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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Human being has been using drug plants to cure patients since early era. Because our country; IRAN, had many well-known scientists in medical field and also they have been using plant drug for long time but many plant drugs are not well-known till now. However some of them were using in traditional medicine but not in modem medicine. lishmaniase is a widespread disease in Iran and neighboring countries. There are different treatment for this disease in Iran every part of Iran. One of the treatments is using flos plant on promastigote. This research has been done to determine the influence of flos plant on promastigote in culture.Materials and Methods: This experimental research has been studied the influence of flos plant on promastigote as a lishmaniase factor in culture. In order to do this research powder of flos plant prepared and by different densities, it added in promastigote culture and its influences were studied.Results: By counting promastigotes in three different cultures we found that 0.1 till 0.9 densities of flos plant prevent the growth of lishmaniase factor. But in control cultures factor didn't grow. At the second step 0.01% till 0.09% densities added to the cultures and threre were no growth too, At the last step in which one thousands densities were used a few parasites had been grown in 0.0014 and 0./002 densities in 0.03 till 0.09 densities threre were no growth.Conclusion: Based on the influences of flos plant on the influences of flos plant on lishmaniase we suggest this drug will be studied more in laboratory on mouse and in the case of positive results physicians use it to treat lishmaniase.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1679

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Background and Aim: Bone tumors are relatively common neoplasms composed of malignant, benign and intermediate varieties of which three groups are very important due to diagnostic, treatment and basic scientific aspects: 1- Tumors with unlmown origin including giant cell tumor and Ewing's sarcoma. 2- Unusual bone tumors including adipose, muscular and neural tissue tumors. 3- Bone metastases which are included in differential diagnosis of many primary bone tumors specially when their origin is not clinically detectable. The aim of this research is; first to determine the role of new diagnostic methods specially immunohistochemistry staining in diagnosis and typing of these tumors and to compare the results with conventional microscopy for documenting more accurate diagnostis criteria, and second to compare their clinic epidemiologic, radiologic and pathologic characteristics with other world wide reports and third to achive more experience in routin microscopic diagnosis of these tumors.Materials and Methods: All tissue specimens archived in pathology department of Mashhad Emam Reza Hospital in last 30 years were evaluated. Among the 126670 filed specimens, 163 cases previously diagnosed as anyone of these three groups were specified and elicited. Registered epidemiological and pathologic information's were gathered and organized in tables. Then microscopic slides were reviewed applying new diagnostic criteria, and if necessary further sections for conventional HIE and histochemical study were obtained and specially immunohistochemical assessment with appropriate markers was performed. Results: From 163 elicited tissue specimens, 2 cases due to unrelated final histopathologic diagnoses and 5 cases because of their specification as soft tissue tumors, were rolled out. Tumors with unlmown origin composed 61.5%, unusual bone tumors about 2% and bone metastases 36.5% of the documented studied tumors. In most cases the diagnostic, radiologic and pathologic characteristics were in correspondence with classical features of these tumors and other world wide reports. Merely 13% of the cases required immunohistochemical study for definite diagnosis, of which only in 4 cases the microscopic diagnosis changed.Conclusions: Conventional microscopic diagnostic method with carefull attention to clinical and radiologic findings is the main method for diagnosing these tumors, of course in few complicated cases complemental procedures such as immunohistochemistry is inevitable in diagnosing and determining accurated and true nature of these bone tumors.

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View 1531

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Background & Aim: Destructive effects of ethanol consumption on several organs of the body have been studied. Nevertheless experimental research has not been done on ovary in this field. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of ethanol on light microscopic structure of mouse's ovaries.Materials & methods: Forty female, BALB/c strain, weighing 30-35 grams mice were selected and divided in two equal experimental and control groups randomly. In experimental groups, mice were injected intraperitoneally 1mg ethanol per each gram body weight every day. In Control groupe, mice were injected 1mg normal saline per each gram body parallel to experimental group as a placebo. After one-month injection, One-half of mice and after two months injection, another half of mice, in both control and experimental groups, were anesthetized and sacrificed. Ovaries were removed and washed in normal saline. Then they were placed in fixative (formalin) for 48 hours. After routine histological processing and embedding in paraffin, all the specimens were cut in to 10 mm thickness sections and stained by Hematoxylin-Eosin. Then specimens were observed by light microscopy and photographed.Results: In experimental group, female mice that had received ethanol for one month, diminished follicles in the cortex and increased fibroblasts in the medulla. Mice that had received ethanol for two months showed massive fibrotic tissues both in cortex and medulla without any follicles in the cortex. No abnormal changes were observed in control groups that were injected normal saline for one and two months.Conclusion: According to our results, we suggest that injection of ethanol has the progressive destructive effects on cortex and medulla of ovaries and these changes depend on duration and amount of ethanol administration.

