Introduction: In particle physics, CP violation is a violation of the postulated CP symmetry of the laws of physics. CP violation represents the most delicately broken symmetry observed so far in nature and provides physicists with a powerful phenomenological probe. The violation of CP symmetry is one of the most intriguing aspects of high-energy physics which plays an important role in the theories of cosmology that attempt to explain the dominance of matter over antimatter in the present universe. The study of CP violation remains a vibrant area of theoretical and experimental work today. From 1964, experimenters have searched for CP violation in mesons. Mesons are essential to CP violation. A meson contains one quark and one antiquark, in an equal mixture of matter and antimatter. Family of mesons involves particles like pions, kaons, B and D mesons and etc.Aim: A theoretical tool for CP symmetry breaking has been used and the violation of this symmetry in b quark decays has been investigated.Materials and Methods: In this research, the decay rates of b quark and`b antiquark in tree-level and penguin based on effective Hamiltonian theory have been calculated and the values of CP violation in b quark decays have been obtained by means of them.Results: Relying on quark model of b and`b decays, we have compared theoretical results with experimental ones for CP violation in B meson decays. We consider that b→ ud`u and b →cs`c decays have greatest and smallest values of CP violation, respectively.Conclusion: Various b quark and`b antiquark decay rates in tree-level and penguin, based on effective Hamiltonian theory, calculated. Obviously, when calculating the decay rates of those four decays which only contain tree-level, b → ud`c, b → us`c, b → cd`u and b→ cs`u, Wilson coefficients C3, ..., 6 that carry the gluonic penguin contributions, have been taken equal to zero and hence, there is no difference between quark and antiquark decay rates for these decays. Making use of CP asymmetry relation and using the values of the decay rates in, we calculate CP violation for those b quark decays which have different rate from the corresponding antiquark due to the effect of penguin contribution and presence of Wilson coefficients C3, ..., 6 in effective Hamiltonian formalism.