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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: So far there is no effective drug therapy to prevent neuronal loss after brain stroke. In the present study we studied effects of The Mitochondrial K-ATP channel regulators on neuronal cell population and neurological function after ischemia reperfusion in the rat.Materials and Methods: Rats temporarily subjected to four vessels occlusion for 15 minutes followed by 24 hours reperfusion with or without K-ATP channel regulators. Neurological assessment was conducted after 24h reperfusion by consciousness scoring and motor function according to the methods reported by Lemay and Tarloe. After tissue processing and crysel violet staining total and normal cell number was assessed in parietal cortex.Data was analyzed by ANOVA software.Results: The normal cell count of neuronal population significantly increased in the K-ATP channel opener (Diazoxide) treated ischemia-reperfusion group compared with the control group. Cell count and neurological function scores were dependent to dose of K-ATP channel regulators in vivo.Conclusions: Our results showed that Diazoxide treatment leads to better preservation of cortical neurons in rat.

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Purpose: It has been shown that sodium meta silicate has an antioxidant effects and suppress the production of oxidative enzymes. Since the inflammation phenomena and increase the level of free radicals mostly take part in post-injury neuronal degeneration, the purpose of the present research was to examine weather the antioxidant property of sodium meta silicate can prevent the central degeneration of spinal motoneurons of rats underwent to compressived injury of sciatic nerve.Materials and Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were divided into control, sham and 3 experimental groups (n=6). The control rats were remained intact while the sciatic nerve of sham and experimental rats were highly compressed in the gluteal region. The experimental groups 1, 2 and 3 received 3, 6 and 9 injection of 6 mg/kg sodium meta-silicate (i.p.) respectively by 72 hours interval. At the end of experimental period (1 month) all rats were cardialy perfused by 10% formaldehyde and their L4-L6 lumbar segments of spinal cord were sampled, post fixed by the same fixator and processed for histological examination. The paraffin blocks were serially cut (7mm) and stained and then the numerical density (Nv) of motoneurons and all neurons in spinal ventral horn were estimated stereologicaly by applying the 'dissector' technique. The results were then analysed statistically by JMP softwear.Results: In comparison with control group the Nv of motoneurons in sham group was significantly reduced (p<0.001) while there was no significant difference between control and experimental groups. Furthermore the Nv of motoneurons was significantly increased in experimental groups when compared with sham (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the Nv of all neurons (gamma and interneurons).Conclusion: The results obtained from the present study indicate that sodium meta-silicate may have a beneficial effect in neural regeneration and probably insert this property by delay in central degeneration and in acceleration of regeneration in injured fibers. By this mean the nerve fibers reach their target cells before the central degeneration occur.

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Purpose: Glycerol has been the most widely used cryopreservation agent for spermatozoa and a wide range of factors affects its action on sperm viability and fertilizing capacity. Moreover egg yolk is a common constituent of semen diluents, protects the spermatozoa against cold shock and confers protection during freezing and thawing .The aim of this study was to investigate of different glycerol and egg yolk concentration for optimum freezing of ram semen.Materials and Methods: Nine semen extender with different concentration of egg yolk (10%, 15%, 20%) and glycerol (4%, 6%, 8%) in a Tris-based media were tested for cryopreservation of semen. Semen was collected from Bakhtiari rams by an artificial vagina (38-40°C) two consecutive semen collections from each ram were pooled. The ejaculates were diluted with each extender, cooled to 5°C and left for 2 hours. Thereafter, it was packed in 0.5 ml straws (final cellular concentration 100-200 ×106 spz/ml). Then the frozen straws in nitrogen vapors (5 cm above nitrogen liquid). the straws were then stored in liquid nitrogen until further use.Results: The results showed that frozen sperm in all treatment groups had motility after thawing but the percentage of motility in different groups are different.Conclusion: In conclusion the results of present study indicate that the 20% egg yolk – Tris – 8% glycerol extender was significantly superior to other extender, in protecting the sperm during freezing and thawing and saving the motility of spermatozoa. While the 10% egg yolk – Tris – 4% glycerol show the lowest motility after freezing thawing.

