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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims: Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders. Studying the etiology of this disorder is important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of BAS / BIS in social anxiety disorder by mediation effect of cognitive bias.Materials & Methods: 240 students of Tabriz University were selected by cluster sampling method and then responded to the questionnaire: Scale systems activation / inhibition Carver and White's behavior, revised version of the questionnaire interpretation and Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN). For data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used.Results: Evaluation of the structural model using fit indices showed that behavioral inhibition system and behavioral activation system have significant effect on Social Anxiety Disorder by mediational effects of cognitive bias. The results supported the fitness of hypothesis structure between the research variables.Conclusion: Accordingly, cognitive biases can be a significant mediator between brain-behavioral systems and social anxiety disorder.

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Background & Aims: Neurofibroma is a slow-growing benign tumor of neural origin. The lesion is rare in the oral cavity. Most reported cases are parts of a generalized syndrome called Neurofibromatosis (NF), but in rare cases, solitary lesion unrelated to the syndrome has been reported. The tongue is the most common site. Gingiva is a rare location for solitary neurofibroma. In this study, we report a rare case of solitary oral neurofibroma in buccal mandibular gingiva of a 33 year-old male.A 33 year-old man with a history of 30 months gum swelling was referred to oral medicine department of Dental School. A well-defined, pale pink, soft, 1×1 cm nodule was observed on right mandibular gingiva on premolar region. No abnormal radiographic findings was observed. In histopathological features, benign proliferations of spindle mesenchymal cells with storiform pattern were seen. The s-100 immunohistochemistry staining of the lesion was positive. No recurrence was evident after one year.A few isolated cases of Neurofibroma of the gingiva have been reported. Because of the risk of malignant transformation, long-term follow-up is recommended.

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Background & Aims: The maxillofacial fractures have shown an increasing trend. Hence, in this study, the trend of maxillofacial fractures is studied and their corresponding etiologies are analyzed in patients referring to Imam Khomeini hospital.Materials & Methods: In a descriptive cross-sectional design, 637 medical documents of patients with maxillofacial fractures who referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital between 2009-2011 were evaluated and were analyzed using ANOVA and chi-square exams with SPSS software.Results: The mean age of maxillafacial trauma was 26.68±14.47 years. Falls and traffic accidents were the most common cause of fractures followed by assaults. The most common fracture sites were nasal and mandible areas with 66.4% and 7.1%, respectively.Conclusions: It may be concluded that maxillofacial fractures are more common among males aging from 20 to 30 years old and are mainly due to falls and traffic accidents and are more common in nasal and mandible areas.

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Background & Aims: Sympathetic nervous system thorough a-2 adrenoceptors and insulin have principal roles in blood glucose regulation. On the other hand, vitamin B12 participates in sympathetic system and insulin functions. In this study, the effect of vitamin B12 on acute hyperglycemia induced by ketamine-xylazine was investigated. In order to clarify the possible mechanism of the effect of vitamin B12, we used yohimbine (an a2-adrenergic receptor antagonist) and insulin.Materials & Methods: Sixty-six rats were divided into 11 experimental groups and were injected intraperitoneally with normal saline, vitamin B12, yohimbine and insulin 15 min. after acute hyperglycemia induction. Acute hyperglycemia was induced with intraperitoneal injection of a mixture of ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg). The tail blood glucose levels were measured at 30, 60, and 120 min. after hyperglycemia induction. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyʼs test.Results: Blood glucose levels were significantly (P<0.05) increased at 30, 60, and 120 minutes after ketamine-xylazine injection. Vitamin B12 (0.5 and 2 mg/kg), yohimbine (1 mg/kg) and insulin (2 IU/kg) decreased the acute hyperglycemia induced by ketamine-xylazine. Furthermore, co-administration of ineffective doses of vitamin B12 (0.125 mg/kg), yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg), and insulin (0.5 IU/kg) significantly reduced the hyperglycemia.Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that vitamin B12, yohimbine and insulin decreased acute hyperglycemia. Synergistic effects were observed between vitamin B12 with yohimbine and insulin in reducing the hyperglycemia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Congenital hypothyroidism is one of the most prevalent hormone disorders and the most important preventable causes of mental retardation that it is recommended for the screening program. The aim of this study was Assessment effectiveness of congenital hypothyroidism screening program, in Sardasht district from 2008 to 2014.Materials & Methods: In this sequential cross sectional study; data related to 10945 infants during 2008to 2014 by census method from specific forms related to this mentioned disease, after making the necessary arrangements and obtain permission from the Department of Health retrieved. all statistical analyses were performed using by SPSS 21 package program. P-value<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.Results: Of 17245 new born during mentioned years, 17074 newborn has been screened and 171newborn did not screened. On the whole, data for 10945 new born was accessible (5582 boy, 5363girl).The results showed that the coverage rate of screening program was %99, recall rate was %4.5 and prevalence rate in 2208 to 2014 was 6.6 per 1000. Two percentage of Blood samples were sent to laboratory were adverse. The average time of treatment for confirmed cases was 26.74 days after birth.Conclusion: Screening program identified 114 patients during the seven years of the study period and also with 100% coverage rate and treatment of confirmed cases; it had been effective and has operated successfully in order to reduce physical disabilities and mental disorders. In some indicators, such as the time of first sampling and average time the onset of treatment for morbid infants; still need to be considered. in this regard, to improving the parameters and also, for achieving of the ultimate goal of the screening program more efforts should be done.

