In development and planning literature "evaluation" is one of the
necessities of planning procedure. Denying this procedure not only
makes the planning and decision making process incomplete but also
eliminates dynamism from the optimum decision making process
and sustainable development feedback. Taking into consideration
the importance of the subject and in order to correctly improve future
schemes, decision making and planning for sustainable development,
evaluation becomes more important than ever.
Although, the effects of such schemes can be positive or negative, the aim of
this paper is to evaluate the implications of self-sufficiency programs of
Imam Khomeini Committee in Fasa City central parts and Nowbandegan.
This will help to identify the effectiveness of the said schemes in
development of the region, in particular, from food security point of view.
Based on the mentioned definition, the present assumption of this paper is to
find out a meaningful relation between implemented schemes of Imam
Khomeini Rescue Committee and food security of rural dwellers.
The Imam Khomeini Rescue Committee is one the foundations that conduct
self-sufficiency programs, including agricultural, services and industrial
schemes in rural areas e.g. in 35 villages of Fasa. This paper examines the
implications such programs with regard to two patterns of durable consumer
goods and food consumer ingredients indicators before and after the
conducting of the program in Fasa.
The methodology of the paper is descriptive and analytical. By taking
advantage of panel method, the living condition of the rural dwellers before
and after the execution of the program is studied. Non-parametric techniques
such as Wilkakson, Friedman, and McNamar are use for the sake of
comparison. The results indicate that the assumption is with 95 percent
confidence acceptable.