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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Balance maintenance is an essential prerequisite for professional and personal activities as well as imbalance and disruption in walking patterns among the factors affecting the physical, mental and social health of adults. . Accordingly, can using Brighton Exercises improve physical and psychological well-being? Aims: The effect of Brightonics training on static, dynamic balance and psychological factors in adult women. Method: This study was a semi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of 30-50 years old women in Tehran who were selected from 26 adult women (50-30 years old) as available sample and were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Tools include: . Brighton training program (Dehghani Zadeh, Rahmati Arani & Heydari, 1977) and General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg & Hiller, 1979). Data were analyzed using t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of static equilibrium but in dynamic equilibrium there was a significant difference between the two groups. There was a significant difference between anxiety, anxiety and total score of mental performance (P<0/001). Conclusions: Brightonics exercise improves dynamic balance and some psychological factors such as anxiety and physical disorders and is suggested as a strategy to enhance mental and physical skills in adult women.

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Background: Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has adverse effects on children's social cognition. But the key question is whether there is a difference in social cognition (levels of theory of mind and empathy) between children with ADHD and normal children. Aims: To compare the levels of theory of mind and empathy in two groups of children with ADHD and normal children. Method: The study was a causal-comparative study. The statistical population included all 6 to 8 year old children with ADHD and normal children in Tabriz. Fifty children with disabilities and 50 normal children were selected through purposive sampling. The tools include the Hutchinson et al. (2008) theory of mind questionnaire and the Cognitive and Emotional Empathy Scale of Children: Dadas et al. (2008). The results were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. Results: The results showed that the components of theory of mind and empathy were significantly lower in children with ADHD than normal children (p<0/0001). Conclusions: It can be concluded that levels of theory of mind and empathy are higher in normal children than children with ADHD.

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IMANI SAEED | Zakeri Morteza

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Background: Addiction and substance abuse is one of the most significant psychological and social impairments that can easily undermine the foundation of a country's individual, family, and cultural life. Studies have shown the effectiveness of cognitive emotion regulation on a variety of variables. But the question is, can cognitive emotion regulation affect drug craving and marital distress in married men with Stimulants use disorder? Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cog native emotion regulation skills training in reducing substance abuse craving and marital distress in men with stimulant disorder. Method: This research was carried out based on a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design. the statistical population consisted of all married men with disruptive drug abuse disorder referring to family counseling centers in Rasht. Asammple of 30 were selected by available sampling method and randomly assigned tocontrol and experimental groups. method to determine entry and exit rates. After the end of treatment sessions craving tests and Marital disturbance were used to collect information. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis )P<0/05). Results: The results showed that training cognitive emotion regulation skills significantly reduced craving and Marital disturbance. Conclusions: According to the finding of this study, emotional regulation cognitive skills can be a suitable therapeutic approach to reducing the craving and Marital disturbance in addicts to stimulants.

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Background: One of the main concerns of statistics professors in universities is how to reduce students' statistics anxiety and enhance their learning in this lesson. Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Self-Construal and 3*2 Achievement Goal in predicting of Anxiety Statistic in student. Method: The present study used a descriptive/correlational method. Population of this study included all students who were studying in the University Kharazmi in the academic year of 2017-2018. Among the statistical population, 203 students (128 girla and 75 boys) were selected by convenience sampling method. Participants answered the following questionnaires: Self-construal questionnaire (Hardin, Loong and Bovat), Anxiety Rating Scale (Croisses, Cache and Belton) and 3×2 achievement goals questionnaire (Elliot, Maurima and Pekran). The data analysis was conducted by using step-by-step multiple regression method in SPSS v23. Results: The Results of step-by-step multiple regressions indicated that the goals of self-approach and dependent Self-Construal negatively and significantly, and the goals of the other-approach and task-avoidance can positively and significantly predict the anxiety of statistics (P<0/01). Conclusions: According to the findings of the present study, it is recommended that The Teachers of statistics in their classroom will direct students to interpersonal competencies; avoid creating a competitive climate in class, and use teamwork and collaborative teaching.

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Aslmarz Fariborz

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Background: Target orientation is very important in student learning, but the question is, can a parenting philosophy program influence the target orientation of elementary sixth grade female students? Aims: To design and test a parenting philosophy program and its effectiveness with a child education philosophy program aimed at targeting female students. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study (pre-test, post-test with control group). The study population consisted of all sixth grade female students and their mothers in Ilam city. 100 students and their mothers were selected by sampling method available. The tools were: Wendy Weil (1997) and McGregor (2001) Goal Orientation Questionnaire were used for data collection. Data analysis was performed using univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: Philosophy training program had a significant effect on learning orientation, orientation performance, avoidance performance, uncertainty (P<0/0001). Conclusions: Parents and students who participated in the philosophy training program showed significant improvement in goal orientation.

