The studies on Iran economy emphasize unified and adjustable
exchange rate regime,particalarly the Crawling Peg,as well as the
coordination of other policies.After brief reviw of the above studies
and previous experinces,a theoretical model on the basis of
insulationpropertyapproach ispresented.Since policy goal(loss functioni)n this research is taken
as the variance of output and price,every regime that has the least
variance of output and price is considered as optimal. Oil,
governtment budget policy and wage shocks,as the most important
real shock in the economy of Iran.influencing output and price.have
been taken into consideration in the theoretical model.The model
including aggregate supply and demand,and total level of priceand
wage,has been solved for the loss function.This model has been
estimated on the basis of information about Iran during1352-78.
Using the estimated structural coefficients the loss function has been
simulated at different scenarios. The result of these simulations is
that at the present state of economy, the Crawling Peg regime may
not be an optimal one.But in order for the regime to be performed
with tthe least cost(the least variance of out put and price),all of the
following conditions have to be satisfied:(1) the exchange rate IS
adjusted biannually; (2) the monetary policy is coordinated witht the
exchange rate regime;(3)the monetary policy is completely credible;
(4)the income policy is successfulplly performed wher upon wage
shocks are reduced:and(5) difference of the total level of domestic
and foreign pricesis reduced at half.As long as all the above
conditions have not boon sctisfiod, the fixd the exehang rate regime is optimal in stabilizing out put and price.