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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Aghababai F. | MOHAMMADI R.

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Introduction: Premenstrual syndrome is one of the most important clinical problems in women's diseases. The significance of PMS due to its more prevalence in young girls requires a deeper study and finding their own experiences. Methods: The present qualitative study was a phenomenological approach. The study population included premenstrual syndrome, 10 people were selected by targeted sampling method. Sampling continues until data saturation. The data analysis was designed with a descriptive study method. Results: In this study, 4 main themes and 12 sub-themes were identified, which were: Symptomatic experience of the syndrome (experience of behavioral, emotional and cognitive patterns, physical experience of the syndrome, temporal experience of the syndrome, perception of menstrual syndrome and control or non-control of the syndrome). Experiencing the socio-cultural dimension of the syndrome (accepting or rejecting the socio-cultural context and gender perspective on the syndrome), coping strategies with the experience of the syndrome (reviewing the experience of the syndrome, accepting or not accepting the syndrome, and understanding the meaning of the syndrome). Syndrome (desire to be alone and not communicating with others and the importance of communication experiences). Conclusions: The results of this study can provide many practical and clinical implications for girls with PMS and this experience is a multidimensional and multifaceted phenomenon.

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Introduction: In order to reduce the stress and anxiety caused by the spread of the Covid-19 disease, a beneficial and effective psychological variable such as resilience can play an adaptive role. Also, the therapeutic relationship is a meaningful and purposeful relationship between the nurse and the patient in order to solve the patient's problems and create adaptive responses. Methods: In a semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, using Corona anxiety questionnaires and Connor and Davidson resilience, 60 eligible patients and random allocation in the intervention and control group (30 people), therapeutic communication stages based on Peplau's theory (acquaintance, identification, utilization of care planning and evaluation and conclusion) with prior coordination And it was done according to the treatment plan of corona patients. The data was analyzed through parametric and non-parametric statistical tests using SPSS version 22 software. Results: The average index of corona anxiety in the intervention group, respectively, decreased from 1. 95±, 0. 21 to 1. 6±, 0. 11 after the intervention. Also, the average resilience index in the intervention group increased from 1. 93±, 0. 46 to 2. 33±, 0. 28 after the intervention, and the results of the paired t-test showed that in the intervention group, compared to the control group, the corona anxiety, and resilience in the post-intervention stage had a statistically significant decrease, and the difference before and after the intervention group was more than the control group. Based on the results of the analysis of covariance, the difference between the two intervention and control groups in the post-intervention phase was statistically significant. Conclusions: Considering the impact of the communication therapy model based on Peplau's theory on anxiety and resilience, conducting educational interventions for the use of communication therapy by patients with chronic diseases and caregivers, as well as applying the results of communication therapy based on Peplau's method to The use of upcoming crises and epidemics is recommended.

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Introduction: The families of medical staff experience many psychological traumas in coronavirus crisis situations. Identifying and treating the most common family trauma's treatment staff and their defense mechanisms can help reduce their trauma. Methods: This research was conducted in terms of applied purpose and with a qualitative approach and interpretive phenomenological method. The research samples were saturated by selecting 22 members of the cadre family using targeted snowball sampling. Video telephone interviews were used to collect data. Interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis based on the model of Brown and Clark (2006). Results: The findings of the interviews were extracted and classified into three main themes of psychological trauma, adult defense mechanisms and immature defense mechanisms. Conclusions: Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the family of medical staff under the influence of critical conditions of coronavirus, have experienced a variety of psychological damage and according to their defense mechanisms, the necessary measures should be taken in this regard.

