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Leopold Sedar Sengor, the Senegalese most renowned black poet was born in 1906 in Senegal. He completed his studies in the a Catholic school in Dakar and Liberman College and in 1928 went to Paris to pursue his higher education. He learned literature and philosophy in Louis le Grand and Sorbonne University. In 1935, he was appointed professor of Grammar in France. He was a surrealist poet whose modem and very sophisticated poems shrouded in specific French-African atmosphere, music, traditions and legends. In this article, by using the microlecture method, first devised by Jean Pierre Richard, and by analyzing some of Sedar Senghor"s Ethiopian poems, his themes will be shown. In this way, the poet"s ideas, will be depicted through the analysis of his use of similies, metaphors, repetition of certain concepts, negritude, and Creole.

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The present article sets out to report a contrastive analysis of adjectives in Persian and Gemlan languages. Adjectives in German are identified by morphological and structural criteria. While in Persian there is often no specific borderline between adjectives and other grammatical categories and it is not easy to identify adjectives. Persian speakers, however, use various skills for the identification of this category. In German language, an attributive adjective is conjugated according to its grammatical gender, number and case; whereas, in Persian, no agreement between an adjective and the noun it modifies can be observed. In spite of that, adjectives have some similarities in the two languages. For example, adjectives in both languages have attributive, predicative and adverbial functions. Also, comparative and superlative adjectives are morphological in Persian and German.

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Regarding its historical.background, the structure of Urdu has some considerable forms the investigation of which helps us to understand it better. Infinitives are among the structural components of any language and since the majority of words in Urdu are borrowed from other languages, taking into account the ever-increasing acceptance rate of words from other languages, simple, compound and fictitious infinitives in Urdu have various features,. The investigation of the background and the structures of infinitives are of paramount importancein understatingthis language..

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"Historical Semantics", i. e., the study of the process of the formation of meaning, is a practical means for understanding concepts relating past cultures and their relationship with contemporary ones. By applying this approach, the present article looks into the meaning of the Russian word CqaCTbe.Firstly, the etymological analysis of the word showed how, in the process of historical formation of the language, it has been formed by combining the prefix "c" with the word "qaCTb" to make a base noun. Then, in a comparison between I the process of the formation of "CqaCTbe" and other parallel words in a number of Indo-European languages, it has been indicated how the concept "qaCTb" (fortune, fate), in Russian ideology, paved the way to form this compound meaning. After that, the process of the developments in the meaning of "CqaCTbe" has been investigated followed by the construction of modern concepts

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The present study was an attempt to empirically find out if the very presence of background noise would impair L2 listening comprehension, and also to explore to what extent the nature of noise would mediate this disruption. Regarding the latter point, the effect of lexicality, meaning, and Ll/L2 dichotomy were investigated. The participants listened, within a repeated-measures design, to ten L2 passages two of which were against a quiet background and others were in the presence of either radio static (roughly representing the white noise, Le., the standard non-lexical noise), Russian (as a totally unknown language) noise, English (L2) noise, or Persian (Ll) noise. Matched t-test results showed the background noise to be substantially disruptive of L2 listening comprehension. In addition, more masking was found from white noise that from competing speech, including the lexicality reduced the amount of masking. The effect of meaning, too, did not reach significance: Meaningless background interfered with L2 listening comprehension as much as did meaningful speech. Similarly, Ll and L2~oises were statistically equal in their power to corrupt L2 listening performance.

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In this article, first the history of the origin and the development of Russian literature will be investigated. The origin of Russian literature goes back to the late 10th century when Christianity was adopted as the official and institutional religion in Russia. Then, the literary genres and the early works of Old Russian Literature as well as their subject matters will be studied. There are also some references to the popularity of such genres as writing Yearbooks,Fables, Parables and Diaries. Moreover, the characteristics ofsbme works such as The Stories of the Old Times and A Word on Igor"s Regiment wjIl be generally discussed.

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One of the distinctive characteristics of the interaction between teachers and students in giving and receiving feedback. In this research, the relationship between "feedback expectancy" in English classes and "students" achievement" in high-schools and junior highschools has been explored. The results revealed a positive and moderate relationship between the two variables of "feedback expectancy" and "students" achievement". It was found that the level of achievement and the educational level have a significant main effect on feedback expectancy. The Scheffe Test showed that in the third grade high-schools and junior high-schools the expectation for giving and receiving feedback is stronger. The present research also aimed at investigating the attitude of Iranian students towards teacher and peer feedback. The Scheffe Test pointed to the effect of educational level on students" attitude to feedback; in grades where exams are given countfywide, students expect more feedback from their teachers and classmates. At the end, this research looks into the effect of cultural factors on the attitude of students and suggests cooperative learning as a means of changing this attitude.