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Background: By studying the research done on video-computer games addiction, on the one hand, it was found that all the variables mentioned in this study have not been examined together. On the other hand, in these studies, the causal relationship of the independent variable with the dependent variable has been investigated and the mechanism through which the independent variable affects the dependent variable has not been investigated. Therfore, the question of research is whether seeking sensation can madiate this relationship? Aims: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the mediation role of seeking sensation in the relationship between emotional self-regulation and confused identity with video-computer games Addiction in high school boy students. Method: The present research was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population of the study was all boy students of the first grade of high school in Tehran in the academic year 2018-2019 and The sample size consisted of 405 students who were selected through multistage cluster random sampling. The data were collected using video-computer games Addiction scale (Anuthawarn, 2008), emotional self-regulation (Garnefski & at. el, 2001), confused identity (Bronzki, 1989) and seeking sensation (Arnett, 1992). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation, regression and path analysis. Results: Finding have shown that emotional self-regulation and confused identity affect on seeking sensation and, on the other hand they affect on computer-video games addiction, also, seeking sensation affect on computer-video games addiction (p˂ 0/01). Conclusions: People who have higher level of emotional self-regulation, also, People who have lower levels of confused identity, their level of seeking sensation has decreased and as results, their level of computer-video games addiction has decreased.

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Background: Research has shown the effectiveness of different types of skill and thinking games individually on improving reading skills in children with reading disorders, but is the combination of skill and thinking games effective in learning children with reading disorders? Aims: Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of LEGO skill-mental game on the amount of learning in children with reading disabilities. Method: The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical society included all 3rd grade elementary school children with a learning disorder in reading and writing in Tehran. 50 children were selected through available sampling. Then, 30 children with high levels of learning disabilities were selected randomly and replaced in two groups of 15 people (one experimental group and one control group). Each of the children in the experimental group received 12 sessions of Lego's intellectual-linguistic training with a phonological awareness group, once a week for 60 minutes. The research instrument consisted of Reading and Dyslexic Test. Data were analyzed by MANOVA analysis in SPSS software. Results: The results showed that the learning level of children with reading disorder in the experimental group (Lego skill-intellectual game) increased compared to the control group in the post-test phase. Conclusions: The results of this study showed the use of the Lego game can improving the analysis and problem solving power and social relationships as a new learning system improved the learning of children with learning disabilities.

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Background: Numerous studies have emphasized the effectiveness of mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy on the treatment of cancer patients. But is there a difference between the effectiveness of these two treatments on improving sexual function in men with cancer? Aims: The aim of this study was to determine and compare the effectiveness of mindfulness training and acceptance and commitment based therapy on sexual function in Isfahan cancer patients. Method: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with two experimental groups and one control group. Among males with cancer in Isfahan, a sample of 30 patients was selected purposefully according to the research criteria and then 10 in the mindfulness group (Kabat‐ Zinn, 2003), 10 in the acceptance and commitment group (Hayes and et al, (2010) and 10 controls were randomly assigned to the control group. The instrument used was Rosen et al (2004) Men's Sexual Health Questionnaire. Results: The results of covariance analysis showed that both mindfulness training and acceptance and commitment therapy had a significant effect on increasing sexual function in men with cancer (p≤ 0/001). but between the effectiveness of mindfulness and acceptance and commitment groups The difference is not significant. Conclusions: Mindfulness-based interventions and acceptance and commitment therapies can be used to improve the sexual function of men with cancer.