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Introduction: Adherence of home care nurses to ethical in care, while improving the quality of nursing care, also improves patient satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to explain of ethical competency in care at home. Methods: The qualitative content analysis study is conventional that was conducted in home health care centers in Tehran in 2020, With purposive sampling, 15 home health care nurses were selected and data were collected using semi-structured individual and in-depth interviews, sampling continue to data saturation and then, the analysis was performed by the method of conventional content analysis in accordance with Zhang's (2009) approach. Results: Content analysis of the data led to the extraction of the 187 cods, 23 subcategories, 5 categories and one theme of ethical in home health care that included five categories: Commitment in ethical practice, Ethical decision-making, Respect for patient rights, Care based on patient culture, and Maintaining patient autonomy. Conclusions: The findings of the study is ethical competency of home health care nurses, which contributes to practice nurses can assess their professional activity and completed and refined your practice, That the result is to improve the quality of care and increase patient, family and nurses satisfaction.

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Introduction: Nurses are exposed to work-family conflict due to their multiple professional and family responsibilities, which will have many negative consequences on their lives. Investigating related factors for proper planning is one of the priorities of nursing managers. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between happiness and self-efficacy with work-family conflict in nurses of teaching hospitals in Birjand. Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive study of the correlation type, the study population of which was nurses working in teaching hospitals in Birjand in the second half of 2019. 160 qualified nurses were included in the study through accessible sampling. In order to collect data, nurses' demographic information, Oxford happiness, Scherer's general self-efficacy and Carlson's work-family conflict questionnaires were used. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 19 statistical software and using descriptive and inferential statistical tests. Results: In total, 78. 1% of the research samples were female, 89. 4% were married, and 88. 8% were bachelors with an average age of 35. 69±, 5. 55 years. The total mean of happiness (37. 51 ±,8. 13) was on the average, self-efficacy (46. 11 ±,4. 59) was on the average and work-family conflict (43. 72 ±,5. 52) was on the average. The results showed that happiness and self-efficacy have a significant and inverse relationship with work-family conflict in nurses ((p<0. 001, r=0. 39) and (r=0. 26, p<0. 001)). Conclusions: The findings of the present study showed that nurses' self-efficacy and happiness are effective on their work-family conflict and it can be said that with the increase of nurses' self-efficacy and happiness, their work-family conflict decreases. Therefore, it is suggested that by improving the self-efficacy and happiness of nurses, it will provide the basis for reducing the complications of their work-family conflict.

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Introduction: Considering the sensitivity and importance of curriculum in better performance of roles and duties, as well as realizing the goals and missions of higher education, experts consider it necessary to conduct numerous studies to investigate and identify the weaknesses and strengths of the educational program. Methods: After searching the prestigious universities of the world, Griffith School of Nursing and Midwifery, considering that the second rank in the world, the first rank in Australia for the field of nursing in 2021, the top rank of Excellence in Research Australia in 2018 and in the ranking Shanghai, ranked second, was selected for study, and the research was conducted in a descriptive-comparative manner and in four stages of description, interpretation, comparison, and comparison using the Brady model. Results: Comparing the philosophy, vision, and mission of both curriculums showed that they have similarities and the difference between the philosophies is that in Iran it emphasizes on scientific authority, comprehensive independence, comprehensive approach and participation in team work, but in Griffiths it emphasizes the use of It emphasizes world-leading research approaches as well as the development of culturally safe care. In Iran, the emphasis is on minimizing the mortality of critically ill patients, but in Griffiths, the emphasis is on increasing international fame. The mission in Iran is to train graduates to improve nursing care for patients in need of special care, reduce mortality and use their opinions in health system policy making, but the curriculum of Griffith University did not have a mission. Other unrelated centers were included, but Griffith University focused on intensive care. The way of accepting students in Iran is through the national entrance examination of the Ministry of Health and it is done on a daily and international basis, and there is no need for a valid language score, while at Griffith University, there is no need for an entrance exam, and only work experience and an academic language score are required. be The conditions for continuing education in Iran are such that, in addition to nursing, fifteen other unrelated fields can be chosen, while in Griffiths, in addition to nursing doctorate, they can also choose advanced nursing master's degree. . Conclusions: The presence of work experience in the hospital for admitting students, using evidence-based nursing care in the hospital, part-time courses, planning courses with the aim of training faculty and holding online classes can increase the strength of the educational program of this course in Iran.

