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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Abstract Purpose: Melatonin promotes in-vitro embryo development in different species. This study studied the effects of melatonin on in-vitro mouse preimplantation embryo development.Materials and Methods: Two-cell embryos were obtained from oviduct of 6-8 weeks female NMRI mice 48 hours after administration of an intra-peritoneal injection of 5 IU/ml pregnant mares’ serum gonadotrophin and subsequent 5 IU/ml human chorionic gonadotrophin (ip). Embryos were cultured in T6 culture medium supplemented with different dosages of melatonin {0 (control group), 100×10-6 M, 10×10-6 M, 1×10-6 M, 100×10-9 M and 10×10-9 M (1-5 treatment groups)}. With due attention to percent of embryos in different stages, the rate of development of embryos was assessed using of invert microscope. It is also compared to control group.Results: The results showed that the rate of cleavage and development of mouse the embryos to blastocyst stage increased significantly in the development culture medium supplemented with 10 and 100 nM/mg of melatonin in comparison to control group (p<0.001).Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that, enriching the culture medium with melatonin, improve mouse preimplantation development.

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Abstract Purpose: The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of pentoxifylline administration on wound healing process of an experimental pressure sore in rat by biomechanical evaluating method.Materials and Methods: In ten adult male rats under general anesthesia and sterile conditions one experimental pressure sore by no20Halsted mosquito forceps were made. A double layer folded skin of dorsal region were held under most pressure grade of the forceps for 2 hours. It was followed by 30 minutes (the skin) relaxation. This procedure was repeated for 12 times during three consecutive days. Seven days later pressure sore was made. Rats were divided into control and experimental groups. Pentoxifylline was injected intraperitonealy at a dose of 50mg/kg daily from beginning of pressure sore for twenty days. After these procedures rats were killed by chloroform, and samples were extracted from the wound and surrounding skin. Samples were biomechanically examined by a material testing instrument and maximum stress (N/mm2) work up to maximum force (Nmm).The young modulus of elasticity (N/mm) were them calculated.Results: In experimental group maximum stress (2.05±0.15) and work up to maximum force (63.75±4.97) were significantly higher than those of control group (1.3±0.27) and (43.3±14.96) (p=0.002 and p=0.035 relatively).Conclusion: Pentoxifylline administration in rats which had an experimental pressure sore significantly accelerated wound healing process compared to those of control group which was observed by biomechanical examination.

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Purpose: This study was conducted in order to determine distributions and changes of glycoconjugates terminal sugars during skin morphogenesis.Materials and Methods: using lectin histochemistry technique, 10% formalin fixed, paraffin embedded rat embryonic sections for days 12, 14, 16 of gestation (N=30) were incubated with different HRP-lectins from Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA), Maclura pomifera (MPA) and Arachis hypogaea or Peanut (PNA) that are specific for terminal a-L Fuc, Gal (β1→3) GalNAC and D-Gal(β1→3) DGalNAC respectively. On the basis of colorimetery data that was determined by blind’s method, sections were graded. SPSS statistic soft ware and Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistical test were used to compare different embryonic stages.Results: Our results demonstrated that the reaction of ectodermal cells with LTA observed from gestational day12 (E12) was weak. This reaction increased E14 significantly (p=0.0001) and then decreased. Extracellular matrix (ECM) of mesenchyme did not react with LTA lectin. Ectodermal cells as well as ECM of mesenchyme reacted with PNA on E12 was fairly weak. It increased E14 (p=0.009). From E14 to E16 intensity staining remain the same in ectodermal cells but decreased in ECM mesenchyme (p=0.0001). Ectodermal cells and ECM of mesenchyme reacted with the MPA lectins from E12 to E16.Conclusion: According to our result, it is suggested that the distributions and changes of glycoconjugates with terminal sugars L-Fuc (a2-4) GlcNAC, Gal (β1→3) GalNAC and D-Gal (β1→3) DGalNAC be stage-regulated during rat skin morphogenesis.

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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of myo-inositol alone or in combination with MEM vitamins on embryo development in sanjabi sheep.Materials and Methods: Sheep Cumulus Oocytes Complexes (COCs) were matured in vitro at 39ºC, in humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere for 22-24 h. There were three treatments, culture in synthetic oviductal fluid medium (treatment I), culture in synthetic oviductal fluid medium supplemented with1×MEM vitamins (treatment II), culture in synthetic oviductal fluid medium supplemented with myo-inositol (treatment III), COCs were then fertilized and cultured in vitro for 8 days when the ratios of in vitro embryo development of the hatched blastocysts were assessed and compared with the control group.Results: The presence of myo-inpsitol significantly improved overall morula rates (34.39%) than that of control group (24.18%), but there was no difference between myo-inositol and 1×MEM vitamins in the percentage of embryos successfully developing to the morula stage (p<0.05). The addition of myo-inositol improved the mean blastocyst formation compared to the oocytes matured in medium containing no MEM (control) or 1×MEM vitamins (32.63, 13.96, and 21.06% respectively). However the mean percentage of cleavage rate was not substantialy different between treatments. conclusion: These results suggest that adding myo-inositol to SOF medium be more beneficial for subsequent sheep embryonic development.

