Azospirillum and Azotobacter are two molecular nitrogen fixing microorganisms which, in symbiosis with the roots of cereals and other graminae, enhance growth and development of the plant. In this research five bread wheat cultivars were treated with Azospirillum, Azotobacter as well as with microelement application by using split-split plots (on the basis of a randomized complete block design) with three replications in Shiraz region during 2004-2005. Main plots consisted of two methods of microelement application (through either soil or foliar application). Sub plots included application or non application of Azospirillum and Azotobacter, while sub-sub plots were consisted of five cultivars (Darab-2, Star, Shiraz, Pishtaz and Chamran). Measurements were made of plant height, grain yield, yield components, biological yield, harvest index and grain protein percent. The results showed that soil and foliar application of microelements only increased the number of spike per m2 and 1000-kernelweight, respectively. Inoculation of seeds with Azospirillum and Azotobacter bacteria increased 1000-kernel weight and grain protein percentage. A study of cultivars also indicated that Chamran and Star cultivars were superior in quantitative and qualitative traits, respectively. In general, it appeared that Chamran and Darab-2 are the best cultivars for planting after corn in such areas. Azospirillum and Azotobacter inoculation was more effective on qualitative than on quantitative traits. Any of the two application methods of microelements (with respect to conditions) can be recommended in this and similar areas.