CopyNEMATI ANARAKI, LEILA, Mousavi, Seyedeh Soraya, ALIBEYK, MOHAMMADREZA, & Mahami Oskouei, Mina. (2022). Medical students knowledge and use of smartphone-based applications. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, 24(4 ), 84-94. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1052152/en
CopyNEMATI ANARAKI LEILA, Mousavi Seyedeh Soraya, ALIBEYK MOHAMMADREZA, Mahami Oskouei Mina. Medical students knowledge and use of smartphone-based applications. JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2022;24(4 ):84-94. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1052152/en
CopyLEILA NEMATI ANARAKI, Seyedeh Soraya Mousavi, MOHAMMADREZA ALIBEYK, and Mina Mahami Oskouei, “Medical students knowledge and use of smartphone-based applications,” JOURNAL OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, vol. 24, no. 4 , pp. 84–94, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1052152/en