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Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of formaldehyde vapor on eyes, nose and skin and pulmonary function of medical students, as well as, indoor concentration of formaldehyde (FA) vapor in dissection laboratory.Materials and Methods: One hundred sixty five (165) medical students were selected randomly. Students were excluded if they had had history of smoking, or any condition likely to have an effect on the results of this study. All students were exposed to formaldehyde at least one hour per week for 10 weeks. To evaluate irritation of eyes, nose and skin, pulmonary function and indoor concentration of FA vapor in anatomy laboratory we used questioner, spirometry and NIOSH 3500 method (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), respectively.Results: Following exposure to FA, irritation of skin, eyes and specially nose (75.8%) were increased significantly (P£0.05) in the majority of students. No noticeable differences were seen in spirometry parameters before and after exposure to FA. About 20-30 cm of to the cadaver, FA vapor concentration was higher than that of in the corner, as well as standard levels.Conclusions: The results of present study confirm that; a-Formaldehyde can irritate the mucous membrane of eyes and upper respiratory tract b-Pulmonary functions have not been affected following short time exposure to formaldehyde. c-Formaldehyde concentration of breathing zone is greater than the threshold limit value/ceiling.

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Following the development of medical science new problems have emerged in this discipline that such as miscarriage, change of sexuality, dissection, artificial insemination, and selling blood. Muslim physicians are interested to know the religious decrees of these issues. This paper is an attempt to study the issue of dissection. According to Shiah jurisprudents, dissection was illegal in its earlier decree, for dissection undermines the reverence of a corpse. But according to the secondary decree, it is lawful in certain cases. By virtue of jurisprudents, decree it is obligatory to maintain the reverence of a corpse, at the same time, the rescue of man’s life is also obligatory. Considering the aforesaid conflict the rescue of man’s life is more important. In this paper the legality of dissection will be discussed.

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Successful isolation, derivation and culturing of human pluripotent stem cells, including human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem (hiPSCs) cells in laboratory scale has opened new horizones for cell therapy applications such as tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. However, most of the cell therapy protocols using these unique cells require large number of fully defined and well-characterized cells with uniform properties. Hence, translating these valuable findings from laboratory scale research to clinical applications would involve development of robust dynamic and scalable culture systems being capable of producing large number of uniform and well-characterized cells under fully controlled conditions. Identification and meticulous investigation of most important parameters affecting on the performance of expansion, self renewal and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cell cultures such as cell line, culture medium, culture conditions and culture system are prerequisite steps for successful culture system development, which have attracted growing attention from researchers in recent years. This review will focus on recent research advances and achievements in culture system development for human pluripotent stem cells as well as current challenges in this filed.

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Variations in the cerebral arterial circle (CAC) correlate with incidence of some cerebrovascular diseases and must be considered during surgical operations (1, 2). It also seems that different distribution of variations of the CAC is related to the race. This issue may partially explain the different incidences of some of the cerebrovascular diseases in different ethnic or racial groups (3-5). Although there have been some reports of Variations in the cerebral arterial circle in other part of the world, the evidence for Iranian population is poorly reviewed. A 70 year-old female of Tehran population in central Iran is presented here. In this case Subclaivan and Vertebral arteries have abnormal origin and circumflex of Willis isn't complete because posterior cerebral arteries are absent.

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Sciatic nerve is the thickest nerve of the body which is formed by ventral branches of L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3 of spinal nerves as a part of sacral plexus in pelvis. It leaves the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen below piriformis muscle and descends between the greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity, along the back of the thigh and dividing into the tibial and common peroneal (fibular) nerves, at a varying level proximal to the knee. In addition, the piriformis muscle, the intrapelvic muscle, may compress the sciatic nerve and causes the piriformis syndrome. At present case, sciatic nerve was divided in the pelvis and left the pelvis via supera piriformis, inferapiriformis and interapiriformis. According to the reports about the variations of sciatic nerve regarding to its leaving and dividing point, it is important in surgical operations, muscular injection in gluteal regions and piriformis syndrome.

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