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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    3 (پیاپی 81)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Breast cancer and its treatments induce various physical complications, including cardiovascular problems. Exercise training is one of the recommended methods for preventing or reducing these complications. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of 8 weeks of Pilates exercises on cardiovascular indices in breast cancer patients. Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial. Participants of the study included 30 female breast cancer patients who participated in the study voluntarily. They were randomly divided into two groups of the exercise (n=15) and the control (n=15). The exercise group performed Pilates exercise for 8 weeks, 3 days a week, for 60 min per session, but the control group did not participate in any regular physical activity. The resting heart rate and systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure were measure using a blood pressure monitor device prior to and after the training period of the both groups. Subsequently, the rate pressure product and the resting systolic heart rate were separately multiplied by resting heart rate. Analysis of covariance statistical test was used to carry out data analysis. Results: Pilates exercises decreased systolic blood pressure (P<0. 035), heart rate (P<0. 02) and rate pressure product (P<0. 003) in breast cancer women, but did not have any effect on their diastolic blood pressure (P<0. 18). Conclusion: Women with breast cancer are recommended to perform Pilates exercises for the improvement of their cardiovascular indices.

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    3 (81)
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Background: As a control tool, performance evaluation has always been a concern for managers. Hence, the present study aimed to apply a balanced scorecard approach to assess the performance of educational hospitals in Khorramabad before and after the development of the health system (2013 and 2017). Materials and Methods: This descriptive-comparative study was conducted in 2013 and 2017 using a balanced scorecard model. The statistical population included all educational hospitals in Khorramabad. The performance of every hospital was examined based on the dimensions and indicators of the study using SPSS-22 software. Results: There were significant differences between the performance of the educational hospitals of Khorramabad in terms of customer orientation and internal processes before and after the implementation of health system reform (p<0. 05). Nevertheless, there were no significant distinctions between the hospitals with regard to growth, learning and financial issues (p> 0/05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that two dimensions of the balanced scorecard approach were improved following the implementation of health care reform plan in Khorramabad educational hispitals.

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    3 (81)
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Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of four weeks of voluntary and compulsory exercise training in adolescence on pseudo-anxiety behaviors and its effect on the expression of fetal inflammatory factors in the cerebellum. Materials and Methods: To conduct the experiment, 40 male rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of the control (C), separated from the mother (MS), separated from the mother and voluntary exercise (MS + RW), separated from the mother and compulsory exercise (MS + TM), and isolated from the mother and Fluoxetine (MS + FLX). Except for the control group, the rats of other groups were separated from their mothers from the second to the 14th day after birth for 180 minutes. Subsequently, the subjects were kept in cages of four rats until the 28th day. Drug and treatment groups were treated with the voluntary procedure (running wheel), compulsory practice (treadmill) and drug (Fluoxetine) from the 28th day. On the 60th day, pseudo-anxiety behaviors were evaluated by EPM behavior test. The level of the gene expression of inflammatory factors in the cerebellum was also measured. Results: Our results showed that voluntary exercise could significantly and more effectively than compulsory training eliminate anxiety-like behaviors induced by the stress of separation from the mother from the mother, and reduce the expression of the inflammatory factors’ gene in the cerebellum. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that voluntary exercise can be useful as a non-prescriptive therapeutic approach against mental and psychological disorders such as anxiety.

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    3 (81)
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Background: N-terminal proBNP (NTproBNP) is widely used as a diagnostic biomarker and for the risk stratification of patients with heart failure (HF). Its role in the evaluation of patients with hypertension is not completely clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks of aerobic exercise on NT-pro BNP in women with hypertension. Materials and Methods: Thirty-five middle-aged women with hypertension were randomly divided into two groups of the aerobic training and the control. The aerobic exercise group completed 12 weeks of exercise, 3 sessions per weak, with 35-60% of the maximum heart rate. Serum NT-proBNP marker was determined by Elecsys method, and 5 ml of blood was collected from brachial veins. Results: The results demonstrated that 12 weeks of aerobic training had a positive and significant effect on NT-pro BNP concentration in patients with hypertension (p <0. 05) Conclusion: Overall, it seems that 12 weeks of aerobic exercise has been beneficial in patients with hypertension, and has improved myocardial function. However, this issue requires further research.

