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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 19)
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    2 (پیاپی 19)
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اندیشه برگزاری همایش روابط فرهنگی- تمدنی ایران و آفریقا در اواخر بهار سال 1379 ه.ش، در مرکز مطالعات آفریقا وابسته به دانشگاه تربیت مدرس شد و برگزاری آن به تصویب شورای پژوهشی مرکز رسید. بلافاصله از سوی رییس مرکز، اقدامات لازم به عمل آمد و رایزنیهای متعددی با سازمانهای ذیربط در خصوص مشارکت یا همکاری در برگزاری همایش انجام شد. در این میان وزارت امور خارجه (دفتر مطالعات سیاسی و بین المللی)، یونسکو، سازمان فرهنگ و ارتباطات اسلامی، مرکز بین المللی گفتگوی تمدنها و مقامات دانشگاه تربیت مدرس (رییس و معاون پژوهشی، آمادگی خود را جهت مشارکت در برگزاری همایش اعلام داشتند). در پی آن، طرح اولیه همایش توسط مدیر گروه مطالعه فرهنگی- مرکز، آقای دکتر ملکی مقدم، تهیه و با مقامات سازمانهای مزبور، حضوراً مذاکره و توافقهای لازم نیز به عمل آمد. در نیمه تابستان 1379 ه.ش، طرح فراخوان مقاله با حضور نمایندگان سازمانهای مشارکت کننده در مرکز به تصویب رسید و بلافاصله نسبت به انتشار آن به زبانهای فارسی و انگلیسی در جراید کثیرالانتشار کشور (فارسی و انگلیسی) اقدام گردید و پوستر همایش نیز طراحی، چاپ و جهت اطلاع عمومی منتشر شد. همچنین از طریق پست الکترونیکی فراخوان مقاله برای تعدادی از مراکز مطالعات آفریقا در خارج از کشور ارسال شد و نیز از طریق سفارتخانه ها و نمایندگان فرهنگی ج.ا. ایران در برخی از کشورهای آفریقای برای مراکز دانشگاهی کشور مربوط، فرستاده شد؛ علاوه بر این در مراحل بعدی نسبت به طراحی و ایجاد سایت ویژه همایش بر روی اینترنت، اقدام گردید.  

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  • Volume: 

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    2(Tome 19)
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The subject of unbalanced growth has been a topic of great debate among regional economists. The existance of regional duality, population migration, growth poles, etc. show the importance of subject and greater attention in this regard. The purpose of this paper is to look into changes in regional inequalities in a selected provinces of Iran. The variable used for constructing inequality indices is employment.A number of approaches is being tested in the paper: The share of inc{ustry value added in the GDP, growth rate of employment in selected provinces, their relative importance and finally three different inequality indices, namely unweighted coefficient of variation, Theil index and Williamson index are being calculated and regressed against time and its square. The results show that employment inequality among different provinces has been declined over the study period (1353- 1376).

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    2(Tome 19)
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It is believed that optimal location of industries leads to a greater efficiency and a better pel1formanceof industries and the whole economic system. Different studies of locational decision- making would help policy-makers to identify the cost and benefits associated with attracting different economic activities to their regions. In this paper a quantitative modelfor identifyingfactors, affecting the locational decision of aluminum industries in Iran, is developed. The model used is a Multinominal Logit model and is estimated using the data available in manufacturing census conducted in 1994 (1373).The results show that variables such as distance and variables relating to agglomeration economies (such as localization economies) are significant and are known as the most importantfactors in locating aluminum industries in the country.

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    2(Tome 19)
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Thepaper analyzes the determinants of one of the important human development indicators in 89 countries of the world. Using multiple regression analysis, the paper analyzes the effects of socio -economic factors on life expectancy. Regression resultsshow that there is apositive strong correlation between life expectancy as an independentvariable and per capita income, health expenditures, Literacy rate and daily calorie supply. Also. it shows that there is a negative strong corelation between life expectancy and thousands of people per doctor. Using dummy variables, the paper shows that there are some unrecognized but not quantifiable factors which affect life expectancy in African countries. Finally the paper concludes that human development requires an increasing investment in the socioeconomicsectors of the economy.

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  • Issue: 

    2(Tome 19)
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Accounting information system is one of the most important systems in each organization; Because any communicationwith bodies outside the organization has to be carried out through such a system. Therefor, any kind of inefficiency and weakness in the system will decrease the efficiency of the organization and create problems in the management programs and controls. The importance of management accounting has been confirmed in providing adequate informationfOr managerial decision making. Thus management accounting must prepare more precise and intensive information by using management science techniques for managers in decision making. It Seems, in Iran, trading companies do not use managementscience techniques in order to provide information. Therefor, in this investigation, attempt is made to the reasons and impediments of not applying management science techniques in reporting management accounting information. Thispaper concludes with someproposals and solutionsfor such impediments.

