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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Meta-Analysis and Comparison of the Effectiveness Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Schema Therapy on the Components of Marital Quality of Couples




 Aim and Background: In recent years in Iran, several studies have examined the effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior therapy and Schema therapy in the field of conflict resolving and enriching the couple's relationship. The purpose of this study is to integrate the results of previous research and compare the effectiveness of these interventions on marital quality components. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, meta-analysis was used as a statistical technique to determine, collect, combine and summarize research findings related to the effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior therapy and Schema therapy on the components of marital quality of couples. The statistical population of the study includes researches conducted in Iran in the field of mentioned psychotherapies. The statistical sample includes research conducted in this field inside Iran. For this purpose, 19 studies were selected. After reviewing 17 researches that were methodologically acceptable, they were analyzed. The research tool was a meta-analysis checklist and CMA software was used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed the magnitude of the combined effect of the treatments (P <0. 01) was equal to r = 0. 629, which is equivalent to zr = 0. 739 and g = 1. 557, and according to Cohen's interpretation table means the size of the effect is large or high. Also, the results did not show a significant difference between the effect size of Dialectical Behavior therapy and Schema therapy. Conclusions: Based on the results of this meta-analysis, Dialectical Behavior therapy and Schema therapy are effective in improving the marital quality components of couples.


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  • References


    APA: Copy

    Keybollahi, Toloue, Havassi Somar, Nahid, KRASKIAN MUJEMBARI, ADIS, MANSOOBIFAR, MOHSEN, & Tari Moradi, Arzoo. (2022). Meta-Analysis and Comparison of the Effectiveness Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Schema Therapy on the Components of Marital Quality of Couples. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES, 20(1 ), 32-47. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1018149/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Keybollahi Toloue, Havassi Somar Nahid, KRASKIAN MUJEMBARI ADIS, MANSOOBIFAR MOHSEN, Tari Moradi Arzoo. Meta-Analysis and Comparison of the Effectiveness Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Schema Therapy on the Components of Marital Quality of Couples. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES[Internet]. 2022;20(1 ):32-47. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1018149/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Toloue Keybollahi, Nahid Havassi Somar, ADIS KRASKIAN MUJEMBARI, MOHSEN MANSOOBIFAR, and Arzoo Tari Moradi, “Meta-Analysis and Comparison of the Effectiveness Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Schema Therapy on the Components of Marital Quality of Couples,” JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES, vol. 20, no. 1 , pp. 32–47, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1018149/en

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