Purpose: The aim of this research is developing a moral model for Safe and violence-free family for based on Naraqi’ s ideas in the book "Jameo' Alsa'adat" (1388). Methods: This qualitative study was conducted using themes analysis and synthesis. For intellectual foundations of the therapy, Naraghi's ideas were used. Themes of moral treatment were extracted from books about morality, especially those of Naraghi's Jameo' Alsa'adat, and for developing the moral treatment model, the moral themes were combined with themese from Norcross and Prochaska's (2007) about processes and stages of change (SOC). Results: Human soul has four drives: intellect, anger, lust, and imagination. If the intellect drive prevails over the other drives, this would lead to moderation. Anger and violence is the result of indulgence in rage. According to studies by Prochaska and Norcross (2007), the changes go through a gradual, predictable and stage-based process. The steps of change in the moral model have been designed based on the stages of change which are: explanation of personality ("sha'akele"), soul drives recognition, consciousness about priority of motives, recognition of barriers to change, limiters to consciousness, mobilization in the dimensions of wisdom, trust and effort, meditation, self questioning, attention to the positions of landslides, reviewing, and continuity. Conclusion: Naraghi explained human nature pathology, mental health, and intellect cultivation, so for controling violence, which is indulgence in rage, one can use and benefit from steps set forth in the ethical treatment model.