Economic growth depends on the utilization of resources, the rate of
population growth, the saving rate, the mode of organization of
economic activity, technological know how, and etc.
The aim of this study is to assess the role of domestic R&D
expenditures and foreign R&D expenditures through the foreign trade
on total factors productivity in Iran.
Reccent theories of economic growth treat commercially oriented
innovation in response to economic incentives as a major engine of
technological progress and productivity growth. In this view, innovation
feeds on knowledge arising from cumulative research and development
(R&D) experience on the one hand, and it contributes to this stock of
knowledge on the other hand. Consequently, and economy"s level of
productivity depends on its cumulative R&D effort and on its effective
stock of knowledge, with the two being interrelated.
tn a world with international trade in goods, a country"s productivity
depends on the R&D of its trade partners as well as on its own.
Therefore, in this research we study the extent to which total factor
producitvity depens on domestic and trade partners R&D capital stocks.
Wc cumulate domestic R&D expenditure as a proxy for the R&D
capital stock and construct a trade partners R&D capital stock as the
import wcighted sum of the trade partners R&D capital stock. We apply
Johansen cointegration methodology in the estimation during the preiod
1968-1999. The partners of Iran in this study consist of 21 OECD
countrics and United Arab Emirates.
We find that both domestic and foreign R&D capital stock have
important effects on total factor productivity and ecnomic growth.
Estimated coefficient on the interaciton of trade with the foreign R&D
capital stock is positive, then the effect of foreign R&D on domestic
productivity is larger the more open the economy is to foreign trade,
and the effect of foreign trade on productivity is larger, the larger is the
foreign R&D capital stock. Similarly for the interaction of human
capital with foreign R&D: if, then the effect of foreign R&D capital
stock on productivity is larger the more educated is the domestic labor
force, and the effect of education on productivity is alrger, the larger is
the foreign R&D capital stock.