During the history of language, audio-visual and communicative methods have caused numerous problems, considering, in particular, that the interactive methods can be formulated in comparison with past methods such as: the teaching of grammar, translation and audio-visual methods. Abandoning these methods is justified by the tendency towards social interaction and communication, which is generally, accepted as the final goal of teaching languages. Comparing these approaches puts forth a number questions. For example is the main goal learning grammatical rules and structures and or is form prior to meaning or is it communication which matters. Furthermore, how similar are the principles of the two communication approaches and audio-visual methods regarding such issues as teacher centered classes, book-centeredness, or student-centeredness. The students" centeredness as apposed to teachers" center is a distinguishable characteristic of the communication approach. Therefore, the similarity and disparities of these two approaches can be revealed in different respects some of which are the importance of images, phonology, grammar, and the concept of teaching and learning (with reference to the four French methods) which will be discussed in this paper.