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View 877

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Background & Aim: The most common Hypochromic microcytic Anemia is Iron deficiency (IDA) and b_thalaseemiatrait. These are common in Iran and their diagnosis and distinction are important particularly in marriage consults. The results of some studies have shown that IDA can cause misdiagnosis of heterstygote b_thalassemia due to decrease in HbA2 level. Our aim of study is evaluation of effect of IDA on HbA2 levels. Furthermore hematologic values in CBC of these two disease are compared.Materials & methods: In this prospective study, 291 patients including Normal control group, heterozygote a and b_thalassemia, IDA and coexistence of IDA and B_thalassemia were evaluated for laboratory tests, including CBC, serum ferritin, Iron, TIBC and Alkaline hemoglobin clectrophoresis. Then data of patients on the basis of diagnostic criteria was accumulated in different groups and Analyzed with use of SPSS soft ware and analytical Tests.Results: HbA2 level in normal groups and IDA were %2.9±0.4 and 2.7%±0.6 respectively. in b_thalaseemia trait HbA2 was %5.6±0.9 and in coexistence of b_thalassemia and IDA was %4.7±0.1.There was a significant difference between HbA2 level in b-thalassemia and Normal Control groups and between b_thalaseemia and coexistence of b_thalaseemia and IDA. There was significant increase in RBC counts, Hb, Hct and MCHC values in b_thalaseemiatrait in comparison to IDA, but there was not significant difference in MCV between these. RDW was elevated in two diseases but it was more significant in IDA.Conclusion: IDA can cause a decrease in HbA2 level. These Particularly in cases with coexistance of IDA and b-thalassemiatrait can cause misdiagnosis. Therefore in suspicious cases of b-thalassemiatrait in IDA background, It is better to do hemoglobin electrophoresis after treatment of IDA.

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View 92392

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Background and Aim: one of the main criterion in developing a society is neonatal mortality rate. Weight is the most sensitive growth criterion and one way to survey health is to measure it. To examine the effect of touch intervention on the weight gain of preterm infants who were admitted in NICU of Imam Reza and Qaem hospitals in Mashhad.Materials and Methods: This study was done on 40 stable preterm infants. Touch intervention (consist of strocking/ passive limb movement for three 15 - minute periods per day for a 10 days) was provided to 20 preterm infants (mean gestational age, 31.3 weeks; mean birth weight, 1299g). And the weight gain were compared a group of 20 control infants (mean gestational age, 30.9 weeks; mean birth weight, 1321g). Results: over the 10- day study period, the treatment groups gained significantly more weight compared to the control group (P <0.001).Conclusion: These data suggest that strocking/ passive limb movement can be a cost effective way of facilitating growth in stable preterm infants.

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View 1484

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Background and Aim: To determine neurodevelopmental outcome of term neonatal seizures in the age of 3 months. Patients and methods: 46 term neonates with clinical seizures were included during 1 year. Data collected through using history, observation and examination in the day of the admission and in 3 months of life. Then results were analyzed.Results: From 46 term neonates 43.5% were girls and 56.5% boys. In 23% of the cases, first seizures occurred in the first day of life and overall in 84% of patients, seizures started in the first week. 63% of neonates had one type of seizures; the most common type was tonic. In 39% interictal EEGs were abnormal. The etiologies were hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HLE) in 30.4% infection 19.6%, hypoglycemia 13%, other metabolic disorders in 13%, intracranial hemmorhage in 11%, cerebal dysgenesis 4%, hyperekplexia and familial neonatal seizures each of them 2% and 4% unknown. 2/3 of neonates were available in 3 months of life. 50% of them had abnonna1 neurodevelopment assessment. All neonates with seizures due to HIE were in this group (P=0.00). Seizures type and EEG findings don't have significant correlation with abnormal developmental outcomes (P =0.6).Conclusion: Seizures type and EEG findings don't have significant correlation with neurologic outcome in neonatal seizures, at 3 months of life, but the causes of seizures are determinative.

