This paper is a case report about seventeen years old boy, who came us to Vali-asr hospital clinic with loss of appetite and skin lesions, and arthrits, he felt well to one month ago, until he was taken an operation for appendicitis.Several days after that, skin lesions included erythematous, purpura lesions began to appear.Arthritis in MCP, PIP, ankles, wrists and knees was appeared. Biopsy of skin lesions cleared, vasculitis, edema, and PMN infiltrations.Biopsy findings strongly suggested lupus.The exams were normal except for reduction of C3, C4, CH50. ADNA was positive. Photosensitivity arthritis, skin lesions and biopsy findings and serologic findings were in favor of sub acute' cutaneous lupus.This form of lupus is seen in 10% of lupus case. Usually CNS and renal lesions are rare. ANA also is negative up to 50%. History of this form of lupus is better than systemic lupus, but occasionally this form is converted to systemic lupus.This boy was taken medication with prednisolon and coloroquine. Finally, all of symptoms respond to treatment.