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Introduction: Nurses play an effective role in providing health services to the community, so the curriculum of this field has special importance in preparing students to fulfill this important mission and should be continuously revised in alignment with the educational system and the needs of the community in this regard. A comparative comparison with similar curricula in prestigious universities is one of the methods used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each. curriculum. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the MSc curriculum of Iranian Internal Surgery Nursing and The University of Pennsylvania in the United States. Methods: This comparative review was conducted in 1401. First, according to the ranking of nursing schools in the world, a top-ranking university (Pennsylvania School of Nursing) was identified by searching the QS. COM website, and the required information was collected and compared using the Bereday model. Results: The findings showed that The Iranian Nursing Program and the Pennsylvania School of Nursing have commonalities and differences. In Pennsylvania, decentralized acceptance, having a condition GPA and work experience, and the existence of background are necessary, but in Iran, only having a bachelor's degree and participating in the entrance exam of the Ministry of Health is enough), the nature of the field (in Pennsylvania with an emphasis on the development of clinical decision-making experts and nursing leader about cultural diversity and global attitude and in Iran is the training of clinical experts in the field of disease care)Outlook( In Pennsylvania, the change and impact on improving the quality of nursing and being superior in Iran are in the international level)The content of the courses (in Iran and Pennsylvania the content of the courses is largely similar, but the number of courses in Iran is 32 units and in Pennsylvania, the total units in the two acute and primary programs are 24 units, the Iran program has 4 thesis units but Pennsylvania does not have thesis ). Conclusions: Comparing the U. S.-Iran curriculum shows that the U. S.-Iran curriculum has similarities in the content of the curriculum and objectives in general, but like the field, mission, vision, and acceptance of students in Iran, the U. S. curriculum prepares students for leadership and management in clinical settings with an emphasis on change and effectiveness and with a global perspective on the development of students and in accepting students. Psychological problems, educational history, and background have received special attention, which is one of their strengths.

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Introduction: Occupational burnout leads to inappropriate physical and psychological results and eventually leaving the job, especially during public health crises and pandemics of infectious diseases such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). On the other hand, rotating shifts are considered as one of the most important stressful factors in jobs with shift work. The sleep-wake cycle is affected in these occupations, and there is a direct relationship between circadian rhythms (morning/evening) that are individual characteristics, with this cycle. Methods: This study is considered as a cross-sectional, correlational-descriptive research in which 130 nurses caring for COVID-19 patients in Khorram Abad Hospital were selected by convenience sampling method and included in the study based on the inclusion criteria. The participants completed the demographic information form, Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) and The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The collected data were analyzed by SPSS version 16. 0. Results: Most of the samples were female whose age average and standard deviation was 36. 75±, 8. 60 years. According to the results, the average score of the frequency and severity of burnout in the dimension of emotional exhaustion (27. 77±, 12. 30 and 32. 82±, 8. 59, respectively) and in the dimensions of depersonalization was (15. 64±, 4. 88 and 19. 05±, 7. 22 respectively) was in the high range and in the dimension of personal success (24. 58±, 5. 14 and 32. 98±, 10. 61) it was in the medium range. According to the results, no significant relationship was observed between the frequency and severity of burnout among nurses with their circadian type, but the mean score of the frequency and severity of occupational burnout among nurses who did not adapt to shift work and circadian rhythm was significantly higher than that of nurses who had this adaptation. (P<0. 05). Conclusions: In this study, nurses caring for COVID-19 patients had a high level of occupational burnout, and non-compliance of shift work with the circadian rhythm was associated with more occupational burnout in nurses. Therefore, it is suggested to pay attention to the adaptation of the day and night shifts of the nurses, especially in the public health crisis and the epidemic of certain diseases, which is accompanied by an increase in the work pressure of the nurses.

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