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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The effect of education based on positive psychology approach on psychological well-being, meaning in life and vitality in wives of war veteran and wives martyrs




 Background & Aims: War has a profound and profound effect on the mental health and well-being of its soldiers, veterans and victims. War and military violence have led to communication malfunctions and disruption of family dynamics and mental health (1). The psychological problems caused by war usually affect the victims and their families for a long time after the war, and these psychological consequences can sometimes last up to 20 years after the war. The absence of the father or his injury in the family also causes the mother many problems and endangers her mental health (2-3). This is likely to be doubled for women who have lost their husbands or whose husbands have suffered serious physical or psychological harm. In this regard, it has been determined that the Psychological well-being of the three groups of spouses of veterans, freedmen and martyrs is at the lowest level of mental well-being (5). From a positive psychology perspective, the absence of symptoms of mental illness is not an indicator of health and well-being. Rather, adaptation, happiness and self-confidence and such positive characteristics determine health and the main goal of a person in life is the flourishing of one's abilities, abilities and talents (8). In this regard, positive therapy can not only create positive resources but can also have a reciprocal effect on the negative symptoms and also prevent their recurrence. Two important factors related to the concept of Psychological well-being are the sense of meaning in life and vitality. Several studies have documented this relationship in the research literature (13). For example, the existence of meaning in life predicts Psychological well-being (14). In fact, the meaning in life and Psychological well-being are important issues in positive psychology. The feeling of being alive is closely related to happiness and Psychological well-being and is considered as one of the most important human experiences (17). Numerous studies have shown that living in the wives of veterans and martyrs for any reason reduces self-confidence and self-efficacy, which in turn can reduce the quality of life and Psychological well-being. Therefore, interventions that reduce these factors and improve these psychological indicators are essential. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of positive psychology intervention on Psychological well-being meaning in life, and vitality of martyr and veteran spouses. Methods: The method of this study was quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design along with a control and experimental group. 28 wives of martyrs and veterans of Shiraz participated in this study who were randomly assigned into control group (n=14) and experimental group (n=14). This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and was conducted according to the Helsinki Declaration (19). In this study, Ryff Psychological well-being Questionnaire, Meaning of Life Questionnaire and vitality Questionnaire were used to collect data. positive psychology intervention protocol was performed in 10 sessions for 90 minutes in the experimental group. This protocol is based on a study by Seligman et al. (2006) (11). After practice in the experimental group, post-test measurements were performed again in both groups. In order to compare the internal group (pre-test and post-test) and research groups, paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test were used at the significance level of α,= 0. 05, respectively. Results: The average age of participants in the control group was 41. 57±, 9. 96 years and this index for the experimental group was 44. 21±, 10. 28 years. The number of spouses of veterans and martyrs is equal in both groups. According to the paired sample t-test, there is no significant difference from pre-test to post-test in the control group in any of the indicators of Psychological well-being, meaning of life and vitality (p ˃,0. 05). However, this difference in the experimental group in the overall score of mental well-being (p = 0. 001, t = 6. 034), self-acceptance (p = 0. 007, t = 3. 213), environmental dominance (p = 0. 001, T = 4. 323), positive relations with others (p = 0. 001, t = 4. 527), autonomy (p = 0. 004, t = 3. 513), presence of meaning (p = 0. 041, There are t = 2. 271), total score of meaning of life (p = 0. 018, t = 2. 652), and vitality (p = 0. 017, t = 2. 742). There was no difference in other variables (p ˃,0. 05). The results of independent sample t-test show that there is a significant difference in the overall score of Psychological well-being (p = 0. 001, t = 3. 475). Moreover, among the subscales of the Psychological well-being questionnaire, only self-acceptance was significant (p = 0. 001, t = 3. 677). Also the meaning of life (p = 0. 047, t = 2. 898) was significant. There was no difference in other variables (p ˃,0. 05). Conclusion: Positive intervention due to changes in the behavior, attitudes, beliefs and emotions of the wives of martyrs and veterans and enjoying them with characteristics such as being active and energetic, willingness to communicate with others, positive and having attitudes and perceptions Positive self and other people and controlling emotions helps to empower them (30). The result of such empowerment is the strengthening of positive emotions and greater success in life. It can be said that positive education activates positive emotions and prevents negative emotions that play a key role in reducing their mental well-being to replace positive emotions (31). In this intervention, the wives of martyrs and veterans learn to have a positive self-image instead of blaming themselves, to remember the past with satisfaction and hope for the future. These people can turn challenges into opportunities and use effective coping strategies to deal with negative thoughts and then accept positive thoughts instead, as well as to cope with problems more effective (33). Of note, Positive education leads to activities that take these people to a pleasant inner world and help them gain a sense of excitement, meaning in life, goal setting and motivation, and consequently it affects their well-being and mental health (34-35). As a result of such interventions, they tend to positive social aspects and feel more responsible for their behavioral and communication health in life. In general, the results of this study showed that education based on a positive psychology approach has an effect on well-being and the meaning of life but has no effect on vitality (37-38). Psychologists can use this intervention to increase mental well-being and, consequently, quality of life and increase mental health. Also, this intervention can be provided as a psychological package to the centers related to the families of martyrs and veterans so that the psychologists of these centers and counselors can use it. It should be noted that future studies should be conducted in qualitative or mixed methods to obtain more accurate information. Comparison of the effectiveness of this intervention with other interventions should be evaluated to determine its effectiveness compared to other interventions.


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    APA: Copy

    Roozitalab, Asieh, Maredpour, AliReza, & TAGHVAEINIA, ALI. (2021). The effect of education based on positive psychology approach on psychological well-being, meaning in life and vitality in wives of war veteran and wives martyrs. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), 28(9 ), 80-91. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1004963/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Roozitalab Asieh, Maredpour AliReza, TAGHVAEINIA ALI. The effect of education based on positive psychology approach on psychological well-being, meaning in life and vitality in wives of war veteran and wives martyrs. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2021;28(9 ):80-91. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1004963/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Asieh Roozitalab, AliReza Maredpour, and ALI TAGHVAEINIA, “The effect of education based on positive psychology approach on psychological well-being, meaning in life and vitality in wives of war veteran and wives martyrs,” RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), vol. 28, no. 9 , pp. 80–91, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1004963/en

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