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Background & Aims: Hypophosphatemia is seen in very ill patients and can affect treatment outcomes.The aim of this study is the assessment of the prevalence and the effect of the hypophosphatemia in immediate outcome of open heart surgeries in children.Materials & Methods: The patients were divided into two groups of normal and low serum phosphor level. In each group the duration of hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) stay, intubation and mechanical ventilation time and mortality ratio were studied. The data were assessed statistically.Results: From 102 patients, 60 were male (58.8%); and 42 were female (41.2%). Mean patients age was 27.36+-27.07 months. The youngest was 16 days and the oldest was 6 years old. The most common diagnoses were ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect (ASD), and VSD with ASD respectively. The change of phosphorus level after surgery was significant (P=0.015). There wasn’t significant difference about duration of hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) stay (P=0.153 and=0.660 respectively), intubation time (P=0.833) and mechanical ventilation time (P=0.389) between two groups.Conclusion: Hypophosphatemia as a common complication of heart surgery can be affected by different factors. For accurate assessment of the effects of hypophosphatemia on patients' outcome, a wide study with more patients is required.

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Background & Aim: Radiation is an essential modality in the management of cancer therapy but its acute and chronic side effects on the normal organs limit the helpfulness of the radiotherapy. The aim of current study was to investigate the effect of dose dependent whole body radiation exposure on amount of 8-OHdG and total antioxidant capacity in the male Wistar rat's plasma. It was also planned to elucidate whether ginger extract rescue the deleterious effects of different doses of radiation in rat kidney.Materials & Methods: Male Wistar rats were exposed to three doses (2, 4, and 8Gy) of g- ray with or without 10 days pretreatment of ginger extract.Results: After 10 days of whole body g- ray exposure, the results revealed significant increases of 8-OHdG and significantly decreases of total antioxidant capacity in radiation groups (4Gy and 8Gy) compared to the control groups. It was no significant differences among ginger extract pretreatment groups and control group.Conclusion: These findings indicate that whole body exposure to radiation induces kidney damage by oxidative DNA damage, and that these effects can be alleviated using ginger pretreatment as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

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Background & Aims: This study aimed to determine the pretreatment effect of 6 week swimming exercise with injections of vitamin D supplementation on the levels of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in female Lewis rats.Materials & Methods: This experimental in vitro study that was conducted on female Lewis rats. In this study, animals were randomly divided into 9 groups (n=5 per group), including sham, EAE control, vitamin D healthy, EAE vitamin D, healthy swimming, EAE swimming, EAE combination and healthy combination. Swimming training program included one hour daily for 6 weeks and 5 days a week. In addition, supplementary groups received vitamin D supplementation (2ng/0.2mg sesame oil/every two days) intraperitoneally for 2 weeks. NGF levels were measured by ELISA.Results: The results of this study indicated that NGF levels in each group of EAE vitamin D and EAE swimming significantly increased compared with control group (respectively P=0.049, P=0.006). Also NGF levels in EAE combination group significantly increased compared with control group (p=0.004).Furthermore, the weight of EAE vitamin D group, EAE swimming training group and EAE combination group increased compared with control that these only in EAE vitamin D group were not significant (respectively P=0.164, P=0.001, P=0.016).Conclusion: From the results it can be concluded the factors effective in neuroprotection are pretreatment with medium-term training, swimming and injection of vitamin D, and increasing the levels of NGF.Hence, it seems that swimming is a good way to enhance the protection of nerve cells in the brain against MS risk factors and promotion of brain health.

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Background & Aims: Schizophrenia and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) are severe mental disorders and disturbances of immunity system are seen in their pathogenic process. Thus, in schizophrenia both general and specific components of immune system are disturbed. In MDD immunity system also changes. Numerous studies show that when depressed patients are exposed to allergen pollens, elevation of IgE with exacerbation of allergic and depression signs and symptoms are revealed. Our study compared serum level of total IgE in schizophrenia and MMD patient to find changes of IgE levels and relations between them.Materials & Methods: In our case control study serum levels of IgE were measured in 20 schizophrenic and 20 MMD patients that were admitted to Razi Psychiatric Hospital in Urmia. The serum level of 20 other people was measured as control group. The results were analyzed by K Square and T-Test.Results: The mean IgE serum level of schizophrenic patients was 31.4428 IU/ml. These levels were 17.7833IU/ml and 8.3756 IU/ml for MDD and control group, respectively. The mean total serum level of IgE in schizophrenic and MDD patients were more than control group, but only the differences between schizophrenic and control group was significant (p=0.008).Conclusion: Our study revealed that specific allergic immunoglobulin increase at least in some schizophrenic patients. Increased IgE can indicate the role of B-Cell disorder of in the etiology of (at least some) schizophrenic patients.

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