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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Hyperlipdemia is one of the main known risk factors for coronary artery disease.Regarding the undesirable consequences of hyperlipidemia and it`s long-time treatment, it make important using drugs with lesser complications during the long period of treatment . This study was aimed to evaluate effectiveness of dill juice in treatment of hyperlipidemia. MATERIALS & METHODS: The statistical population included all patients with hyperlipidemia had referred to internal medicine clinics in 1999. They include 45 cases with serum triglyceride of >250 mg/dl or serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) of > 160 mg/dl . The study was a double- blind randomized clinical trial. The patients were divided into two groups of cases and controls. Serum lipids of both groups were measured before and one month after interferencing. Data was analyzed by t.test. RESULTS: Dill juice significantly decreased serum triglycerid in case group (p=0.01) while decreaseing in serum LDL was not statistically significant. There was also no significant association between serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) before and after interferencing despite some increasing in serum HDL.CONCLUSION: Regarding the results of the study, dill juice can be a useful drug for treatment of hyperlipidemia. However more and extended multicenteric studies should be performed to confirm this results.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Extracorporal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has caused a great revolusion in effective treatment of many patients with urinary stones. This study was aimed to determine success rate and complications of ESWL by Sonolith 3000 in Tohid hospital of Sanandaj during 1994-1999.RESULTS: Total number of 3595 lithotripsy performed in 2460 patients with urinary stone during the 5 years. Mean times of lithotripsy for every patient was 1.46. Times of lithotripsy was once, twice, thrice and four times in 64.9% , 24.3% , 10.6% and 0.2% of patients, respectively. Seventy point two percent of the patients were male and 29.8% of them were female. Mean age of the patients was 39.62 years (SD=12.85). Total disappearance rate of urinary stone following lithotripsy was 89.3%. In 56.5% of the patients the stone completely disappeared while in 32.8% of them small particles of stone remainded in urinary system that were spontaneously expeled. Failure rate of lithotripsy was 10.7%(262 patients). Success rate of lithotripsy for single pelvic stones with diameter of 20 mm or less was 95.4%. Complications included stone street (8.9%), skin complications (13.3%), urosepsis (18%) and resistant pain (1.1%). All of patients had transient post-lithotripsy hematuria that didn`t require any management. One hundred of patients (4.06%) were admitted in hospital for post-lithotripsy complications. CONCLUSION: Regarding our study, ESWL is a safe and successful pocedure for treatment of urinary stones in more than 90% of the patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Cesarean is one of the most prevalent and increasing surgical procedure. Regarding the importance of mother`s care during the first hours after delivery for communicating with neonate and starting breast feeding, it has great importance to decrease post cesarean pain.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a double blind randomized clinical trial . The studied population included 53 mothers reffered for elective cesarean section. All of them had first pregnancy and had not history of surgery. The subjects were divided in two randomized groups. For decreasing pain following cesarean morphine was adminstrated to one group (25 cases) and piroxicam to other group (28 cases) intravenously. Data was registered in a check list and was analyzed by x2 test.RESULTS: Seventeen patients had severe pain, 35.8% had intermediate pain and 47.2% had slight pain following cesarean. There was no significant difference between morphine and piroxicam for decreasing post-cesarean pain. The patients in morphine group had more dizziness and confusion. There was also a significant association between the used drug and sleep state. The patients in piroxicam group had better sleep during first 24 hours after cesarean. CONCLUSION: Regarding our study, it seems that piroxicam and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs can control post cesarean pain with lesser complications. So, they can be a good substitute of morphine.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Insersion of mental health services into primary health care (PHC) in our country neccesssitates to attent economical aspects of this program. This study was aimed to evaluate economical effects of the insersion program in treatment of depressed patients in Kurdistan province.MATERIALS & METHODS: Fifty seven depressed patients from population under the coverage of mental health program that had been inserted in PHC (case group) were compared with 60 depressed patients who had not been inserted in PHC (control group) These two methods of treatment as independent variables were evaluated with dependent variables including cost, benefit (economic consequences of increasing working hours and decreasing patient`s care by their family), outpatient referrals and days of admission by cost-benefit analysis. Data was collected by questionaire, interview with the patient`s family and studing the patient`s files. RESULTS: Mean of referral times was more in case group as compared with control group (P<0.001). Mean of yearly cost of every patient in case group was more than control group and mean of benefit in case group was more than control group (P=0.000).CONCLUSION: Analysis of results of this study reveals insersion of mental health program into PHC has caused to be increased outpatient referrals of depressed patients, decreased cost and increased benefits.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Rapid progression of industrialization and low attention to safety roles have caused increasing occupational accidents. This study was aimed to evaluate occupational accidents in Iranian Aluminum Company in 1999.