Background and Aim: Domestic violence against women is a major health problem, as well as a violation of human rights. It adversely affects the physical, mental, and social well being of women, families and communities. This phenomenon exists in all countries around the world. Although its prevalence, strength, types, effects, and risk factors are different, it is.not limited to any geographical zone or distinct social class. This article presents the views of Tehrani couples and experts on underlying factors causing domestic violence against women in Iran and action to be taken for prevention.Materials and Methods: This qualitative study was carried out through eight FGD meetings, in 2 days, with the participation of 50 couples. The couples were divided into 8 groups based on sex, education, and history of violence. Results of the FDGs were categorized and analyzed. Data were discussed in group meetings of 50 experts in different fields, such as health, medicine, law, education, and Islamic studies, from academic, policymaking, governmental executive, and women's affairs organizations, divided into three groups of community general education and information dissemination, health system, and judiciary system. Results were discussed and finalized in a general meeting. Results: The couples and experts identified underlying factors in 4 categoriessocio-cultural, economic, legal, and medical. Actions to be taken for prevention and control were believed to be educational, legal, and supporting services. Conclusion: On the basis of the findings of this study, it was suggested that strategies/actions/services to solve the problem and reduce harm should include providing appropriate information and education for couples and the community; emphasizing the health system responsibility; empowering physicians and other health personnel to help women who are victims or susceptible°todomestic violence; legal transparency and reforms; meeting legal needs; law reinforcement and implementation; providing safe shelters for victims; and establishment of a national center for research and planning on violence.