Purpose: Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable, colorless, heavy liquid used as bleach in industry and as an antiseptic in house holds. Teaching human anatomy, at any level, relies not only on the expertise of a tutor but also on the availability and use of good teaching aids. Plastination specimens have unique position as teaching aids to exhibit accurate anatomical structures and they are also easy to store and handle by students. Darkening of plastinated tissue is one of the problems that may occurr because dark tissue is unusable. We applied this survey to examine clearing of the hydrogen peroxide on posterior wall of trunk, spinal cord and medulla oblongata before Plastination.Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on a human body after fixation, dissection, dehydration and defatization of the cadaver. The hydrogen peroxide was prepared in several concentration (33.3%,16.6%,8.3%,4.1%) was added to the specimen of master specimen at several times (1 ,2, 4,6,8,10,12,18 and 24 hours) for clarification. We choused (16.6% per 6hour) as the best situation for clarify of specimen. After clarification of original specimen, impregnation and curing was carried out. Finally, the prepared Plastinated specimen was compared with the standard Plastinated model.Results: The obtained Plastinated specimen was compared with the standard model of Heidelberg Germany for appearance and resolution. The plastinated specimen obtained was compared with the standard model of Heidelberg, Germany for its stature, flexibility and traction by the universal test DARTC (England) apparatus in the Department of Medical Physics, Isfahan School of Medicine. The result obtained was found to show that the P-value was. 08 and the standard error was (-0.460±0.382).Conclusion: The Plastinated specimen prepared, provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate and study the dissected areas of the difficult structures which can be of great benefit in teaching gross anatomy and neuro-anatomy, In addition, because of the durability, safety, reduction intoxic and noxious fumes of formalin, the Plastinated specimens can be unique materials as a teaching aid by the side of (Wet) specimens.