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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Major depressive disorder is a debilitating disease that is significantly associated with personal, social and economic injury. Various therapies such as laser acupuncture and short-term intensive dynamic psychotherapy have been used in this area, but is the combination of these therapies more effective than either of them? Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture scanning and laser therapy on depression. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study. The statistical population of this study consisted of people with major depressive disorder referring to New Vision Center in Tehran (2018-2019). 10 patients with major depressive disorder referred to New Vision Center were selected by random sampling. Research instruments included Beck Depression Inventory (1961) and revised Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R; Drogatis, 1975), short-term intensive scanning psychotherapy sessions (Davanlo, 1997), and laser medicine therapy. Traditional. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. Results: Both laser therapy and laser therapy combined with dynamic psychotherapy reduced depression (P<0/001). Conclusions: Laser acupuncture affects many neurotransmitters and transmitters in the central nervous system and is coupled with dynamic psychotherapy that helps to release emotions and bring them to consciousness. Depression helps.

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Background: Parent-adolescent disputes are an inevitable part of adolescence. Although belonging to different generations in each family inevitably creates a gap between generations, in immigrant families, the difficulty of transitioning from adolescent conflict to the common challenges after migration Interferes and raises tensions between parents and adolescents. The importance of parent-adolescent communication in immigrant families has led to much research focusing on large-scale immigrant groups, but research on the challenges of parent-adolescent communication has been neglected. Aims: Parent-adolescent communication challenges in Iranian Muslim families residing in the United States were viewed as parental. Method: The research method was qualitative with phenomenological method. Statistical population consisted of Iranian Muslim families residing in the USA. Five parents were selected by snowball sampling method. The research tool was semi-structured in-depth interview. Data analysis was performed using the seven-stage method of Colaizzi. Results: The components of parent-adolescent communication challenges in Iranian Muslim families residing in the United States from parents' perspective are: cultural differences, temporal and spatial generation gap, and insufficient familiarity of immigrant parents with school environment and peer group. They were children for three years. Conclusions: Cultural differences, temporal and spatial generation gap, and insufficient familiarity of immigrant parents with school environment and peer group of children can jeopardize immigrant family functioning and create communication difficulties between parents and adolescents. Slow.

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Background: Teachers need a higher level of resilience to issues, especially marital adjustment, due to work-family conflict experiences. Aims: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between emotion regulation strategies and resilience with marital adjustment of female teachers. Method: This study was a correlational study. The statistical population consisted of all female teachers in Qazvin city during the academic year 2017-2018. 100 teachers were selected as the sample by available sampling method. Research tools include Conner-Davidson Resilience Questionnaires (2003), Gross Emotion Regulation Strategies (2003), and Marital Adjustment (1976). Data were analyzed using parametric tests and Pearson correlation test and multiple regression. Results: There was a significant positive relationship between marital adjustment (P<0/05) and "reappraisal" emotion regulation strategy. Negative emotion regulation strategy had a negative relationship with marital adjustment (p<0/05). Overall, emotion regulation and resiliency strategies predicted marital adjustment among teachers (p<0/05). Conclusions: Marital adjustment of female teachers can be predicted by emotion regulation and resilience strategies.

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Background: Numerous studies have studied the importance of basic psychological needs in students and have investigated the role of basic psychological needs in creating hope, efficiency, resilience and optimism, academic performance, burnout and academic inefficiency. But there is a research gap on the relationship between self-supportive environment and academic well-being with the mediating role of basic psychological needs. Aims: The relationship between self-adherence supportive environment and academic well-being with the mediating role of basic psychological needs. Method: The research was correlated with structural equation modeling. The statistical population consisted of all male high school students in Qaenat city in the academic year of 2018-2019. Research tools include the. Research tools include the Self Assessment of Self Assessment Questionnaire of Assor et al (2002), the Tominin-Sweeney et al (2012) academic well-being scale, and the Lagardia et al(2000). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, regression, factor analysis, and structural equations. Results: Self-supporting environment has a direct and significant effect on basic psychological needs and academic well-being and basic psychological needs also has a direct and significant effect on academic well-being (P <0. 01). Also, self-supportive environment through mediating variable of basic psychological needs has an indirect effect on students' academic well-being (P<0/01). Conclusions: Increasing the quality of self-supportive environments enhances the psychological needs of students and their academic well-being.

