One of the most important practice in forest is the Transportation of the forest products from cutting place till depo (deck, yard) for reloading. It may be done by agricultural tractor, wheel Skidder, Track Skidder, and Cable System or aerial logging , one of the most important costs in forest pnlctice.Due to the in this research, the factors may specially be noticed is the selection of harvesting machinery.Factors would be discussed are: slope, Aspect, ground roughness, soil texture, drainage and ground strength. The study in such work has three different part of the works which are (field work, laboratory work and office work) those of the works are done in a seri of 953 hectars in lavige forest. the combination of those information and also preparing the plan and saving information and graphs are used by softwares of geographical information system (GIS) (IIwis, Arcinfo) and foxpro and also excel software.In this discussion, the combination factors such slope, Aspect and soil texture, ground strength will be determined. As a results of combinning ground strength. Ground roughness and slope, the harvesting units will be created. at last, due to such base suitable machine would be determined. The Factor of ground strength is not the only cause but is dued to other factors.Now we found factors such slope and ground strength can be the factors of limiting to use the harvesting machines in nature.In very optimal condition at the place of study the best equipment of skidding are wheel skidder and track skidder.