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    3 (81)
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Background: The age pyramid of our country is being reversed. Planning for the provision of healthcare services for the elderly requires the investigation of the factors affecting their utilization of health services. The aim of this study was to determine the availability of hearth services for the elderly at Lorestan province and the relationship between their utilization of these services with socioeconomic variables. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017. The study population included the elderly discharged from the hospitals affiliated to Lorestan University of Medical Sciences in 2017. The data of 428 patients were collected during phone interviews. The collected data were analysed by SPSS-18 software and chi-square test, Mann-Whitney test, Spearman test, and independent t-test. Results: The rates of the utilization of medical and paramedical services in at least one occasion during the last three months among the studied elderly were 25. 5% and 27. 7%, respectivly. Utilization of health services was significantly affected by family structure, literacy status, residence of the patient (town or village), social origin (the residence until the age of 18), unemployment status, number of children, type of insurance, complementary insurance, having a chronic desease, self-evaluation of health status, satisfaction of the status quo, income, employment status, house ownership, and having a private room. However, there were not significant relationships between the elderly’ s utilization of different health services and their gender, marital status, children’ s location, and car ownership. Conclusion: Elderly people utilize different health services more than the general population. Considering the significant relationship between certain socioeconomic variables and the utilization of health services among the elderly, it is recommended that planning for the provision of health services to them should be based on the investigation of their utilization of health services and their determinants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (81)
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Background: Nowadays, nanotechnology is rapidly developing and has significant effects on industry, society and the environment. In this study, the interaction between the zinc oxide nanoparticles and the DNA of calf thymus was investigated. Materials and Methods: We investigated the interaction of zinc oxide nanoparticles with the DNA of calf thymus using various ultraviolet– visible spectroscopy methods, fluorescence, and circular dichroism (CD) technique at both room and physiologic temperatures. Results: Ultraviolet– visible spectroscopy data indicated that the increased concentration of zinc oxide nanoparticles rainses DNA absorption. Extrinsic fluorescence emission of ethidium bromide (EB) showed that as zinc oxide nanoparticles increase, the emission intensity of EB decreases, which might indicate the intercalation of nanoparticles into DNA structure. Moreover, CD data showed that the synthesized zinc oxide causes structural changes in DNA. Conclusion: Finally, the results revealed that zinc oxide nanoparticles could be bound with DNA and induce certain structural changes in DNA structure. On the other hand, due to the interaction of the chemical oxide nanoparticle with the vital macromolecule of the DNA cell, the side effects and the toxicity caused by its increasing consumption for humans and the environment should be considered.

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    3 (81)
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Background: Fluorine is an essential element for dental and skeletal health which is obtained paimarily from drinking water. However, large doses of flourine can lead to dental and skeletal fluorosis. Fluorine intake is affected by local climate conditions, air temperature, and water consumption. Symptoms of dental fluorosis were observed in the residents of Souri. Since a bibliographic survey showed that no study has been undertaken so far in this area with regard to fluoride, the aims of this research was to determine fluoride concentration in drinking water, and to estimate an optimum fluorine dose level as well as the daily exposure dose among distinct age groups in Souri region, Lorestan. Materials and Methods: To determine fluorine concentrations in drinking water and assessment of probable risks in Souri region, Lorestan, in total 19 groundwater samples, including 4 samples from springs and 15 from wells (one sample per sampling location) were collected in December, 2016. Results: The average content of fluorine was 1. 26 milligram per liter with a range of 0. 67 to 1. 9 milligram per liter. The optimal dose of fluorine was calculated to be 0. 79 mg/L., The estimated fluoride intake from drinking water in the three different age groups of adults, children and infants was 0. 6, 1. 86 and 4. 13 times highher than the current minimum risk of 0. 5 mg per kg per day. In order, infants, children and adults are highly exposed to the risk of developing dental fluorosis disease. Conclusion: Fluorine concentration exceeded the standard level of 1. 5 mg/l recommended by World Health Organization in 42% of the water samples. This phenomenon has led to the increased incidence of dental fluorosis among the residents of the investigated region. The rise of fluoride intake, particularly when the residents of the investigated region are unaware of the consequences, leads to the high risk of developing dental fluorosis.

