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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Comparative Study of Iranian Postgraduate Nursing and Surgical Nursing Curriculum with University of Pennsylvania in USA




 Introduction: Nurses play an effective role in providing health services to the community, so the Curriculum of this field has special importance in preparing students to fulfill this important mission and should be continuously revised in alignment with the educational system and the needs of the community in this regard. A comparative comparison with similar curricula in prestigious universities is one of the methods used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each. Curriculum. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the MSc Curriculum of Iranian Internal Surgery Nursing and The University of Pennsylvania in the United States. Methods: This comparative review was conducted in 1401. First, according to the ranking of Nursing Schools in the world, a top-ranking university (Pennsylvania School of Nursing) was identified by searching the QS. COM website, and the required information was collected and compared using the Bereday model. Results: The findings showed that The Iranian Nursing Program and the Pennsylvania School of Nursing have commonalities and differences. In Pennsylvania, decentralized acceptance, having a condition GPA and work experience, and the existence of background are necessary, but in Iran, only having a bachelor's degree and participating in the entrance exam of the Ministry of Health is enough), the nature of the field (in Pennsylvania with an emphasis on the development of clinical decision-making experts and nursing leader about cultural diversity and global attitude and in Iran is the training of clinical experts in the field of disease care)Outlook( In Pennsylvania, the change and impact on improving the quality of nursing and being superior in Iran are in the international level)The content of the courses (in Iran and Pennsylvania the content of the courses is largely similar, but the number of courses in Iran is 32 units and in Pennsylvania, the total units in the two acute and primary programs are 24 units, the Iran program has 4 thesis units but Pennsylvania does not have thesis ). Conclusions: Comparing the U. S.-Iran Curriculum shows that the U. S.-Iran Curriculum has similarities in the content of the Curriculum and objectives in general, but like the field, mission, vision, and acceptance of students in Iran, the U. S. Curriculum prepares students for leadership and management in clinical settings with an emphasis on change and effectiveness and with a global perspective on the development of students and in accepting students. Psychological problems, educational history, and background have received special attention, which is one of their strengths.


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    APA: Copy

    TAGHLILI, F., ARSALANI, N., AHMADI, M., NASEH, L., MOGHADDAM, F., & FALLAHI KHOSHKNAB, M.. (2023). Comparative Study of Iranian Postgraduate Nursing and Surgical Nursing Curriculum with University of Pennsylvania in USA. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, 18(2 ), 73-82. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1093370/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    TAGHLILI F., ARSALANI N., AHMADI M., NASEH L., MOGHADDAM F., FALLAHI KHOSHKNAB M.. Comparative Study of Iranian Postgraduate Nursing and Surgical Nursing Curriculum with University of Pennsylvania in USA. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH[Internet]. 2023;18(2 ):73-82. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1093370/en

    IEEE: Copy

    F. TAGHLILI, N. ARSALANI, M. AHMADI, L. NASEH, F. MOGHADDAM, and M. FALLAHI KHOSHKNAB, “Comparative Study of Iranian Postgraduate Nursing and Surgical Nursing Curriculum with University of Pennsylvania in USA,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, vol. 18, no. 2 , pp. 73–82, 2023, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1093370/en

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