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View 1796

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Background and Aim: TURP is mostly applied on elderly patient who have hypertension and cardiac problem. Therefore, it becomes important to keep a stable anesthesia that will minimize the homodynamic difference .The purpose of this study was to find the ideal anesthesia for the TURP by comparing the three different regional anesthesia.Materials and Methods: Totally 93 ASA II-III patients were hydratad with 500cc Normal Salin before regional anaesthesia. In group E (n:31) epidural anaesthesia were achieved by applying 75mg bupivacaine heavy + 50 mg fentanyl in the L3-L4 intervertebral space. In group SP (n:31) 1 mg bupivacaine heavy 1000g fentanyl were used for spinal anesthesia (L3-L4 intervertebral space) while in group SA (n:31) 10mg bupivacaine heavy +50 mg fentanyl were used with saddle blockade. Systolic arterial pressure (SAP), heart rate (HR), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), serum sodium measurement was recorded before and after hydration and during operation. The motor block and sensory level have been measured.Results: Intraoperative SAP values were more stable than the other groups in group SA. The decrease in HR values were significant 15 minutes after prehydration in three groups (P< 0/05 ). SpO2 values of the groups were stable during the operation. The time to reach the maximum block was very short in patients in Group SA (P<0/0001). There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of motor block values (P<0/0001). No fully paralysed sample was seen in Group SA even though there was a sufficient surgical anaesthesia.Conclusion: Saddle block has some advantages compared to spinal and epidural such as achieving adequate anesthesia, stable haemodynamic, the lower degree and no full blockage in patients. Saddle block is an ideal regional anesthesia operation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1910

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Background and Aim: children Sexual behavior can cause uncertainty among clinicians due to relationship between sexual abuse and sexual behaviors. Concequently, it is important to understand normal childhood sexual behaviors.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. The samples were 57 boys and 57 girls that their mothers referred to health and treatment centers of Gonabad city .To collect the data two questionnaires were used that contained demographic information and a check list about children sexual behaviors.Results: The results showed that the most talks of girls on normal sexual behaviors was about child birth, mothers breast, touch differentiation between girls and boys and Doctor- role-playing respectively, but in boys it was Doctor-role playing, sex parts touch, child birth and parents lonely sleeping. 23.7% of mothers expressed that they change the topic of the conversation when they encounter with child sexual questions and 8.1% stated that they punish their child in these cases.41.6% of mothers also told that they say" you will understand as soon as you grow up ". The others (25.9%) replied that they tell the correct response to the child.Conclusion: The results showed normal sexual behaviors were different and performance of mothers were poor about sexual behavior in children. Then it is necessary to teach and inform the mothers.

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Background and Aim: The substantial discrepancy in the male-to-female ratio between clinic-referred (10 to 1) and community (3 to 1) samples of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suggests that gender differences may be operant in expression of comorbid disorders with ADHD.Materials and Methods: The study included 71 boys and 76 girls with ADHD (aged 5-17 years) were diagnosed by clinical interview and the Schedule for effective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School- Age Children Present and Lifetime version (K - SADS - PL). They were assessed with structured diagnosed interview and K- SADS for DSM-IV disorders Results: The co-occurrence of ADHD and comorbid psychopathology in girls, who were referred to clinic, was the same for the boy probands with ADHD.Conclusion: Our results suggest that boys and girls do not differ in the comorbid disorders with ADHD. Although this is consistent with prior work suggesting more similarities than differences in the nature of psychiatric comorbidity in ADHD boys and girls, we cannot make strong conclusions, thus replication studies are needed.

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Background and Aim: Diabetes is one of the most widespread I metabolic disease of human and it is a universal health problem too. Diabetes can cause disorders in activities of eyes. kidneys, heart and vessels that finally result in blindness, serious failures of Kidney etc.Materials and Methods: This research is a cross - sectional descriptive study that survey side - effects of diabetics who use services of Gonabad hospitals. The samples were all cases that used services of 22 - Bahman and 15 - Khordad hospitals. Then based on poison sampling IDDM and NIDDM patients were chosen. A questionnaire and visit papers were used for data collection and researchers analyzed them.Results: The findings showed that 24 percent of IDDM and26 precent of NIDDM had obvious and serious Microanjiopathy side effects. The most widespread Microanjiopathy side- effect, was 41.67 percent in women and 42.80 percent in men. There were also obvious and serious Microanjiopathy side effects. The rate of Triglyceride among 55/3 percent of both groups was 200-400 mg/d (48.2 percent in men and 60 percent in women) also the rate of total cholesterol in both groups was 200- 239 mg/dl. (43 .5 percent in men and 43 .8 percent in women group)Different rate of hypertension based on GNC- VI showed that 27.3 percent in IDDM and 42.9 percent in NIDDM had systolic hypertension (< According to serious side - effects of diabetes prevention is the best way for all three different types ( I , I , III ) so, It is recommended to teach personnel of health service centers and the families of patients and also the society about prevention tips in order to recognize those who are in the risk of diabetes. In this case we can accompany long life with a healthy life.

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