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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: To compare effects of polarized epithelial monolayer prepared from human oviduct and uterus on mouse one and two-cell embryo development.Materials and Methods: Human oviduct and endometrial tissue was obtained from patients who had undergone total hysterectomy. The epithelial cells were isolated from tissue and cultured on extracellular matrix (ECM) Gel coated Millipore filter insert under polarizing condition. The polarized state of cultured cells were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Two cell embryo of superovulated NMRI mouse were then flused and cultured either with oviduct or uterine polarized cell and medium alone. The rate of development in all groups were daily determined and statistically compared. At the end of cultivation period, some blastocyst from each group were differentially stained and mean cell number were counted and statistically compared. Results: Presence of tight junction between the cultured cells was evidenced in sections and confirmed polarized state of both kind of epitheial cells. These cells were columnar in shape. According to co-culture results, high precentage of one cell embryos overcame. developmental block and reached to blastocyst stage in both polarized groups as compared to control. Cell counting result showed that blastocyst's co-culture groups had more blastomere than that of control. Similarly two cell embryos in polarized groups showed increased development. All the observed differences showed statisticaly significant correlations. In polarized oviduct groups versus uterine, percenage of the embryos that overcame developmental block, blastocyst formation rate and the blastocyst cellularity were high and in uterine polarized groups, more blastocyst reached to hatching stage. Above mentioned differences between two polarized groups were not statistically significant.Conclusion: Both kind of polarized epithelial cells are significantly useful for mouse embryos development, but in this term there is no significant difference between oviduct and uterine cells. Although more percentage of embryos reach to higher stage (hatching blastocyst) when being cultured on uterine polarized group.

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Purpose: Determining the effect of progesterone on the embryo quality (total cell number and diameter of blastocyst), survival and implantation rates of mouse blastocyst with or without ovarian stimulation.Materials and Methods: Female 6-10 weeks old NMRI mice were divided into four groups as follows: (a) Non-stimulated pregnant mice as control (b) Non-stimulated pregnant mice with daily injection of progesterone 1) mg/mouse subcutainly after natural mating), (c) Stimulated pregnant mice that superovulated with an intraperitoneal injection of 10IU pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin (PMSG), followed 48h later by another intraperitoneal injection of 10IU human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (hCG), (d) Stimulated pregnant mice with injection of progesterone (1 mg/mouse subcutainly after hCG injection). All four groups were pregnant using natural mating. To collect the blastocyst, almost 17 pregnant mice in every four groups were sacrificed by cervical dislocation on day 4 of pregnancy. The total number of normal blastocyst and degenerated embryos were recorded. Also in other part of the study the implantation site were observed on day 7 of pregnancy in each group (near 15 pregnant mice) and compared with total number of blastocyst. Diameter of blastocyst was measured using calibrated eyepiece. After blastocyst staining with propidium iodide. The total cell numbers of blastocyst were counted.Results: The findings of this study showed that the survival and implantation rates of blastocyst in non-stimulated, non-stimulated with progesterone injection, hyperstimulated and hyperstimulated with progesterone injected groups were (92.25%-80.99%), (97.68%-92.06%), (85.17%-39.72%) and (87.25%-41.2%) respectively. The total cell numbers of blastocyst in studied groups were 87.37±1.4, 112±0.7, 128.62±1.3 and 126.88±1.6 respectively. There was significant differences in blastocyst survival and implantation rates in progesterone treated group (group 2) in comparison with the other group (p<0.05). Comparing the total cell numbers of blastocysts in studied groups, there was a statistical significatn increasing rate in both hyperstimulated grouops (p<0.001).Conclusion: The progesterone injection without ovarian induction could improve the implantation rate and embryo survival in comparison with the hyperstimulated groups.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vitrification in open pulled straw on survival rate, fertilization and development capacity and comparison with conventional straw.Materials and Methods: NMRI mice were used for retrieval of oocytes. After administration of HMG and HCG, the mice scarified by cervical dislocation. Mice's abdomens were dissected and mature oocytes were delivered from fallopian tubes. Eighteen hundred & nintheen mature oocytes were allocated in three groups respectively as follow: I) 259 oocytes for vitrification in conventional straw, II) 283 oocytes for vitrification in open pulled straw and III) 277 oocytes without treatment (control group). All the oocytes were diluted in 0.5 mol sucrose solution.Results: The findings showed the, survival rate of oocytes in conventional straw was significantly lower than those using open pulled straw (73.8% Vs 84.8%) (P=0.001). Also fertilization rate of oocytes which vitrified thawed in conventional straw was significantly lower than those using open pulled straw (28.6% Vs 48.8%, P=0.000). Was significantly lower than those using open pulled straw. There was greater developmental capacity in oocytes were used open pulled straw than those treated in conventional straw (48.8% VS 24.3) (p<0.001).Conclusion: Open pulled straw technology has provided better capacity than conventional straw, but using this method in common remains elusive in IVF clinics.

