In this research, we tried to investigate the methods for effective use of practical works in secondary school science education. To do this, the available theoretical and research literature in the field was carefully studied. Furthermore, to achieve a suitable model, the various viewpoints were categorized and analyzed. Then, the most applied elements of the theories were brought forward and combined into one model. This innovative model, based on problem solving activity, is in harmony with physics, chemistry and biology curriculum and high schools' facilities, and could be implemented in Iranian educational system.The research method has been of descriptive-survey type. Data collection was done using a special questionnaire which was developed using available resources and it was validated and adjusted according to Iran's conditions, using interviews with experts (6 presons). The reliability of interviews was investigated and confirmed through the Cronbach Alpha method (a = 0.79). The research sample for accrediting the presented model included educational experts (120 persons in the field of physics, chemistry and biology), and curriculum planning especialists (10 presons). In order to analyze the data, the descriptive (mean) and inferential (t-test) statistics were used. In general, the research findings show that the recommended model has an important role in introducing practical works in secondary school science education classes and it is valid according to educational experts and curriculum planning specialists.