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. The studied population include all workers (3945 persons) of Iranian Aluminum Company in Arak during year 1999. Data was collected by studing worker`s files, observation and interview. The related factors including age, years of service, occupation, marriage, injuried organ, place of accident, type of accident, hour and period of accident were evaluated. RESULTS: The accident rate in our study was 16.48 in 100 workers. Mean age and mean of years of service were 33.05 and 6.27 years, respectively. The most common injuried organs were feet (31.7%) and hands (23.7%). The most common time of accident was 10 A.M (10.9%). The most common injuries were traumatic injuries (30.6%), fractures (22.9%) and burns (19.4%).CONCLUSION: Regarding the research`s results, it is recommended to perform safety educational programs, correct high risk conditions and use personal safety equipments for decreasing frequency and severity of the accidents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: More than 350 milions people (5%) of world`s population, 300 thousands (1.4 to 6.5%) of Iranian population and 45 thousands (3%) of Kurdistan`s population are HBsAg positive. Health employees have greater risk to be contaminated with HBsAg because they are in direct contact with patients and contaminated objects. This study was performed to determine prevalence of HBsAg in employees of Imam Khomeini hospital of Saghez in 1999-2000. MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. Sample size was 270 persons. Data was collected by a questionaire including result of HBsAg test (performed by ELISA method), personal identifications, history of vaccination, blood transfusion and needle stick. RESULTS: Prervalence of HBsAg in our study was 2.6%. All of the positive HBsAg were married males that were not vaccinated. In younger age group (20-30 years old) and subjects with less than 1-10 years of service, pervalence of HBsAg was 14.2%. Fourty two point eight percent of HBsAg positives were servants. None of HBsAg positives had history of blood transfusion. History of needle stick was positive in 57.1% of HBsAg positives and in 38% of HBsAg negatives. All of family members of HBsAg positive persons were HBsAg negative. There was no significant association between history of blood transfusion or marriage with positivity of HBsAg.CONCLUSION: Results of this study demonstrate that prevalence of HBsAg in our sample agrees with the country`s and the province`s prevalence rates. It also shows that servants have greater risk to contaminate with HBsAg and confirms the positive role of vaccination in prevention of hepatitis B. It is recommended to test persons for hepatitis B virus (including serum HbsAg), perform hepatitis B vaccination and educate people about blood transmitted diseases to decrease prevalence of hepatitis B.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 992

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INTRODUCTION: Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) is a worldwide health problem. Many parts of the Islamic Republic of Iran had been known as areas of endemic goiter. IDD was accepted as a priority health problem in the country, and a National IDD council was formed in 1989. This study was performed to evaluate the national IDD council program, in rural and urban areas of Kurdistan province in 1996. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One thousand four hundred schoolchildren, aged 8 to 10 years including 50% girls and 50% boys, were selected through random sampling. Grading of goiter was performed according to WHO`s classification. Serum T3, T4 and TSH were measured by RIA and uninary iodine by digestion method.RESULTS: The mean of serum T4,T3 and TSH were: 11± 2.0 µg/dl, 171 ±88 ng/dl and 2.0 ± 0.8 µIu/ml, respectively. There were no differences between males and females and schoolchildren of rural or urban areas. Fourteen persons had serum T4 more than 12.5 µg/dl. The mean urinary iodine was 28 µg/dl in entire population; 89% had urinary iodine more than 10 µg/dl. Only 4% had urinary iodine less than 5 µg/dl. Total prevalence of gioter was 66% (70% in girls and 63% in boys).CONCLUSION: Based on the available data, seven years after distribution of iodized salt and 2 years after using iodized salt by more than 50% of pupulation , uninary iodine of schoolchildren of Kurdistan province dose not show iodine deficiency. However gioter is still hyperendemic in Kurdistan province.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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INTRODUCTION: Lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract bleeding has different ethiologies in different populations and in different ages. This study was aimed to demonstrate relative frequency of causes of lower GI bleeding in patients admitted in Besat hospital of Sanandaj.MATERIALS & METHODS: This was a descriptive study. The subjects included all patients with lower GI bleeding that were admitted in Besat hospital in 1999. They were 112 patients with age range from 1 to 81 years. Data was collected from the patient`s files.RESULTS: Seventy six patients (67.9%)were male and 36 patients (32.1%) were female. Sixty three patients (56.3%) were town resident and 49 patients (43.8%) were village resident. Ethiology of lower GI bleeding was not diagnosed only in 1 patient (0.9%). Most of the patients had less than 55 years-old-age (76.8%). Nine patients had less than 25 years-old age that was the least freqnency (8.1%) among the age groups.Twenty three patients(20.5%) had another disease associated with lower GI bleeding. The most prevalent chief complaint of the patient was discharge of clear blood from rectum that was present in 29 patients (25.9%)alone. Rectal bleeding was at least one of the patients` complaints in 103 cases (92.7%). Seven patients(6.3%) had no clear rectal bleeding and in five of them the chief complaints were weakness,weight loss and defecation changes. Two of them (1.8%) had melena and abdominal Pain. Fifty eight patients(51.8%) had hemorrhoid in different grades.Hemorrhoid was one of the associated diseases in 68 patients (60.7%). Ten patients(8.9%) had only anal fissure while it was an associated disease in 15 patients (13.6%).Polyps was the cause of lower GI bleeding in 11 patients (10%) while it was an associated disease in 12 patients (10.7%).Colorectal cancer was the cause of lower GI bleeding in 13 patients(11.6%). One patient(0.9%) had both colorectal cancer and hemorrhoid. Inflammatory and infectious colitis were the causes of lower GI bleeding in 6 patients(5.4%).In 2 patients(1.8%) rectal prolapse was the cause of lower GI bleeding. CONCLUSION: Relative freqnency of causes of lower GI bleeding including colorectal cancer in our study are the same as other researchs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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