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View 755

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Purpose: The aim of this study was evaluated the effect of β -mercaptoethanol on resumption of meiosis, In vivo maturation of immature mouse oocytes treated with DEHP and embryo development.Materials and Methods: NMRI mouse strain (4-6 weeks) were treated daily with 50,µI DEHP Group 1: 121 immature oocytes were matured in MEM-α medium contain FCS 5%, hCG 7.5 IU/ml, rFsH 100mIU/ml, Group 2: 120 immature oocytes were matured in MEMα medium contain FCS 5%, hCG 7.5IU/ml, rFsH 100mIU/ml and 100µm β-mercaptoethanol.Control group: 198 immature mouse oocytes recovered from nontreated mouse and were matured in MEMα medium contain FCS 5%, hCG 7.5IU/ml, rFSH 100mlU/ml. Fertilization and embryo development were done in T6 medium.Results: The resumption of meiosis in experimental groups (1&2) were (71%, 79%) respectively. However the resumption of meiosis in experimental groups were significantly different compared to control group (89%) (p<0.05). The In vitro maturation in experimental groups (1,2) were (52%, 68%) respectively. However the in vitro maturation in one group was significantly different compared to control group (75%) (p=0.00) and second group was significantly higher than one experimental group (p<0.01).The embryo number, after 24th insemination in experimental groups (1&2) were (52%, 70%) respectively However the embryo number in first group was significantly lower than the control group (74%) (P<0.05) and second group was significantly higher than the first group (p<0.05).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the β-mercaptoethanol (100µM) inhibited the negative effect of DEHP on In vitro maturation and embryo development. The β-mercaptoethanol has improved the resumption of meiosis, In vito maturation and embryo development.

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View 785

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Purpose: Lithium is an alkali metal, which has many industrial and medical uses. These include cluster and migraine headaches, mood disorder, schizophrenia and it also is important in treatment of bipolar disorder. In this study, effects of Lithium on volumetric parameters of cerebrum were investigated by using stereological methods.Materials and Methods: Twenty mature Wistar male rats (Age: 60-70 days old) were selected and divided in two groups randomly (n=10). Administration and control groups received 0.1 percent Lithium carbonate solution and distilled water respectively as drinking water during a period of 12 weeks continuously. Then rats were anaesthetized and their cerebrum excised and fixed in modified lille's solution then tissue blocking in 4% agar was done. Blocks were sectioned to 1-millimeter thick sections by using a tissue slicer. Then a grid of standard points and objects volume of gray matter, white matter and total cerebrum were estimated by using Cavalieri prenciple. Data analysed by nonparametric statistical test of Mann Whitney. Differences between groups less than 0.05 was considered as significant.Results: Results showed that there were no significant differences in terms of total volume, gray matter and white matter volume of cerbrum between control and administration groups after a period of 12 weeks (p>0.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that Lithium carbonate 0.1% might not affect volumetric parameters and macroscopic structure of cerebrum in rats.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1125

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Purpose: Study of benzene effects on kidney structure in mammals (mouse) Materials and Methods: The mice were studied in 3 groups: controls, solvent and treatment, at favorable laboratory conditions. Treatment mice were administered orally of benzene (0.1cc of benzene solution) for 10 days at a dose 1000 mg/kg of body weight. At the end of each period, the kidneys separated and fixed in paraffin 10% and this sections (6 micron diameter) were prepared by microtome. Then data were analyzed by ANOV A and t-test methods.Results: Microscopic and statistical studies made on the selected mice, showed that: in the treatment groups, the kidney was changed to an congestion organ. There are some significant changes in the proportion of cortical, outer and inner medulla layer, proximal, distal, henle cellular wall's thickness, malpighian corpuscle space, kidney texture and finally these events can be in relation with poisoning effects of benzene on natural renal.Conclusion: Since in the formation of urine, proportional spread of blood vessels in primary glomerular plexus at malpighian corpuscles and in peritubular glomerulus's plexus is very important; therefore abnormal changes in cortical, medulla thickness of kidney's tubules and some events such as: nephrite, development of capillary plexus, dilatation of bowman's capsule space, even presence of blood plasma in tubular lumen and decrease of tubular cell wall diameter in treatment sample, indicate that benzene has considerable effects on structure and function of different parts of kidney.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of verapamil and nifidipine on diabetic kidney in rats.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 6 groups of rats were studied, group I; intact (sham) group II; diabetic (control), group III and IV; diabetic treated with verapamil or nifedepine group V and VI normal rat which recieved verapamil or nifedipine. Diabetic rats (control group) were received 50 mg/kg streptozotosin (STZ). Verapamil was used 40mg/kg and nifedipine 10mg/kg/dI. The animals were received nifedipine and verapamil from 2 months after diabetes induction. After 2 months the rats were anesthetized and their left kidney was removed. The kidneys were weighted and then dissected for hydraxy prolyne evalution and histological study. The tissues were fixed by 10% formaldehyde and after blocking 5-micron sections, stained by PAS×H×E and three chrome masons methods. The diameters of Glomerulus's, proximaltubule, distal tubule and coilecting ducts were measured in all groups. Results: The mean of kidney weights have not shown significant change in all groups. The hydroxyproline was reduced (p<0.001) in diabetic rats treated with verapamil (40 mg/kg/dI) and nifedipine (10mg/kg/dI). There was no statistical significant change in diameter of glumerole, proximal tubule, distal tubul & collection tubel between the two normal & diabetic rat groups. The diameter of glumerole, proximal tubule, distal tubule and collection tubule have no significant change between normal and diabetic rats. Group although the diameter of distal and collecting tubules in normal rats were in created (P<0.01). After receiving the verapamile and nifedipine. In diabetic animals Just the diameter of distal tubules was increased (p<0.05). The pathological fixings were shown to be increased in basal membrane and member of collagen fiber in diabetic group.Conclusion: Verpamil and nifedipin could decrease interstitial fibrous tissue in all diabetic groups during treatment period. But longer period is needed for atrophy and another chaner in kidney.

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The Brachial artery is continuation of the axillary artey. This artery started from lower border of Tres major muscle, and discends the length of arm, and the near of elbow divided in to ulnar and radial artery. In discection cudavr of a man with 65 yeard old with grants method, we observed the biforcation of the brachial artery was in level of corachobrachialis muscle. The main branches was Brachial and Ulnar artery. In IV injections of the near of elbow, the ulnar artery may be selected wrongly instead of the basilica vein and amputation of the section of the upper limb may be occurred.

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