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    3 (81)
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Background: The Persian Gulf is one of the habitats of different species of jellyfish. Most jellyfish species are venomous. The venom of Rhopilema nomadica jellyfish, which is found in the Persian Gulf, is a compound protein with the effects of neurotoxin, cytolysin and hemolysin. The purpose of this study is the isolation and characterization of R. nomadica venom and the investigation of its hemolytic effects on blood cells. Materials and Methods: The R. nomadica was sampled from the tidal zone of the northern coast of Qeshm Island. After it was transferred to a laboratory in Bandar Abbas with an optimized method, the venom was extracted and isolated by the Sephadex G200 chromatography gel. SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis was used to evaluate the molecular weight of its compounds. The lethal dose of the isolated venom was assessed by subcutaneous injection into the mice, and then the hemolytic activity on erythrocytes of different species was evaluated. Results: R. nomadica venom was isolated from nematocytes by an optimized method, and after determining the protein concentration of 1. 7 mg / ml and passing the chromatography column, two peaks were obtained. The molecular weights of 45, 65 and 95 kDa were determined by passing through the SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis. Subsequently, the lethal dose (LD50) was detected, and the rate of activity of the venom was evaluated. Conclusion: The existence of active compounds in the venom of R. nomadica damages swimmers. The effect of the hemolytic activity of the venom that depends on the concentration of venom and the type of blood cells varies in different species. We showed that RBCs of mice are more susceptible to lysis by the venom than human or sheep RBCs.

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    3 (81)
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Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. Ginger has anti-tumor, anti-fungal, insecticidal, and anti-cancer properties. However, its anti-tumor effects on the C6 glioma cell line have not been examined. Hence, the anti-tumor effect of its hydro alcoholic extract has been investigated in the present study. Materials and Methods: The hydro alcoholic extract of ginger was prepared. After the cultivation and proliferation of C6 glioma cells, they were exposed to concentrations of 100 to 1000 μ g / ml for 24, 48 and 72 days, and the cell viability was determined by MTT method. Finally, the obtained data were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance model. Results: The results of MTT test showed that the hydroalcoholic extract of ginger could have dose and time-dependent anti-tumor effect on tumor cells. The highest percentage of cell death was observed with the increasing concentration of the extract and the extention of the incubation period up to 72 hours. The inhibitory concentration of cells growth (IC50) for tumor cells obtained for 24, 48, and 72 hours were 500. 25, 611. 118, and 733. 33μ g / ml respectively. Conclusion: Since the hydroalcoholic extract of ginger in a dose and time-dependent manner inhibited the growth of C6 glioma cell lines, this extract might be effective in the treatment of brain tumors.

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    3 (81)
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Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by three main features, namely attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This study sought to determine the effectiveness of self-control strategic training on self-compassion and emotion regulation in adults suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Khorramabad. Materials and Methods: This research used a quasi-experimental method of pretest-posttest follow-up with a control group. The sample consisted of 30 men with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Khorramabad selected by available sampling and randomly assigned to the control and experimental groups. The experimental group received the self-control strategies for ten sessions, while the control group did not receive any intervention until the end of the project. The data were collected using Barkley Adult ADHD-IV Rating Scale (BAARS-IV), the self-compassion scale (SCS), and emotion regulation scale (ERS). The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. Results: The results indicated that there were significant differences with regard to self-compassion and emotion regulation between the subjects of the experimental and control groups. Conclusion: Self-control strategies training provides useful applied practices in the treatment and prevention of ADHD disorder in adults.

