Respiratory problems caused by ventilantion changes in C.O.P.D patients leads to physical and emotional problems and limitations, in this study a self care program has been designed and implemented for the patients and its effect on the respiratory and emotional condition of the patients has been investigated. In the Quasi experimental study carried out in 2000 in Birjand city 37 patients having either chronic Bronchitis or Emphysema or the both diseases and having been suffered from these diseases for at least 2 years were investigated. Before the implementation of the program, the questionnaire and check list of demographic data, respiratory condition, emotional condition and educational needs requiered for every person were completed. Then self care educational sessions using the face to face method was implemented. Then after a period of one month, the questionnaire and check list of respiratory and emotional conditions were filled again.Respiratory condition of the patients before and after the intervention evaluated with physical examination and interview of the patients included: daily ayspnea quality, dyspnea during the sleep, sputum drainage condition, respiratory deepness, chest pain, respiratory sounds and rhythm, and type of cough; and pulmonary function test including: FVC, FEV, FEV/FVC% and expiratory time. Other factors such as respiratory rate, body mass index, heart rate, systolic and diastolic pressure, were also evaluated before and after the intervention. The results were analysed using the McNemar, Wilkoxon and pair Hest. It was concluded that the intervention makes a significant difference on the dyspena during the day and sleep, sputum drainage, respiratory deepness, respiratory pattern, chest pain and respiratory sound (p<0.001). But no significant change was observed on the respiratory rhythm as expected (p=0.06). To investigate the emotional condition before and after the intervention the average emotional score resulted from the relevant questionnaire was used using the pair t-test. The test indicated a significant difference between the scores before and after the intervention (p<0.02). In adition the level of depression of the patient showed a noticeable decrease after the intervention.