Background and Objectives: The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of eight weeks of selected training on hematological indexes in women. Thirteen girls of Ray Branch of Azad University were selected non-randomly.Materials and Methods: In this research, the effect of eight weeks of aerobic training including 40-minute running twice a week with 60% to 65% reserve heart rate on hematocrit, RBC, hemoglobin, blood indexes (MCH, MCV, MCHC), serum iron, transferrin concentration, serum ferritin and TIBC were examined. For data collection, blood samples before and after performance of the eight week training were obtained. The methods used were Sianoment colorimetric method to measure Hb, MCH, MCV, and MCHC, automatic machines to measure iron, and ferritin IRMA kit to measure ferritin concentration. Finally, the data were analyzed by t-student method.Results: The results showed that eight weeks of aerobic training caused decrease in Hct, RBC, Hb, serum iron, transferring concentration and serum ferritin in girls (p<0.05).Conclusions: Aerobic training can place a reduction impact on some hematological indexes in women.