min and Remifentanil at doses 0.02 mg/kg/min administered to patient that start sedation was 5 min before local injection.In case of request of the patient as Bolus with five minutes lock out time, sedation drug included 0.15 mg/kg Remifentanil and 50 mg/kg Propofol injected. According to the training that was given before operation, in separate group if the patient felt pain during the surgery with raising left hand to receive Remifentanil and if felt anxiety with raising right hand received Propofol. Patients in the combination group either pain or anxiety with hands up anyone who received the drug at the same time. Therefore, by failing to inform the patient of the injection, single blind study was conducted.Results: Satisfaction of the surgeon, anesthesia technicians and patients in both methods were non-significant differences in the separate group, the number of requests for analgesic was 2 times more than the number of requesting for sedative. In terms of the number of patients requesting drug and the number of applicants, there was no significant differences between two groups. Although the amount of Remifentanil used in the two groups showed non-significant difference, in the combination group total dose of Propofol was significantly higher than separate group Conclusion: By taking fewer amounts of analgesic and same sedative in both groups, separate groups as the combination group could be an effective way. In terms of the surgeon, patient satisfaction, anesthesia, technicians, and security techniques used in both groups, there was no significant difference.