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Purpose: The evaluation of sulphur mustard effect on the spermatogenesis process of mature male spraguedawley rats.Material and Methods: This research was carried out on 30 mature male albino rats, weighing about 200-300 gr. Animals were divided into four groups such as control, sham and experimental groups 1&2. Experimental groups 1 & 2 received a single injection of sulphur mustard dissolved in thyrod’s buffer interaperitoneally with doses of 5 mg/Kg and 10 mg/Kg, respectively. Sham group contaminated with only thyrod’s buffer and control group received nothing. After 10 days, the rats were dissected under general anaesthesia. Then the concentration of testosterone and estradiol were determined in blood aspirated from the heart of the rats. Also semen samples were collected from 1 cm of the left vas deference and sperm count was done. Finally, the general cells in tubules of the left testicular tissues were assessed according to the Johnsen Score methods.Results: Following contamination with sulphur mustard, the rats showed dose related effects such as decrease of testosterone hormone, increase of estradiol hormone, decrease of sperm cells, decrease cells in tubular left tissue and decrease of the testicular weight.Conclusion: Considering the above results, it can be concluded that the sulphur mustard causes disfunction of spermatogenesis in mature male albino rats.

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Purpose: To investigate the effect of lithium chloride (LiCl) on survival and functional activity of in vitro cultured human granulosa cells (GCs).Materials and Methods: GCs were isolated from follicular fluid of women undergoing IVF/ICSI. After RBCs removal, GCs were plated in a medium containing varying concentrations of LiCl including 1, 2 and 5mM for two weeks period. A culture without LiCl was taken as control group. To induce apoptosis, the medium of all cultures, on day 14 were replaced by serum free media and the culture was extended for further 24 hour. At the end of cultivation period, apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL and flowcytometry analysis. Furthermore to assess secretional function of the cells in various groups, in some cultures, FSH and androstondion hormones were added and after 48 hours, subsequent secretion of 17-b estradiol was determined by RIA analysis.Results: The result showed that in GCs treated with 2 and 5 mM LiCl, apoptosis was statistically decreased more than 50% compared to control group (P>0.05) and estradiol secretion increased more than 40% in the GCs treated with 1,2,5 mM LiCl compared to control group.Conclusion: These results suggest that lithium increase functional activity of GCs and can protect GCs against apoptosis.

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View 915

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Purpose: The best sperm selection by its binding ability to hyaluronic acid for ICSI and assessment of correlation between sperm binding ability to hyaluronic acid with sperm parameters, protamine deficiency and DNA fragmentation.Materials and Methods: Semen samples collected from 55 infertile couples referring to ?? Fertility and Infertility center were collected during this study. Semen analysis was carried out according to WHO criteria. By incubation sperm to hyaluronic acid within microinjection dishes, can measure percentage of sperm binding to hyaluronic acid. Sperm morphology, protamine deficiency and DNA fragmentation were assessed by Papanicolaou staining, Chromomycin A3 (CMA3) staining, and SCD test, respectively.RESULTS: Percentage of sperm binding to hyaluronic acid has significant negative correlation with percentage of abnormal morphology (p=0.001) whereas a significant positive correlation was obtained with sperm concentration (p=0.001) and motility (p=0.001). Also, percentage of sperm binding to hyaluronic acid has significant negative correlation with protamine deficiency (p=0.028) and DNA fragmentation (p=0.035). Conclusion: The results of present study suggest that sperm binding to hyaluronic acid show normal morphology and intact chromatin structure. Thus, we could select the best sperm for ICSI that binds to hyaluronic acid.

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View 1059

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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a kind of adult stem cells possess two properties of long term selfrenewal ability and multilineage differentiation potential into skeletal cell lineages. MSCs were first isolated and described from bone marrow samples. Further investigations have identified several other tissues as alternative sources for these cells. In spite of the clinical importance of MSCs, some biological aspects of them including their self-renewal proliferation and differentiation potential have not yet been fully understood. Furthermore, the specific surface markers for these cells remained to be investigated. In present paper, the existing data regarding to the different aspects of mesenchymal stem cells including the history, isolation method, surface markers, in vitro culture and expansion of the cells, self-renewal proliferation and finally their differentiation potential have been reviewed.

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Radial artrey is one of the two terminal branches of brachial artery. It descends along the lateral side of the foream to the wrist where it curls posterolaterally round the carpus, deep to the snuff box, to reach the proximal end of the first intermetcarpal space where it dips in the palm and crosses medially to form the deep palmar arch with the deep branch of the ulnar artery. In the process of the dissection in this department , a very rare case of the complex variations was observed in the route and branches of radial artery in the right hand of a male cadaver: a) Crossing of the radial artery on the superficial part of the snuff box b) Bifurcating of it before dipping into the palm c) Arising of the princips pollicis and radilais indicis from superficial palmar arch.

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