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Background: Infertility has been recognized worldwide as a stressful, critical and threatening experience of personal, marital, family and social stability throughout the world and across cultures. But the key question is, does emotion-focused therapy affect perceived social support and the loneliness of infertile couples? Aims: The effect of emotion-focused couple therapy on perceived social support and loneliness in infertile couples. Method: This study was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population consisted of infertile couples referring to private centers for women and infertility in Qom in the second half of 2015 and the first half of 2016. Thirty couples were selected by purposive sampling and were randomly divided into two groups (15 couples) and control (15 couples). Research instruments include the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (Zimet, Dahlm, Zimet & Farley, 1988), the Adult Social Emotional Loneliness Scale (Ditomas, Bernen & Bast, 2004) and the Johnson Couple Training Program (2004). Data analysis was performed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that emotionfocused couple therapy significantly increased the mean scores of perceived social support variable and its subscales (friends support, family support and support). Specific individuals) in the test group (P<0/05). The results also showed that the mean of post-test scores of variable sense of loneliness and its subscales (romantic loneliness, family loneliness and social loneliness) were significantly different in the experimental and control groups (P<0/05). Conclusions: Couple-based training in emotion-focused therapy improved perceived social support in couples and reduced their sense of loneliness.

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Background: Much research has been done on the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies, mindfulness, and perfectionism, but the role of these strategies in predicting emotional problems has been neglected. Aims: To investigate the structural model of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, mindfulness and perfectionism in predicting students' emotional problems. Method: This was a descriptive-analytical study. The statistical population of this study consisted of all male and female high school students in Tehran in the academic year of 2018-2019. 140 individuals (120 girls and 120 boys) were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling. Research instruments are: Garnefsky et al. (2001) Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire Scale (LABUND & LOBUND (1995)) Emotional Problems Scale (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale), Ryan & Brown Mindfulness Questionnaire (2003) and Tehran Multidimensional Perfectionism Questionnaire. (Besharat, 2007). Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: Cognitive emotion regulation strategies, mindfulness and perfectionism were positively associated with emotional problems (P<0/05). Conclusions: Emotional problems can be predicted by cognitive emotion regulation strategies, mindfulness and perfectionism.

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SHEYKHOLESLAMI ALI | Taghizadeh Hir Sara | Honarmand Ghojabeyglou Pezhman | Moradiyan Alireza

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Background: Studies on quality of life, mental health and anxiety and depression in parents of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder have been conducted. But the main issue is that research comparing emotional well-being, marital intimacy, and quality of life of mothers of children with ADHD with mothers of normal children has been neglected. Aims: The aim of this study was to compare the emotional well-being, marital intimacy and quality of life of mothers of children with ADHD with mothers of normal children. Method: This study was a descriptive causal-comparative study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all mothers of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder and mothers of normal children in Ardebil in 2015-2016. Mothers with children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder and 60 mothers with normal children were selected as the sample. Data were analyzed using the revised Conner Parent-Short Form Rating Scale (Conners, 1999), Clinical Interview, Emotional Well-being Components' of Keyes and Magyaromo Subjective Well-being Questionnaire (2003), Bougarose's Marital Intimacy Questionnaire (2001), and the Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire. Global Health-Short Form (1998) was collected. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that emotional well-being, marital intimacy and quality of life of mothers of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder were significantly lower than normal mothers (P<0/01). Conclusions: Mothers of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder have lower levels of emotional well-being, marital intimacy, and quality of life than mothers of normal children.

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Background: The executive functions of the brain are important structures that are responsible for controlling consciousness, thinking and actions associated with psychological processes. Therefore, the research question is whether using short-term dynamic psychotherapy intervention, awareness and integration of these two can enhance executive functions. Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ISTDP intervention program, awareness training and integration of these two executive functions. Method: The design of this quasi-experimental study was pre-test and post-test with the control group. The study population consisted of 9 female students in the ninth grade of district 4 of Tehran city who were studying in the academic year 2017 subjects were selected who, after the initial diagnostic interview, were identified as the best available sample to participate in the course. Subjects were randomly assigned into 3 experimental and 1 control groups. The research instrument was the London Shallis Tower Test (1982), Dynamic Dynamics Protocol (1995) and Cobt-Zain Consciousness Intervention (1990, 1990). Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data. Results: The results of the analysis of pre-test and post-test scores between the two experimental and control groups showed that awareness training programs, istdp intervention program, and the combination of these two groups resulted in post-test and posttest scores in all three groups. Part of the integrated intervention was more than the other two interventions (p<0/05). Conclusions: Consolidated intervention had the most effect and the intervention of awareness had the least effect on the problem solving ability of the subjects. Although the effect of ISTDP-based intervention was more than body-awareness intervention, the difference between these two interventions was not statistically significant, while the difference between body-awareness and integrated intervention was statistically significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that emotions can affect symptoms and related problems. But are cognitivebehavioral-emotional therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy effective on symptoms and related issues? And which treatment is most effective? Aims: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral-emotional therapy and cognitive-based cognitive therapy on socio-physical anxiety, itching, and severity of psoriasis in psoriasis patients. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test and two-month follow-up with control group. The population consisted of 30 patients referred to dermatology research center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences who were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to control group (5 male and 5 female) and first experimental groups (5 Men and 5 women) and second (5 men and 5 women) were recruited. Tools include Emoji-Cognitive-Behavioral Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies (SDWC) (2006) and Datilio Model (2010) and Kabat's Mind-Awareness Cognitive Therapies. Zain (1990) Hart et al. (1989) Social-Physical Anxiety Scale, Visual Analogue Scale, and Severity and Level Index of Psoriasis Curtis (2009). Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Results: Both treatments reduced socio-physical anxiety with greater efficacy of cognitive-based cognitive therapy. Both interventions were equally effective in reducing itching. Emotionalcognitive-behavioral therapy, but not mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, reduced the severity of psoriasis. At the two-month follow-up, changes remained stable over time (P<0/001). Conclusions: These two treatments are useful interventions to reduce socio-physical anxiety and symptoms and severity of disease in psoriasis patients.

