Recognition of effective factors in creating job satisfaction can be useful in increasing it in faculty members and gives them motivation, which in turn promotes educational and research purposes. Considering this important issue, the present study was conducted to determine the job satisfaction level of the faculty members of Lorestan university of medical sciences in 2007. Materials and Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study included the faculty members of Lorestan university of medical sciences who had participated in educational affairs at least for two semesters. Data gathering tool was a questionnaire adapted from a job satisfaction questionnaire of Isfahan university of medical sciences haing 45 items including salary and fringe benefits, promotion opportunities, supervision and communications, job security, physical conditions of work environment, and job nature. The questionnaire was filled out by the faculty members, and the data were collected and analyzed as frequencies, means, and standard deviations using the SPSS software, version 11.5. Results: Concerning general satisfaction, 41.4% of the faculty members had total satisfaction. The Chi-square test showed significant relationships between general satisfaction and salary and fringe benefits (p=0.001), promotion opportunities (p=0.001), supervision (p=0.0001), job security (p=0.0001), physical conditions of work environment (p=0.001), and job nature (p=0.001). Conclusion: According to the research results it is recommended that the authorities recognizing job satisfaction and unsatisfaction resourse, try to make opportunies for personal developmen, to select managers based on their competency and viewpoints of scientific members, using punishment and encouragement system and providing welfare facilities, raise the job satisfaction in faculty members.