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Background: The use of psychological therapies along with medical treatments to treat and improve the psychological consequences of diabetes have always been of interest. In diabetes, psychological interventions try to reduce the adverse consequences of the disease. Aims: In the student community, most of the researchers' attention has been focused on academic achievement and cognitive development and less attention has been paid to physical diseases such as diabetes. Method: This quasi-experimental study followed by a pretest, posttest, and follow-up design with a control group. The current study had a statistical population consisting of all students with diabetes in Zahedan. Its sample included 30 subjects selected using a convenience sampling method and randomly divided into two groups, i. e., experimental (n=15) and control (n=15). Then, the experimental group received 8 sessions of intervention through acceptance and commitment based intervention package (Ghomian & Shairi, 2014). Research instruments included the Cognitive Cohesion Questionnaire of Gilanders et al Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (2014), the Reynolds and Richmond’ s Revised Measure of Children's Manifest Anxiety (1978), and the Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire for Youth. A multivariate analysis of covariance was used to analyze the obtained data statistically via SPSS. Results: Results showed that acceptance and commitment group therapy improved cognitive fusion, quality of life, and anxiety of the experimental group compared to the control group (P<0/05). These results persisted in the follow-up. Conclusions: Acceptance and Commitment-based psychological therapies can help to improve psychological symptoms and reduce the psychological consequences of physical illness by building up an internal commitment in individuals.

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Background: Math anxiety is one of the factors that disrupt students 'math performance, but the question is, are mathematical anxiety and math self-concept correlated with students' math anxiety and math performance? Aims: To investigate the mediating role of mathematical memory and math self-concept in the relationship between mathematical anxiety and mathematical performance in students. Method: This was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all students in the experimental period of Meybod city during the academic year of 1398-1989. 260 students were selected by cluster random sampling., Dale and Azov Paradat (2012), Marsh's Mathematical Self-Concept Questionnaire (1990), and Mathematics Lesson Score at the end of term. Data were analyzed using path analysis. Results: Math anxiety predicts students' math performance negatively (P<0/05). Mathematical anxiety had a direct and significant effect on mathematical performance with the mediator role of activator memory and mathematical self-concept (P<0/05). Conclusions: Active memory and self-concept can influence students' mathematical anxiety and performance.

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Background: The emergence of chronic diseases such as Parkinson seriously damages the patients’ Life Quality and Psychological Wellbeing besides physical health. But does mindfulness therapy help improve the quality of life and psychological well-being of Parkinson's patients? Aims: Therefore, the present study was conducted with the purpose of investigating effectiveness of the mindfulness therapy on life quality and psychological wellbeing of patients with Parkinson. Method: The present study was quasiexperimental with pretest, posttest, control group and two-month follow-up period. The statistical population of the present study included the people with Parkinson in the city of Isfahan in the winter of 2018-19. 30 patients with Parkinson were selected through non-random available sampling and were randomly replaced into experimental and control groups (15 patients in the experimental group and 15 in the control group). The experimental group received training intervention of mindfulness therapy in ten ninety-minute sessions during two months. The applied questionnaires in this study included life quality questionnaire (WHO, 1994) and psychological wellbeing questionnaire (Ryff, 1980). The data from the study were analyzed through repeated measurement ANOVA software. Results: The results showed that the mindfulness therapy has significant effect on life quality and psychological wellbeing of Parkinson (p<0/001). The degree of the effect of mindfulness therapy on life quality and psychological wellbeing of Parkinson patients were 68 and 67 respectively. Conclusions: According to the findings of the present study it can be concluded that mindfulness therapy concomitant with employing techniques such as thoughts, emotions and mindfull behavior can be used as an efficient treatment to increase life quality and psychological wellbeing of Parkinson patients.

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Background: Various studies have shown the efficacy of Walsh and Olson's approach in improving the various communication and psychological components of couples. But does Walsh and Olson's approach lead to improved communication patterns and reduced marital disillusionment for women affected by marital infidelity? Aims: The present study was conducted aiming to compare effectiveness of Walsh approach and Olson approach on communicative models and marital burnout in the women hurt by marital betrayal. Method: The research method of the present study was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest and control group design. The statistical population of the present study included all the women hurt by marital betrayal in the city of Tehran in 2017. Non-probable available sampling and random replacement were used in the present study. After selecting the sample size and replacing them in the experimental and control groups, the experimental groups received teaching interventions in ninety-minute sessions once a week during three months. The applied questionnaires in the present study included communicative models questionnaire (Christensen and Solavai, 1984) and marital burnout (Paienz, 1996). The data gotten from the study were analyzed through ANCOVA method. Results: The results of the data analysis showed that teaching Walsh approach and Olson approach has been effective on communicative models and marital burnout in the women hurt by marital betrayal (P<0/001). Moreover, the results of follow-up test showed that there isn’ t any significant difference between the effectiveness of Walsh approach and Olson approach on communicative models and marital burnout in the women hurt by marital betrayal (P>0/05). Conclusions: According to the findings of the present study it can be concluded that Walsh and Olson approaches can be applied as efficient methods to change communicative models and marital burnout of the women hurt by marital betrayal.

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