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Background: Communication irrational beliefs, individual differentiation, and marital frustration are factors that cause divorce in men. But the main question is whether there is a meaningful relationship between irrational beliefs and differentiation mediated by sexual function and marital frustration with the tendency to divorce men? Aims: To present a causal model of divorce tendency of married men referred to counseling centers based on irrational communication beliefs and individual differentiation with mediating role of sexual function and marital frustration. Method: This was a correlational and analytical survey. The statistical population consisted of all married men referring to counseling centers throughout the city of Tehran. A sample of 240 individuals was selected by random sampling method. The instruments are: Adelson & Epstein Communication Standardized Beliefs Questionnaire, Individual Differentiation (1982), Rosen et al. (2000), Men's Sexual Function (FSEI), Nihuis & Bartel Marital Disappointment, and Roosevelt, Johnson & Divorce Tendency Moreau (1986). data were analyzed using multiple regression and path analysis. Results: The components of irrational beliefs about communication and individual differentiation were correlated with the mediating role of sexual function and marital frustration in the tendency to divorce in men (p<0/05). Conclusions: Reducing marital frustration and irrational communication beliefs can have a positive effect along with increasing individual differentiation and sexual function of men in decreasing divorce tendency of men with marital problems.

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Arami Seyed Javad | Sanagouye Moharrer Gholam Reza | SHIRAZI MAHMOUD

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Background: One of the issues that should be considered for methadone-treated patients is the quality of sleep in these patients. But the key question is, does the behavioral analysis approach affect the sleep quality of methadone-treated patients? Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of group training on behavioral analysis on improving sleep quality and its components in male patients treated with methadone. Method: The study was a quasi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test and follow-up and control group. The statistical population of this study consisted of all patients treated with methadone in one of Tehran's drug abuse treatment centers in 2015-2016. 40 patients were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. (20 people) were replaced. The tools are: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire (Daniel J. Bayes et al., 1989) and Group Training Protocol on Mutual Behavior Analysis (Attadakht, Jafarian Dehkordi, Bashirpour & Narimani, 2015). Data were analyzed using covariance analysis test. Results: Interaction analysis approach had a significant effect on improving sleep quality of patients treated with methadone (P<0/05). Conclusions: Mutation therapy can be used to improve sleep quality of patients treated with methadone.

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Background: Early maladaptive schemas are factors that can affect the lives and relationships between couples. But the key question is, can the dimensions of mindfulness mediate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and attitudes toward extramarital relationships? Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and attitudes to extramarital relationships with regard to mediating the dimensions of mindfulness. Method: This was a descriptive correlational study. Statistical population was all couples 25-40 years old in Pomegranate. 205 couples were selected as sample by available sampling method. Research tools include Habibi's Metacognitive Relationship and Purulence Questionnaire (2012), Short Freiburg Mindfulness Questionnaire (2006), and Young's Early Maladaptive Schema Questionnaire (1988). Data analysis was performed using multiple path analysis and mediation analysis. Results: The final model fits well with the data, and early maladaptive schemas through mindfulness dimensions predict attitude toward meta-marital relationships (p<0/05). Also, the results of mediation analysis showed that mindfulness, description, non-judgment and non-reaction had the most important mediating role (p<0/05). Conclusions: It can be predicted from early maladaptive schemas and mind dimensions of meta-cognitive relationships.

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