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  • Volume: 

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    2(Tome 19)
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In this paper, at first, multi-dimensional concept of technology and technology transferhas been studied; in this case, the important role of technology in the world of economy has been emphasized And decision making in selecting technology transfer project is introducted as an unmistakable part of every national developmentplan for innnovation. Then, different kind of popular decision making models has been studied Folowing this study, the lack of an integrated model- which may be used simultaneously both for asssessment and assignment technology transfer projects - is emphasized and also by discussing diffferent aspects of this model, aframework is suggested to desing this model. Finally, using of this integrated molel with interaction by a group of qualified experts has been suggested

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  • Volume: 

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    2(Tome 19)
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Increase in the growth rate of urbanism. in recent years, has caused inappropriate location of educational spaces. Applying scientific approaches for appropriate location of educational space has become a necessary matter. In this paper a scientific method for locating educational facilities is presented First, a series of methodical criteria such as compatibility and desirability spaces are descussed Based on these criteria, a preference value can be calculated for every potential location. Then, these preference values along with some real constraints are incorporated in a primary integer programming model. At the final section of the paper, an expanded model of the primary model which contains more realistic constraints ispresented

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2(Tome 19)
  • Pages: 

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Goal Programming (GP) is regarded as one of the most important and powerful techniques for dealing with the complex decision problems that involve multiple and specially conflicting objectives. There are several difficulties with GP. This paper provides an appraisement to the effectiveness of GP in incorporating the decision maker (DM)s preferences. An integrated-systematic classification of different GP models is provided; Also the restrictions of each model are explained, And the General Criterion or Value Function Method is introduced. In order to increase the effectiveness of GP models and to decrease the probable mistakes in defining the DMs preferences, a systematic-interactive-procedure is suggested. This systematic procedure helps DM to select a proper GP model based on his preferences.A numerical example is provided in order to make the proposed procedure easy to understand. Finally, the conclusions andfinal remarks areprovided.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2(Tome 19)
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This paper reports on a study that investigated the differences in strategic posture, Structure, environment and workplace climate between a group of more innovative and a group of less innovative companies. In this study the contribution of middle managers to innovation is considered The respondents (n=30, N=57) were all large or medium manufacturing companies. The study found that there were significant difference strategic posture. Structure, environment and between the innovative and the laess innovtive coampnies. The results hve implictions for eecutive nd humn reource mngementprctice.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2(Tome 19)
  • Pages: 

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Decision - Making is one the most important tasks of management. Suitable information is the most important Component of decision - making.informationof drawinga betterfuture will result in a better decision - making.Thereare different qualitative and quantitative methods for decision - making and providing managerial information. one of the qualitative methods is Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), wich is considered as a branch of Artificial Intelligence. Neural Networks are applied to solve a variety of management problems such as pattern classification, clustering, function approximation, prediction, optimization, associative memory, and control. This. article is written for students and specialists in managment field, and it tries to introduce Neural Networks applied in management, briefly.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2(Tome 19)
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Today, because of the increasing complexity of political, social and economic issues andproblems, sciences relating to decision-making have advanced a great deal. Legislative parliaments are among the major policy -making centers in the political systems of todays world Due to the importance attached to decision making evaluation and efficiency of decisions have alsofound great importonce. In this article, attempt has been made to introduce the results of a research work carried out to determine and clarify the criteria of the effectiveness of the islamic consultantive assembly because it has seemed that no scientific work has-been-so far carried out in order to evaluate the decisions of the parliament and most of the criticisms are of apolitical, social,factional orjournalistic. For this purpose, a team has been established in order to identify the criteria in delphi manner.- Then, a certainpart of that has been offered to experienced judicail experienced judicial experts through questionnaires in order to obtain their evaluation. The replies are in the form of seven choices wich vary from a high important degree to non important. Since these choices are of qualitative values, so the fuzzy numerical methods have been applied in line with this purpose; in other words,for each of these choices a fuzzy triangular number was allocated Then, the defuzzification was achieved through conducing fuzzy calculations in determinanistic number. Considering the calculated deterministic numbers, the degree of importancefor these criteria has been obtained Meanwhile, the creditability of questionairs and homogeneity of criteria were identified by applying cronbachs alpha test. The obtained cronbachs numbers indicate the high creditability and homogeneity as well as the reliability that can be placed on these questionairs.

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