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    3 (81)
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Background: TOF monitoring or muscle nerve monitoring is a technique which is used after anaesthesia has ended to examine the performance of the patient's muscles following the use of muscle blocking drugs during anaesthesia. Stimulating the nerves in the patient's, TOF provides an accurate assessment of the need for a relaxant during the operation. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the rate of muscle relaxation using the TOF (train of four) technique in patients undergoing surgery in Shariati Hospital at the time of admission and discharge time. Materials and Methods: The study tools was a checklist prepared by a research team that contained demographic information, type of surgery, duration of operation, BMI, and information displayed by the nerve stimulator. The rate of TOF at admission and at the time of discharge was measured for all the patients. Subsequently, the patients were divided ito two groups based on the fixity and alterability of the TOF rate. Results: 400 patients were studied in this study. The TOF rates of the two groups of patients at admission and the time of discharge were 81/4 and 89/9 respectively. The highest alteration of TOF rate (57%) belonged to men. Moreover, the maximum level of TOF variation in the recovery phase was observed after the spine surgey were %87/5 and the minimum level belonged to abdominal surgey (%17/5). The duration of the operation for the groups with and without TOF variations was 125 and 75 minutes respectively. The subjects in the groups with and without TOF variations were 44 anf 34 years old respectively. Finally, the BMI level in the groups with and without TOF variations were 27 kg/m2 and 28 kg/m2 respectively. Conclusion: Neuromuscular relaxation variation is likely to be affected by several determinanats. Moreover, TOF monitoring reduces the likelihood of the continuation of neuromuscular block in PACU and post-discharge time. Hence, it reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of respiratory complication and aspiration.

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    3 (81)
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Background: Anxiety and depression are a disabling condition in patients with coronary artery disease. This disorder has been reported in 20% of patients with coronary artery disease and has a significant relationship with increased mortality and complications of cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate and to compare three non-cognitive-behavioral therapies, music therapist and relaxation therapy on this common disorder. Materials and Methods: In this research, a pseudo-experimental design was used with experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the study included all patients with coronary artery disease hospitalized in Imam Ali Hospital in Kermanshah in 2017-2018. Sampling in this study was carried out in two stages. A sample of 50 eligible individuals was selected. They were then randomly assigned to three treatment groups and one control group. Each test group received a specified number of 2-hour therapeutic sessions. Data was collected by Beck anxiety and depression Inventory. Data was analyzed using manso and mancoa analysis in SPSS20 software. Results: The results of this study showed that all three therapeutic methods have an effective effect on the level of anxiety and depression in patients, but the effect of CBT treatments on anxiety and depression in patients is more than that of relaxation therapy and music therapy after CBT, relaxation has the greatest impact on anxiety and depression, and music therapy is in third place with a slight difference. Conclusion: The results showed that the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on decreasing anxiety and depression in coronary artery disease patients was more than music therapy and behavioral relaxation.

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Background: This study aims to evaluate the scolicidal effects of oak (Quercus infectoria) extract on hydatid cyst protoscoleces in vitro and ex vivo. Materials and Methods: Following the collection of protoscoleces from sheep livers infected with fertile hydatid cysts from a slaughterhouse in Khorramabad, they were treated with various concentrations of oak extract (250-1000 μ g/mL) for 5-40 min in vitro and ex vivo. Finally the mortality of protoscoleces was assessed by the eosin exclusion test (0. 1% eosin staining). Results: The mean of the mortality of protoscoleces was 100% after 5 min incubation with the concentration of 1000 mg/ml of oak extract. On the other hand, the mean of the mortality of protoscoleces after 10 incubation with the concentration of 500 mg/ml of oak extract was 100%. However, these results were not observed in the ex vivo analysis. That is, oak extract requires a longer length of time to display potent protoscolicidal effects. Conclusion: The results of this investigation revealed that oak extract could have a significant scolicidal activity on hydatid cyst protoscoleces. However, further research, particularly in human and animal subjects, is required to reach this conclusion.

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