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Since the formation of Realism in philosophical ideas of Plato and Aristotle and its rather late manifestation in literature, the concept "realism" has always been subject to many alterations and basic developments. In spite of the fact that realism has 2500 years background in philosophy and literature, the 19th Century is often known as the Golden Age of Realism in fictions in France. However, this fame is the result of the attempts made during the three periods before that. From the time of Baroque to the time of flourishing of Realism in the 19th Century, French literature witnessed a period during which basic reconsideration in the clarification of the concept of "Realism in fiction" occurred. This reconsideration was done regarding the concept of "reality". Therefore, the present article, along with investigating the origins of the meanings of "reality" in Realism, sets out to .study the developmental procedure of Realism in fiction during the three basic and key periods in French literature from the late years of Baroque to the end of the 18th century.

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The prefix "3a" is one of the most common one. This prefix gives various meanings to a verb base. Among the most important meaning "starting an action" and "location of an action" can be named. In order to completely appreciate the connotations which exist with regard to the "location of an action" of this prefix, sophisticated context-bound sentences are required. This article attempts to provide the Russian language learners with some general rules about how this prefix interacts with different verbs and context-bound sentences to facilitate the understanding of these nuances in meaning.

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در مقالۀ حاضر، ابتدا تاریخچۀ پیدایش و توسعۀ تاریخ ادبیات روسیه مورد مطالعه قرار می گیرد. تاریخ پیدایش ادبیات روسیه به اواخر قرن دهم، یعنی به زمان پذیرش مذهب مسیحیت به عنوان مذهب رسمی و دولتی روسیه بر می گردد. سپس سبک ها و آثار اولیۀ ادبیات روسیۀ باستان و همچنین موضوعات آنها بررسی می شوند. به رایج بودن سبک هایی مانند سالنامه نویسی، پندنامه نویسی، حکایت و سفرنامه نویسی نیز اشاره شده است، همچنین به صورت اجمالی، به ویژگی های آثاری مانند داستان سال های گذشته و کلامی در مورد هنگ ایگور پرداخته شده است.

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The present article discusses Lermantov"s special viewpoints about hatred, disgrace, and love in his works. These concepts are firstly studied in his poems such as "Poet" and "Ideas". Then, they are reviewed in his prose works such as Vadim, Princess Mary, Princess Ligovskaya, and The Hero of Our Times. Moreover, there is an attempt to show the ideology and evolution of Lermantov"s characters through these concepts. The result of this evolution is the improvement of man from an ignorant and selfish person to an ethical and noble being. The outcome of ethical and philosophical aspects of this topic is that disgrace in human beings causes them not to understand the difference between hatred/non-existence and love/existence. For this reason, it seems that a person who lives in disgrace cannot be effective. In other words he is deprived of the right to choose between "for" and "against".

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معظمی گلنار

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لئوپولد سِدار سِنگور شاعر پرآوازۀ سیاهپوست سنگالی، در سال 1906 در سنگال دیده به جهان گشود و تحصیلاتش را در مدرسۀ مذهبی کاتولیک در داکار و کالج لیبرمان به پایان رساند و در سال 1928 برای تحصیلات عالی به پاریس رفت. وی در دبیرستان لوئی لوگران و دانشگاه سوربون به فراگیری فلسفه و ادبیات پرداخت و در سال 1935 به درجۀ استادی دستور زبان دانشگاه فرانسه رسید. وی در این دوره با نام آوران و افراد سرشناس چون ژرژ پمپیدو آشنا شد که این دوستی ها، سرآغازی برای رسیدن به موفقیت های آیندۀ شاعر جوان محسوب می شود. او علاقۀ زیادی به فراگیری و خواندن کتابهای نویسندگان و شعرای بزرگی چون مارسل پروست، ژان پل سارتر، پل کلودل، سن ژرژ پرس، آندره بروتن، و پل الوار داشت. او شاعری سوررآلیست بود که با استفاده از فضاهای خاص فرانسوی – آفریقایی موسیقاری، سنتی و اسطوره ای باعث خلق آثاری نو و سخت پیچیده گردید. به همین روی در نظر داریم که در این مقاله با روش «خرده خوانش» که ژان پی یر ریشار بنیانگذار آن بود و با تشریح بخشی از اشعار مجموعۀ اتیوپیک (حبشی ها) شاعر سنگالی، مضمون های مورد نظر وی را نشان دهیم. در این رهگذر، نکات مبهم و تاریک شعر این شاعر و زوایای اندیشه و آرمان های او از خلال تکرارها و تشبیهات و استعاره ها ارائه می شوند.

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The Holy Quran is a book for guiding and instructing human beings. This last Divine revelation has so far been translated into more than 140 language of the world among which European languages both in the number and variety of translations outnumber other languages. 120 English translations, about 50 French translations, and 10 Russian translations indicate this fact. Undoubtedly, giving a thorough translation of the Holy Quran containing all its sublimity and deep meanings is virtually impossible. The present article is an attempt to compare the contemporary Russian translations with the original Arabic version as well as with other translations. It is hoped that this article would be a proof for the true Divine claims and a rejection to the unjust claims of the translators concerning the quality of their translations of the Holy Quran in Russian.

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